By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer
MELDER – Jason Townley wakes up each Sunday with anxious anticipation about how God will move within the congregation of Pine Ridge Baptist Church.
Since January Townley has baptized more than 70 people of all ages and walks of life, and all wanting a new life.
“They basically are telling us we are tired of our way, we want a new way and that’s following Jesus,” Townley said. “It truly is amazing. Through the power of prayer and preaching the truth of the Word of God we have seen the power of the Holy Spirit time after time draw people to Himself. We never want it to end and believe that it doesn’t have to end.
“What’s amazing to us is that every Sunday God is bringing new people to Pine Ridge Baptist Church and we are seeing many of them come to Jesus,” he said. “People are looking for a place where the presence of God is and that’s what we pray for at Pine Ridge Baptist Church.”
Changing lives at Pine Ridge Baptist Church ‘one family at a time’ is what Kloee Martin and her husband Brett experienced.
During their first year of marriage they were on the verge of divorce.
However, hearing God’s Word as Townley counseled them one on one, both Kloee and Brett declared Christ as Lord and Savior.
“When we were young, we did not know completely what this world versus what being saved from our sin meant,” Kloee said. “We do now and we both were baptized July 17, 2016.
“With my son Rafe in my belly and my husband watching I was baptized, and I watched my husband Brett get baptized right after me. It was one of the best feelings,” she said. “Praise the Lord!”
Like the Martins, Joe White’s life took a turn in the right direction after an encounter with God at Pine Ridge.
For weeks Townley preached and for weeks God dealt with Joe, but he refused to take that step of faith.
While mowing his grass one afternoon, White finally stopped rejecting the Holy Spirit’s conviction and definitively said ‘yes’ to Jesus.
“It was like He was right there and said ‘Joe, it’s you that’s holding back,’” he recalled. “I asked my daughters for Brother Jason’s number, and I didn’t tell anyone what I was going to do.
“The second I got his number, I contacted him and told him I was ready and he spoke to me about my salvation,” he continued. “That evening, we were at my grandson’s baseball game, and there was no better feeling than to share with my family that I would spend eternity in Heaven. My life has changed forever and I’m thankful that the Lord never gave up on me.”
The movement of God at Pine Ridge Baptist Church began a few years ago, when the pastor felt led to have old-fashioned prayer meetings Wednesday nights.
Pine Ridge Baptist Pastor Jason Townley prepares to baptize his cousin, Edwin, during a recent service.
The men meet and pray together, so do the ladies and even the youth – all asking God to save souls.
Then they “put feet” to their prayers and go out weekly to tell people about Jesus.
Townley said revival has been spreading throughout the church and that has led to an awakening in the community.
He said each week people are declaring their need for Christ and for baptism and Sunday morning attendance has grown.
When Townley became pastor in 1993, just a handful of members came on a typical Sunday. He said now attendance is about 300.
Townley said he is grateful his congregation sees the value in not settling for the status quo, and the importance of reaching out to people with the love of Christ.
“Here at Pine Ridge Baptist Church we are growing as a result of prayer, preaching and pursuing people with Jesus on a day-to-day basis,” Townley said. “We have nothing to boast of but Jesus Christ and Him crucified and resurrected from the dead. It’s His power in us that makes the difference!
“We desperately want God’s Spirit to continually fill this place,” he added, “and His people to reach the lost and make disciples.”
Townley said his congregation’s mission is simply to see sinners saved by the grace of God and then prayerfully discipled to follow Christ.
“I have seen first-hand that all around us there are people starving for truth and many are wanting to be saved but don’t know how,” he said. “Recently we have reached adults and kids from 12 years old and upward that have never been to church a day in their life. We’ve witnessed so many that don’t even know John 3:16 or the 10 Commandments.
“God called me to Pine Ridge Baptist Church 23 years ago, but I have never seen the need as great as today for people to hear the Gospel,” Townley observed. “People need the Lord Jesus but how shall they hear if we don’t tell them?”
Changed lives are a reflection of the Great Commission mindset and ministry focus of Pine Ridge Baptist Church, Townley explained.
For instance, he said this summer members began an initiative to feed local and state police.
Young children put together gift bags with their handprints painted on them and the phrase “these hands back the blue,” he said. Already they have fed the entire Alexandria Police Department and are working to do the same for the police force in Glenmora, the Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office and local Louisiana State Police units.
“If we want our communities to listen to what we have to say then we must gain their respect again,” Townley said. “The way you get respect is you earn it.
“Sometimes we earn it by cooking or helping in whatever way our communities need, he said. “Once people know ‘how much we care’ then maybe they will ‘care how much we know’” Townley said, repeating a famous axiom of UCLA coach John Wooden who won 10 NCAA basketball championships using the philosophy.
“I thank God for a church family that is willing to get out there among real people in a real world, pointing people to Jesus,” he exclaimed. “If our churches don’t bring the message outside the four walls of the building then churches will die and dying is no fun.
“Jesus came so that we could have LIFE, and that we could have it more abundantly,” Townley said, recalling John 10:10. “He gave his life so we could give our life in order that others may have life!”