By Norm Miller, LCNews
PINEVILLE (LCNews) – Louisiana College will host a “God in the Workplace” conference March 19-20 led by Richard Blackaby. The March 19 session will be in the Martin Performing Arts Center at 6 p.m., and is free and open to the public.
Additional keynoters include Doug Hunter of Doug Hunter, LLC, and two local businessmen: Dallas Hixson of Hixson Automotive Group and Jeff Draughon of Draughon and Bollinger, LLC.
Son of Henry Blackaby – author of “Experiencing God” – Richard is noted internationally for his books, blog, and conferences on several facets of the Christian life that include the intersection of a Christian’s faith and occupation.
“When Jesus called the 12 disciples, many of them owned and operated businesses as tradesmen and commercial fishermen,” said Rick Brewer, president of Louisiana College. “And Jesus is still calling business people to follow him as disciples regardless of their occupation.”
Brewer said the conference will “help everyone from the receptionist to the CEO learn how best to accomplish God’s will at work. No matter how qualified for their jobs, those attending this conference will better understand what the Bible says about integrating their Christian faith and their occupation, and will be equipped to answer questions often posed to Christians on the job.”
“For me, God in the workplace is just an extension of my relationship with Jesus. It’s not necessarily forced or intentional, it’s just being who I am in Him and it flows over to what I do,” Draughon said.
“With God removed from our society in so many ways, it is with great pleasure I get to speak about what God has done in my life and in our business. Christ is a part of every meeting, every decision, and I am convinced Christ has blessed us,” Hixson said. “I am looking forward to sharing my experiences with others in hopes they will invite Christ into their business.”
“Remembering that while Billy Graham was with us, he foresaw that the next great move of God would be in the marketplace. Now is the best time to move ahead and fulfill that vision,” Hunter said. The “largest unreached people group” are at work from 9 to 5, Hunter added, and that’s where “God’s ambassadors are already well-placed to introduce others to Jesus Christ.”
Concepts highlighting the conference will acknowledge that God is the owner of everything, including a Christian’s business, and that “Christians are called to be stewards of what is entrusted to them by God,” Brewer said. “Other emphases for business leaders will include the non-negotiable of integrity, a commitment to excellence, the importance of community, and the understanding that the most essential endeavor for Christians is to help build the Kingdom of God wherever they find themselves.”