By Louisiana Right to Life
NEW ORLEANS – The number of abortions performed in Louisiana dropped 8 percent from 2017 to 2018, and the abortion rate is at a 10-year low, according to numbers provided by the Louisiana Department of Health.
Unofficially, 8,048 abortions were performed in Louisiana in 2018. In 2017, 8,706 unborn babies were killed by abortion.
This is the fourth consecutive year abortion numbers have fallen in Louisiana.
While the total number of abortions has been made available, breakdowns on things such as gestational age of the baby, age of the mother, and race of the mother have not yet been released.
“Every baby lost to abortion is a tragedy, but we can celebrate the 658 babies alive today who might have been aborted in 2017,” said Benjamin Clapper, executive director of Louisiana Right to Life. “We believe our nation is waking up more every day to the injustice of abortion, and these numbers show the continued statewide and national trend toward life. We celebrate all those in the pro-life movement who offer support to pregnant moms before and after birth and those who help them choose life. We will continue to work until every baby is protected by law and welcomed with love.”