By Staff, Baptist Message
RICHMOND, Va. –During the Feb. 28-March 1 trustee meeting of the International Mission Board, trustee chairman Rick Dunbar named a 16-person president search committee to name a replacement for David Platt who announced Feb. 12 his intention to resign but to stay on board during the search for his successor.
The president search committee will be led by Chuck Pourciau, pastor, Broadmoor Baptist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana, committee chair; and Andy Davis, pastor, First Baptist Church, Durham, North Carolina, committee vice-chair.
Other members include David Sills, professor, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, president, Reaching & Teaching International Ministries, and, member, Ninth & O Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky; Lisa Lovell, physical therapist, and, member, First Baptist Church, Fayetteville, Arkansas; Ken McLemore, missions pastor, Liberty Baptist Church, Hampton, Virginia; Nancy Patrick, licensed school psychologist, professor of special education, and, member, Living Legacy Church, Hershey, Pennsylvania; Will Payne, FCA campus director, Syracuse University, and, member, Central Baptist Church, Syracuse, New York; and, Seth Polk, pastor, Cross Lanes Baptist Church, Cross Lanes, West Virginia.
The committee also includes Bill Ricketts, retired, and, member, Prince Avenue Baptist Church, Athens, Georgia; Tim Simpson, pastor, Greenridge Baptist Church, Clarksburg, Maryland; Cindy Snead, clinical laboratory scientist, and, member, North Phoenix Baptist Church, Phoenix, Arizona; Derek Spain, executive pastor, Hebron Baptist Church, Dacula, Georgia; Susan Bryant, Kentucky WMU president, and, member, Graefenburg Baptist Church, Waddy, Kentucky; Rick Dunbar, a physician, and, member, First Baptist Church, Madison, Mississippi; and Robert Welch, pastor, Rock Hill Baptist Church, Brownsboro, Texas. Duane Ostrem, an IMB field leader, will serve as a non-voting member to provide perspective from the mission field.
The search committee is receiving names for consideration at