By Message Staff
DEVILLE – Grace works.
That’s the simple yet life-changing message evangelist Ken Freeman shared with a roomful of students and adults Wednesday night, Jan. 18, at Philadelphia Baptist Church.
Citing 1 Corinthians 15:10, Freeman said grace works for us, in us and through us.
“Grace is a gift,” Freeman said. “Grace is getting what we don’t deserve. Grace is God’s riches at Christ’s expense.”
A product of God’s saving grace, Freeman shared with the students how he accepted Christ during a lonely time in his life. The son of an absentee father and alcoholic mother, Freeman felt as if his life was out of control.
He even accepted a friend’s invitation to church 50 years ago, only as a means to meet girls.
He found Jesus. And his life has never been the same.
For more than 30 years, Freeman has shared the Gospel at more than 3,000 churches and seen more than 200,000 individuals make a decision for Jesus, including 134 who responded to the Holy Spirit during a revival he conducted last October at Tioga High School.
Wednesday at Philadelphia Baptist’s Deville campus, another 16 responded to Freeman’s message about Christ.
“I say salvation is the greatest of all miracles,” Robertson said. “When you see anyone come to know Christ you witness the greatest miracle ever. He has an incredible gift of connecting with students and it’s amazing God uses him in that capacity.”
The Philadelphia Baptist praise team leads a time of worship Jan. 18.