by Norm Miller, LCNews
PINEVILLE (LCNews)–Louisiana College’s inaugural C3 Conference April 8 will focus on the necessity for Christians to discern among the world’s competing philosophies, and to proclaim the superlative character of biblical truth.
“In a culture where truth claims are as variant as they are plentiful, there has never been a more critical need for the singularly exclusive truths of Christianity to be taught and told,” said Rick Brewer, president of Louisiana College.
Featuring a professor and a pastor, LC draws keynote speakers from the academy and the church for the conference, which is part of the college’s Great Commission Seminar.
Rhyne Putman, assistant professor of Theology & Culture at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, will present a biblical view of sexuality with his topic: “Identity & Faithfulness in a Gender-Confused Culture.”
Rhyne Putman, assistant professor of Theology & Culture at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, will present a biblical view of sexuality with his topic: “Identity & Faithfulness in a Gender-Confused Culture.”
“Sexuality is one of those issues that Millennials naturally feel very different about than previous generations. We are the grandchildren of the sexual revolution,” Putman said. “Sex outside of marriage is so normalized in our cultural programming, as is every sexual preference under the sun. The problem, even for many Christians, is that it is easy to be guided by feelings rather than reason or the authority of Scripture on these matters. Now, more than ever, young believers need to be equipped to engage with the voices of opposition.”
Chuck Pourciau, senior pastor of the Broadmoor Baptist Church, Shreveport, will note the harmony of the Bible and Science as a tool for contending for the Christian faith.
“Since God is the author of both the Bible and creation, we shouldn’t fear comparing them,” Pourciau said. “Science and history continue to confirm what the Bible has already told us.”
LC’s C3 Apologetics Conference is for “all Christians serious about engaging the culture by fulfilling the Great Commission and Great Commandments,” Brewer said. “Those attending the conference will be challenged and encouraged regarding the reasonableness of the Christian faith, and motivated to use that knowledge to introduce others to the one who is ‘the way the Truth and the life.’”
Open to the public, the half-day conference will be held in LC’s Bolton Chapel, 8:30 a.m. to noon. Admission is free.