By Carlos Meza
SHREVEPORT – During the Louisiana Baptist Convention Evangelism Conference in Ruston, I was challenged and encouraged to step up my pace in spreading the Gospel of Christ, especially by the messages of Gevan Spinney, pastor of First Haughton and also LBC president, and Evangelist Bill Britt, both calling us to be urgent in sharing the Good News.
That night I had borrowed a Gideon’s Bible from my room, and I did not realize how this seeming “chance” occurrence would provide a divine opportunity.
Carlos Meza
After the session and arriving at the hotel, the owner and his assistant were in the lobby – as if waiting for someone. They noticed the hotel Bible in my hands, and I explained how I had borrowed it for a meeting, and that piqued their curiosity about where I was from and why I was staying at the hotel.
This opened the door to share about my being a pastor and attending an evangelism conference “at the church with the big steeple” (Temple Baptist Church).
As we chatted, I sensed in my spirit, inspired by that night’s messages, the need to tell them about Jesus.
Seeking some common ground, I talked a little bit about what I knew of “Ghandi,” and used this part of our conversation as a jumping off point to share “about a Friend who is greater than he.”
They were eager to let me know that in their country, “We have many gods.” But they were so receptive when I told them that my Friend was the Son of the true God.
They showed real interest, and listened intently as I opened the hotel Bible and shared the Roman Road passages.
Their facial expressions changed as we progressed through the Scripture, reflecting a heart change in each – which was confirmed at the end of my presentation, when they repented and confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior.
The owner has since invited me back to visit with his wife to share the Gospel with her – all because of a hotel Bible and a call to be urgent in sharing the Good News.
As we approach the celebration of Christ’s resurrection this Easter, let me encourage you as Gevan and Bill encouraged me: Be urgent in sharing the Gospel (even with a hotel Bible)!
To God be the Glory!
Carlos Meza is pastor of Calvary Spanish Mission in Shreveport, Louisiana, and second vice president of the Louisiana Baptist Convention.