PINEVILLE (LBM) – Louisiana College will welcome more than 800 fourth through sixth graders, Aug. 24, for a day of games, worship and Gospel opportunities at PreTeen Invasion.
The annual evangelism conference for this age group will feature messages by Keith Badgett, children’s pastor at the First Baptist Church in Jenks, Oklahoma, and music by The Crowe Brothers from Franklinton.
This year’s theme is “GO,” based on Matthew 28:19.
David Anderson, children’s ministry strategist for Louisiana Baptists, told the Baptist Message that PreTeen Invasion has become the “go-to event” to celebrate the start of another school year.
“This is the 9th year for PreTeen Invasion and it is always a great day,” Anderson said. “We see young people from across our state make decisions for Christ and others go away challenged to take the Gospel to their neighborhoods. This year we will be very intentional about what it means to go. This has become a great way to kick off an amazing year in preteen ministry in our local churches.”
Registration is underway: The $35 per person fee includes a t-shirt if postmarked by July 19, but not after this date. Check-in will begin at 8 a.m., with the event starting at 9 a.m. and ending at 3 p.m. More information, including a registration form, can be found at