By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer
ALEXANDRIA – Some members of the Louisiana Baptist Convention state mission services staff will be taking on new roles early next year.
Stacy Morgan, church administration strategist for Louisiana Baptists, will transition to the role of Cooperative Program and stewardship strategist and Jeff Ingram, adult ministry strategist for Louisiana Baptists, will remain in his current role while absorbing Morgan’s church administration strategist duties in early January.
The changes were approved by the LBC Executive Board.
Both men told the Baptist Message they eagerly anticipate their respective new responsibilities.
“I’m looking forward to responding to pastors, staff and the church’s needs in this critical area of church administration,” Ingram said. “I’ll be providing resources for churches regarding church administration. Specifically, this may include the church ministry assistants’ conference, church tax seminar, staff compensation research, as well as resources to help churches develop safety policies and marriage policies. I also will be responsible for the annual luncheon for retirees and bi-vocational pastors.”
Morgan said he is excited about promoting the Cooperative Program to the more than 1,650 churches of the Louisiana Baptist Convention.
“The thing that distinguishes Southern Baptists from other Baptists is we cooperate together in fulfilling the Great Commission,” Morgan said. “Considering we are a Convention where the overwhelming majority of congregations are under 125 in worship attendance, the Cooperative Program allows those churches to have a significant impact on the world through giving to this endeavor. Even a very large church would find it difficult to fund more than one missionary overseas or one church planter or have a camp or college or seminary. But when we put all of our resources together we can fund those things and they are tools that help us accomplish the Great Commission.”