Ida photo gallery Sept. 3, 2021 September 5, 2021 A Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief feeding team prepared food to serve at First Baptist Church in Mandeville.A North Carolina Disaster Relief trailer was parked at First Baptist Church in New Orleans.Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief trailers were stationed at Bayou Vista Baptist Church in Morgan City.First Baptist Church in Pollock members delivered food and supplies to Gulf Coast Baptist Church in Golden Meadow.Louisiana State Rep. Gabe Firment, Gulf Coast Baptist (Golden Meadow) Pastor Shane Terrebonne and (First Baptist Pollock Pastor Brian Gunter stood near a sign advertising free food at Gulf Coast Baptist. Firment also is a member at FBC Pollock.An Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief trailer was stationed at Bayou Vista Baptist Church in Morgan City.Billy Pilgrim and Kevin Boles of First Baptist Church in Pineville began their journey to deliver Hurricane Ida relief supplies to south Louisiana.An Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief team member sorted through equipment at Bayou Vista Baptist Church in Morgan City.Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief team members prepared for a day of ministry to Hurricane Ida evacuees at Bayou Vista Baptist Church in Morgan City.An Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief trailer was stationed at Bayou Vista Baptist Church in Morgan City.Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief team members checked electrical equipment at Bayou Vista Baptist Church in Morgan City.An Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief team members ministered at Bayou Vista Baptist Church in Morgan City.An Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief team member looked on at Bayou Vista Baptist Church in Morgan City.