By Staff, Baptist Message
Lifted up by the prayers of thousands from across Louisiana, the nation and even the world, Rose Landry Long’s family sought God’s intervention.
Doctors at MD Anderson did what had previously been said could not be done — they removed a large tumor from her brain.
When Rose Long, the wife of State Sen. Gerald Long, first learned of the diagnosis, she knew she was facing the battle of her life. The Long family did the only thing they knew to do … they put the situation in God’s Hand and asked for intervention through prayer.
The response has been humbling. And now, her family is expressing their heart-felt gratitude for the many who did pray.
“To say we have felt the prayers would be a gross understatement,” said Pam Long Jordan, daughter of the Longs, who are members at First Baptist Church in Natchitoches and strong supporters of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Northwestern State University.
Doctors discovered a pair of tumors following a PET scan on June 1 but were hesitant to operate. They finally operated on June 16.
“Our first neurosurgeon at MD Anderson was not able to perform the surgery in the time we wanted, so the chief of neurosurgery at MD Anderson took Mom’s case and removed the larger tumor,” Jordan continued. “We know the orchestration of having her surgery done by the most capable hands was a result of all the prayers. Mom maintained and still continues to have complete peace, joy and strength. This we know comes from the Lord.”
Andrea Long Phillips, another of her daughters, said her mother is “doing so well following her surgery.” She will spend the weekend with other family members at the beach in Galveston, Texas, before meeting with oncologists at MD Anderson for follow-up radiation and chemotherapy. The radiation treatment is expected to take place for six weeks.
The chemotherapy will last longer.
Phillips said continued prayers are appreciated in the coming weeks. “God is using this difficult situation to bring glory to His name. Mom has shared Christ with so many during her ordeal.”
“The people mom witnessed to and came in contact with while at MD Anderson was just unbelievable,” Jordan said. “She talked to everyone about the peace, joy and strength the Lord gave her.”
Jordan recalls one example of God’s handiwork during a pre-operation brain mapping. As her young Hindu doctor was preparing her for the procedure, Mrs. Rose was witnessing to her.
“As only God could orchestrate someone who was like an aunt to this doctor, had given her a Bible and urged her to read it and find out about Jesus,” she said. “And that is just one of many stories of her impact in the few days she was at MDA.
“Glioblastoma is a scary cancer,” Jordan continued. “It is extremely aggressive and it likes to grow new tumors in the brain. We covet the prayers for healing for our mom. But more than that, we want God’s Will to be done through Mom’s battle with Glioblastoma. Please continue to pray for healing after surgery so we can begin radiation in a timely manner.”