By Staff, Baptist Message
CROWVILLE — Joe Senn, the pastor of Crockett Point Baptist Church in Crowville, passed away today according to the church’s Facebook page.
“Please pray for our church. Bro. Joe Senn went to his heavenly reward this afternoon,” read the Facebook post. “Pray for his wife, Brenda and his children and grandchildren.”
Pastor Craig Beeman, pastor of First Baptist Winnsboro, and Bodie Spicer, pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Bastrop, confirmed Senn’s passing asking for prayers for him, his family and his church. Both men are trustees for the Louisiana Baptist Message.
“It appears Brother Joe passed away today,” said Beeman. “Pray for the Joe Senn Family. Also, please be in prayer for Crockett Point.”
Spicer added, “Praying for Crockett Point Baptist Church and for Brother Joe’s family.”
Crockett Point’s pastor for the past 16 years, Senn, a former evangelist, was preparing to lead revival services beginning Sunday at Mineral Springs Baptist Church in Dubach. He spent more than 30 years in ministry.
When Senn took over in 1990, the church had fewer than 100 people. But in 15 years, he has helped the congregation to more than 250 participating at Sunday morning worship.
In 2015, Crockett Point experienced a tremendous revival. A four-day revival meeting in early March turned into a 14-day movement of God that resulted in 197 people “walking the aisle” at the church, plus 60 more who did the same in two sessions at the local high school.
“I’ve been in ministry for 30 years and was in full-time evangelism for eight,” Senn was quoted in a Baptist Message article. “I’ve never seen anything close to what we had here.”
Since arriving in 1990, Senn has helped the congregation, which numbered fewer than 100 people to about 250 participating in Sunday Morning worship.
Senn served as the Louisiana Baptist Convention’s second vice-president and on ‘The Pledge’ leadership team.
Check back for further details.