By Message Staff
NEW ORLEANS – Newborn Elijah Kelly was on the brink on death just a week ago but the power of prayer has helped turn a seaming hopeless situation into one with promise.
Kelly, who is the grandson of Gulf Coast Baptist Association Director of Missions Steven Kelly, was born June 6 and weighed four pounds, 13 ounces. Two days later, the doctors diagnosed him with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a rare condition that left the newborn with only three of four chambers of his heart working properly.
Throughout the month, Kelly endured three open heart surgeries, a brain bleed, kidney dialysis and countless injections to help him in the fight of his young life at Children’s Hospital of New Orleans. Kelly even stopped breathing at one point, but the physicians and nursing staff were able to quickly resuscitate him.
Now, Kelly has taken a turn for the better.
Still critical, Kelly recently began to move his fingers, lift his hand and open his eyes. The condition of his kidney, brain and heart also have improved – all an answer to prayer for the thousands who have joined his parents, Adam and Ari, and other family and friends in this remarkable journey of faith.
“We have a miracle here,” Steven Kelly said. “I feel like God is using this beyond anything I have done.
“Everyone is pulling for him,” he continued. “This is something that by all human accounts should not be happening, but here we are as Elijah hangs on.”
Steven Kelly, pastor of Bayou Vista Baptist Church in Morgan City, said he has been amazed at the support the family has received through fundraisers, prayers and words of encouragement on the Elijah’s Miracle Facebook page.
His wife, Tammillee, has posted daily updates on the Facebook page. She has told the 2900 followers of the page of how God has performed a miracle that has provided a powerful testimony of His power in even the most difficult circumstances.
“God is using this medical event to strengthen our faith provide a message of hope when we feel hopeless,” she said. “I am in awe of the prayer support from the larger family of God. It is encouraging and helps us to continue to support our children as they face uncertainty.”