North Korea’s Kim shows off banned missiles to Russian minister
Two Eritrean Christians mark 7,000 days in prison
Understanding Southern Baptist Convention data: Part two
By Chuck Kelley In my last blog, I shared the most important truth to keep in mind about official SBC data: The numbers are the numbers. A second important truth for which all Southern Baptists should be grateful is: The numbers are accessible. … [Read more...]
Ministry helps believers ‘start conversations’ with the lost
By Will Hall, Baptist Message executive editor ALEXANDRIA, La. (LBM) – “Soul winning is our goal,” Preston Condra told the Baptist Message when asked how best to describe his ministry. Condra, with his wife, Kelly, co-founded Sufficient Word Ministries “to edify, increase, and equip the church.” “We want to help train believers to start conversations in evangelism and to feel more equipped and confident in starting conversations which lead to winning people to the Lord,” he explained. He said the ministry focuses on “a gracious and easy” way for believers to engage others and “explain the Gospel simply and clearly.” The conversational approach focuses on three simple principles, he said: caring (ways to initiate natural, no-pressure conversations); clarity (about what to say); and confidence (to respond to questions with biblical answers). Condra said the methodology is as simple as seeking permission: “Can I ask you a question? It’s religious so it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it.” Then, asking something broadly spiritual such as “What do you think about the Bible?” If the conversation is positive at that point, “We take them right to the Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, and ask them ‘What do you think … [Read more...]
‘The Gospel Invitation’ seeks to revive soul winning
By Will Hall, Baptist Message executive editor FORT WORTH, Texas (LBM) – O.S. Hawkins and Matt Queen have pub[1]lished a primer for pastors about how to give “an effective, God honoring, public invitation, void of manipulation.” Queen spoke with the Baptist Message to share why he and Hawkins feel there is a need for such a renewed focus on intentional calls from the pulpit for repentance to salvation, and how their new book, “The Gospel Invitation,” addresses the need. “Churches are baptizing fewer people on the whole,” Queen underscored. “You go into some church services, and they don’t give an invitation.” Moreover, he revealed three primary reasons for the lack of an invitation: -- “There is a well- meaning discipleship culture that has put forth the idea that for someone to come to Christ they must spend a lot of time investing in a relationship over a long period of time,” he explained. “The idea of calling someone to immediately and publicly trust Christ conflicts with some discipleship views. -- “Some people associate a public invitation with Arminianism, and that is a theological conflict,” he observed. “Also, there have been past abuses in terms of manipulations. So, some well-meaning people are trying to … [Read more...]
ANALYSIS: It is time to stop digging the GCR hole!
By Ron F. Hale, special to the Baptist Message JACKSON, Tenn. (LBM) -- Will Rogers once quipped, “If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging!” Yet, the Southern Baptist Convention continues to toss spadeful after spadeful. Chuck Kelley is the president emeritus of and the distinguished research professor of evangelism with the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. While he was leading the seminary, he was the only SBC entity head who voted against the 2010 initiative called the Great Commission Resurgence. Now retired, he has provided keen analysis in his new book, “The Best Intentions: How a Plan to Revitalize the SBC Accelerated Its Decline,” that shows the Convention’s decline in every vital ministry measurement (membership, worship attendance, baptisms, church planting, and gifts through the Cooperative Program) since that centralization of power at the national level. Responsible leaders in business, military, and church know that one must always “inspect what you expect.” Kelley’s book successfully makes the case that the GCR has not met the expectations sold to Southern Baptists, and even more so, it has led to growing failure. DRAMATIC CHANGES The GCR report focused on … [Read more...]
Greg Laurie baptizes 4,500 at Pirate’s Cove Beach
SBC CP, designated giving up in June
By Will Hall, Baptist Message executive editor NASHVILLE, Tenn. (LBM) — The Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee released the June 2023 financial summary, July 6, reporting that gifts for the month to SBC causes through the Cooperative Program and via designated giving were up 6.05 percent and 6.45 percent, respectively, compared to June 2022. However, year-to-date figures showed both funding channels remained below 2022 levels. From October 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, total SBC CP contributions were 4.58 percent lower compared to the same timeframe for the last fiscal year. Likewise, combined designated giving was 2.57 percent less for the same months. Breaking out the two largest designated funds, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering continued to be down for the year (- 4.94 percent), while the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering moved into positive territory (+ 3.50 percent) for FY23. LBC Giving The national report showed giving by Louisiana Baptists to SBC causes in June was up 8.67 percent through CP and 10.33 percent for special offerings. Likewise, the year-to-date data revealed that Louisiana Baptist contributions through the CP and to designated offerings trended higher for both funding channels, 3.05 … [Read more...]
China prosecutes house church leaders as criminal ‘clique’
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