By Message Staff
CALHOUN – Revival has come to the First Baptist Church of Calhoun, after members began planning a lay renewal weekend October 12-14.
“Renewal first involves repentance,” said Pastor Neil Everett. “God has been convicting us of sin in our lives that we need to get right with him. As people have confessed and repented and gotten right with the Lord, we have seen an increase of power of Holy Spirit moving in our midst.”
Since July, a team of lay people within the church has met with the church staff to plan the weekend whose goal is to help Christ followers grow spiritually.
Once First Calhoun formed its team leaders, they recruited many individuals who previously did not hold leadership roles in the church. Subsequently, those volunteers are now more enthusiastic about involvement in future ministry opportunities.
Early on, the planning meetings became more than just discussing preparations for the weekend. Team members began sharing testimonies and praying together which led to personal spiritual renewal even though the weekend has not arrived.
Above all, prayer has been at the forefront for change within the members.
The church, which averages 250-300 for its Sunday morning worship, held a prayer walk outside the church building and blew the shofar after they completed their seventh lap around the facility on August 13. On September 10th, church members held a prayer walk inside its building and asked for the Holy Spirit to move inside each classroom. Members have also been challenged to pray at 6:20 p.m. each evening leading up to the lay renewal weekend.
“The times of prayer have led to a spirit of revival in many people at our church,” Everett said. “We’ve had a number of people come forward at the end of our worship services to repent of their sins. People are getting right within themselves, with others and with God. It’s spread throughout the entire church and we are anticipating what God will do with this lay renewal weekend.”
The lay renewal weekend is open to the public and will be led by lay people from throughout the South. It will include breakout sessions, testimonies and times of corporate worship. For more information, visit