By Waylon Bailey, Pastor FBC Covington
I am praying for law enforcement officers, and I hope you are too.
One of the law-enforcement families I know lives out of my area. Like so many others, they are struggling with this unprecedented time in American history.
As I think of these families, I am having difficulty imagining what they are saying to family members and to children in particular.
How can we help?
First, we need to thank and encourage those who serve. Because of the shameful way some Americans have treated military personnel, we have learned to acknowledge and thank those who serve in the military.
It’s now time to do the same with those who serve in law-enforcement.
The greatest demonstration I have seen of this occurred at the funeral for Martha’s nephew who was killed in Afghanistan.
We watched as a group of freedom riders made it their personal responsibility to make sure that protesters or others would not be able to get close to the family. Though there was no disturbance of any kind, their presence – – one of thankfulness and encouragement – – blessed the family.
We can do the same for law-enforcement people around us. A hand shake, a nod, or a thank you will probably give the encouragement that these men and women need.
Second, we can cover them in prayer. Almost all of us know someone personally who serves in law enforcement. Make it your responsibility to pray for them and to do so specifically. Learn the names of their spouses and children and pray for them as well.
We can be people who pray and who seek God’s favor on these men and women.
We can hope and pray that the American people will rise up as one to condemn what is happening in America in these days. We can also pray that God would shorten the tribulation we are experiencing.
Finally, speak out about injustice of any and every kind. God is a God of justice and mercy. He wants us to be like Him. It is time for “justice to roll down like water and righteousness as a mighty stream” (Amos 5:24).
While we can’t do everything, let us be faithful in doing well what we can do.