By Message Staff
ALEXANDRIA/PINEVILLE – More than 5,600 turned out for the third annual Louisiana Life March Central Saturday, Feb. 3.
Men and women, young and old, from various denominations and races joined together to make the journey from the Louisiana College campus in Pineville to the amphitheater in downtown Alexandria.
Speakers included several Louisiana Baptists, such as Brian Gunter, pastor of First Baptist Church, Pollock, and U.S. Rep. Ralph Abraham, a member of Alto Baptist Church. Also speaking to the crowd was Baptist Message Editor Will Hall, his wife, Catherine, and their son, Jacob.
Louisiana College baseball players declare they choose life. Brian Blackwell photo
The Louisiana Life Marches are a chance for different denominations, ages and ethnic and racial backgrounds to march together and pray to declare their opposition to the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in 1973.
The theme for this year’s marches was “Every Life Deserves A Lifetime.”
The Baptist Message will publish an expanded story later on this Life March and the North and South marches held in late January.