By Message staff
ALEXANDRIA, La. (LBM) – Louisiana Baptist college students gathered on June 3 to finalize details before embarking for GOLA summer missions in the state and beyond.
Now, in its 14th year, GOLA (Go Louisiana) VBS is an emphasis by the Louisiana Baptist collegiate ministry that allows college students to serve on teams who spend the summer sharing God’s love through what is the largest evangelistic outreach – Vacation Bible School — of the year for many congregations.
Churches in which the teams conduct a VBS normally have low baptisms and would have trouble coordinating such an event without the help of the GOLA VBS team.
Two teams that will comprise five college students on each will serve at churches around the state, June 4-July 16. Another team of six students will conduct VBS in Wyoming, June 9-July 31, while another team of students will serve in Costa Rica, June 21-28. One student will serve as a church staff apprentice in Louisiana.
Additionally, the state’s 15 BCMs will provide many more to serve as interns, camp personnel, church staff and international mission board missionaries.
GOLA strategist Ashley Jones said students who serve on GOLA teams are a blessing to both students and churches alike.
“A lot of churches wouldn’t have VBS without these teams,” she said. “Our students are excited to pour into the churches and this will encourage new leaders to step up. Please pray that God gives the students wisdom and boldness in sharing the Gospel.”
Micah Ardizzone, a junior at Louisiana Christian University and member of Crossroads Church, Moss Bluff, will serve on the team in Wyoming for the second year.
“I’m excited to serve again,” he said. “Last summer I enjoyed meeting people and make connections to help where needed. I can’t wait to experience that again this year.”