Almost everything Jesus said was astounding.
We shouldn’t be surprised at this because of who made the statements and what He was talking about. Jesus was the Son of God who gave us principles for the Kingdom of God.
People who talk about the facts of this life often make unusual or impactful statements, but even then they seem common sensical.
But Jesus talked about the kingdom that is not of this world.
He gave many astounding teachings. Here are three that are found in the Sermon on the Mount.
First, Jesus taught that religious practices are for God rather than for other people. He told his followers that their fasting should be a picture of joy and happiness. Many people of Jesus’ day fasted to be seen of others and considered pious. Jesus taught His followers to practice their piety for God alone. Therefore, they should wash their face and put on a smile.
Anything done for God produces joy and happiness. Instead of seeking to be seen as pious and observant, Jesus wanted His followers to be seen as joyful.
Second, Jesus asserted that real treasure is heavenly and not earthly. He led His followers to seek to lay up treasure in heaven. He knew we needed to redirect our hearts toward heavenly things. Setting our minds on earthly riches makes an idol of them; setting our minds on heaven makes us consider true values.
Third, Jesus told his followers to guard their eyes because the eye is the lamp of the body. What you set your eye on will determine how you live. Jesus said “if your eye is sound your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is not sound your whole body will be full of darkness” (Matthew 6:22–23).
A sound eye is open to God, but an unsound eye distrusts.
Jesus came to show people what real living is. He called people to live heavenly principles even while we are on earth.
The principles He gave us are the principles of the kingdom of heaven. When we seek His teaching and follow His way we experience the best this life has to offer and we have the way opened to the kingdom that is eternal.
Each day I write about the principles of the kingdom. If you would like to receive each of my daily blogs, you can sign up for your free copy at