By Brian Blackwell, Baptist Message staff writer
ALEXANDRIA, La. (LBM) – Churches around the state heeded a challenge to share John 3:16 on March 16 and saw the Holy Spirit move through messages, mission activities and crusades.
Designated as a day for all Louisiana Baptist pastors to preach John 3:16, the initiative aimed to catalyze soul winning across the state. Leading up to March 16, congregations were encouraged to follow a special 16-day prayer guide, beginning on March 1, and included a Bible verse to reflect on for each of three recommended times to pray (morning, noon and evening). Louisiana joined other state Baptist conventions for the effort, which were coordinated through the North American Mission Board.
Beauregard, Big Creek, Eastern Louisiana and Ouachita Baptist Associations were among those groups who scheduled evangelistic outreaches throughout the month to coincide with the special day.
“I am thankful for every pastor and church participating in John 3:16 day,” Louisiana Baptist Executive Director Steve Horn told the Baptist Message. “The innovative and specific ways that individual churches decided to promote the day was inspiring to see.
“A few things that I genuinely believe were captured in this day. First, prayer is essential for all that we do evangelistically. This emphasis helped us to intentionally pray for the lost. Second, we always do better when we prepare. Churches, who prepared well for the day, saw the greatest results. Third, people will come to our churches when we personally invite them to come. The 3:16 emphasis presented us with a specific reason to invite people to come.
“Now, we must take these principles and incorporate them every week. Let’s keep building a culture of evangelism in Louisiana.”
Trinity Baptist Church, Oak Grove, was among the churches that reported decisions for Christ because of the” 3:16 on 3/16” initiative. After Pastor Courtney Rainey presented his message, the Holy Spirit convicted a high school senior about his need for a Savior and another came forward during a service that evening.
Rainey also baptized two new converts during the morning service.
“This was a reminder that God is still saving souls,” he said. “We need to be faithful to tell others that they need Jesus and lead them to the cross. God is good.”
For its part, Calvary Baptist Church, Alexandria, continued its four-week series on the passage and afterward hosted 50 middle and high school girls to celebrate the truth of John 3:16 and discuss what a believer’s response is to God’s love for His people. Women ranging from college age to senior adults spent time intentionally loving on and modeling for them what it means to serve others out of a love for Christ. They also served them a meal and led “serve stations” in which the girls had the opportunity to practice serving one another in love.
“Students learned because God so loved them, they should love and serve others,” said Payton Malone, girls student ministry associate at Calvary Baptist.
At First Baptist Church, Pineville, members turned in more than 450 names of lost friends and family the prior Sunday. The members then prayed for them throughout the week and issued an invitation to join them for church. Pastor Stewart Holloway said decisions for Christ were made in multiple Sunday school classes and many Gospel seeds were planted.
“Both responded with heartfelt concern for their friends and family who need Christ,” Holloway said. “It was amazing to watch everyone bringing forward their prayer cards last week and encouraging to hear their comments after our service today.”