By Joe Dupree
Message Staff Writer
FOREST HILL – A helping hand from a sister church help make Vacation Bible School one to remember.
More than 20 teenagers and adult volunteers from Kingsville Baptist Church in Ball helped to Forest Hill Baptist Church with its VBS recently.
“I believe this is one of our best VBS’s we have had here,” said George Marshall, pastor of Forest Hill Baptist Church. “Our people have really come together and having Kingsville help was such a blessing to us.”
Averaging 30 children throughout the week, Forest Hill Baptist began each day with worship rally where the children sang songs and watched a video on the day’s lesson. After worship, there was Bible study before the children rotated between crafts, recreation, snacks and missions.
One of the teenagers from Kingsville Baptist Church helps one of the children with a craft during Vacation Bible School at Forest Hill Baptist Church. Photo taken by Joe Dupree
Throughout the week, in the evening, the teens and college students from Kingsville would be there helping Forest Hill teach the children about Jesus and showing, by example, what it meant to come together for the sake of the gospel.
“This is what it’s all about. Larger churches helping smaller churches,” said Marshall. “When a church comes to help with VBS, it’s really great for us.”
And the congregation at Forest Hill didn’t mind sharing their appreciation for Kingsville extending a helping hand.
“The adults at the church [Forest Hill] said they were so appreciative of our teenagers coming in and helping with whatever they could,” said Steve Mears, youth pastor of Kingsville Baptist Church. “The actions of our guys spoke volumes to these adults and children and I just appreciate this group so much.”