By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer ALEXANDRIA – The Every People Group Task Force met recently, continuing charting a plan on how Louisiana Baptists can reach those of various ethnicities in the state. James Jenkins, church planting director for Louisiana Baptists, said the charge of the task force is three-fold: ● Evaluate the ethnic diversity in Louisiana and its implications for Louisiana Baptists, ● Create avenues for input and involvement in LBC life by non-Anglo leaders and congregations, ● Lead Louisiana Baptists in effective engagement with ministry among all people groups in the state. The task force was appointed as a result of the President’s 2020 Commission, which was affirmed by messengers during the 2013 LBC Annual Meeting in Alexandria. The President’s 2020 Commission report was crafted collaboratively by 400 Louisiana Baptist pastors, leaders, staff members and laypeople working in 20 subcommittees of 20 members each. Ten “key actions in reaching our state” – known as KAIROS – were developed to engage two audiences – the next generation and every people group. As the first step in carrying out its charge, the Every People Group Task Force agreed to outline a missiology for the work … [Read more...]
God revealing Himself in new ways through The Gathering Place
News & Features By Hannah Fleming, Message Staff Reporter PINEVILLE – God is revealing Himself in a new way through The Gathering Place church. Glen Whatley, pastor of The Gathering Place, says God has changed his perspective on church. And in so doing, The Gathering Place has expanded and is now meeting in not one but two locations. “Two years ago in November, I attended a conference where the speaker spoke about becoming a ‘sending’ church,” said Whatley. “The idea was to always be looking to send people out to plant new churches in your area, state, or wherever.” Whatley said when the church outgrew its existing building he wanted to follow the traditional trend of most churches and just build a new building or, perhaps, relocate the entire church to a bigger location. “It was very satisfying to think about expansion in that way. It would have made me look successful and the church proud,” said Whatley. But as hard as it was for Whatley to let go of the old ways, God had spoken and he began to follow God’s Call. He first took the idea to the elders, who began to pray about it, and then it was brought before the congregation where the idea received 100 percent affirmation. Upon surrendering … [Read more...]
Mission awareness and activity once again focal point of M-JAM
LBC & SBC News By Staff, Baptist Message Several hundred GAs and Children in Action will come together to not only learn about missions but do missions together at the annual Mission Jamboree later this month. Known as M-JAM, the event is scheduled at two locations in the state. The schedule will be the same at both locations, which allows for youngsters in first through sixth grade and their leaders to attend M-JAM at the church closest to where they live. Williams Boulevard Baptist in Kenner is hosting the first M-JAM on March 14 while First Baptist Church in Minden is the site for the event on March 21. The Scripture basis for M-JAM is Mark 8:34. “M-Jam is a day of mission’s awareness and mission activity that builds on their faith foundations with a Gospel presentation, that introduces children to ‘real live’ missionaries, and gives them an opportunity to do missions activities with children from around the state,” said Jess Archer, children/youth mission education strategist for Louisiana Baptists. Maegan Bruce on March 14 and Andy Partington on March 21 will use music and interaction during the main celebration sessions to tell the missions story, engage those attending in missions and present the Gospel. Chance Fussell … [Read more...]
RA Congress provides boys a little taste of pioneer days
LBC & SBC News By Staff, Baptist Message WOODWORTH – Young men will get a taste of pioneer days at this year’s Royal Ambassador Congress. Starting and extinguishing a fire, how a yoke of oxen work together as a team and eating a meal out of a chuck wagon are among the activities planned for this year’s annual gathering of first through sixth grade boys. RA Congress begins March 27 and concludes the following day at Tall Timbers Conference Center. “There are moments growing up that have created “snapshots” on the memory banks of my mind,” said Mike Collie. “An RA campout is one of those snapshots. I believe this is one of those snapshot events.” While RA Congress will feature events unique to its theme “Take Me Back To Pioneer Days”, the weekend will also include traditional favorites such as pinewood derby and soapbox car races, archery, rope crafts, bb gun shooting, slingshots, hatchet throwing and presentations from missionaries. The missionaries coming this year include those from the North American and International Mission Board. The cost for RA Congress is average of $76.00 per person, based on multiple occupancy. To register, visit or contact Tall Timbers by phone at 318.445.6797 or … [Read more...]
DR Roundtables prepare teams to properly respond to crisis
LBC & SBC News By Brian Blackwell. Message Staff Writer RUSTON – Ever wanted to minister to victims of a hurricane, tornado or flood in the United States? Then March 21 may be that chance when Temple Baptist Church in Ruston hosts a Louisiana Baptist Disaster Relief roundtable. The roundtable offers one-day training for anyone interested in becoming a part of a Louisiana Baptist Disaster Relief team. Stanley Statham, a blue hat (unit director) for the disaster relief team for the Baptist Associations of Southeast Louisiana, said disaster relief training is important because it prepares church members to respond to those in crisis in an effective way. “Often when a disaster strikes people want to respond but lack the skills and knowledge to do so in an effective way,” said Statham, who also is director of missions for the association. “Responding to disasters gives every believer an opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ. James 1:27 states, Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction. “In the first century widows and orphans were the most vulnerable of society,” he continued. “Survivors of disasters are left in a vulnerable state and cannot pay back … [Read more...]
LBCH trustees briefed on adoption, foster care, construction progress
LBC & SBC News By Brian Blackwell. Message Staff Writer MONROE – Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home President and CEO Perry Hancock realizes the impact foster care and adoption has on children in the state. Currently, 45 foster homes are affiliated with the Children’s Home and are located in all areas of Louisiana. Hancock said the entity’s goal is to have hundreds of affiliated foster homes. To that end, the Children’s Home is looking for model churches in Shreveport and central Louisiana that would commit to establishing new foster care and adoption ministries. These model churches also could host monthly foster care and adoption support group meetings and possibly offer a parsonage not in use for a foster home. First Baptist New Orleans already is a model church for not only the New Orleans area but also the Northshore. The church’s Crossroads NOLA initiative promotes Christian foster care and adoption and provides support for Christian foster families in the New Orleans and Northshore areas. “When we at LBCH ask ‘where are the children who need us?’, foster care is one of the answers,” Hancock said. “With so many children in foster care (4,500), the opportunity to change lives is incredible. Louisiana Baptists could make a … [Read more...]
Movement by God has turned New Life into a healthy, growing church goes here
News & Features By Brian Blackwell. Message Staff Writer DERIDDER – Laughter of 25 little ones fills the room as Pastor Lynn Clayton walks into the children’s building at New Life Baptist Church. Not far away, a group of young adults huddles in a classroom for Bible study, enjoying the lesson and one another’s fellowship. But 12 years ago, the thriving children’s and young adult department were almost non-existent. Clayton had just come on the scene as interim pastor at the church while working as the editor of the Baptist Message. The church was averaging around 28 in Sunday morning attendance in what was at the time a mission of First Baptist Church in DeRidder. Then, God began to move in a mighty way. Within 18 months, they moved from mission status to a self-supporting church with 73 members. By 2008, the church had grown to the point where they needed a new worship center to accommodate what was now an average attendance of 100. Four years later the building was complete and today attendance on a Sunday morning ranges between 200 and 250. However, New Life Baptist is not done with making sure it adds more space to accommodate its growing congregation. This year the church plans to construct a building that will house 10 … [Read more...]
Level Ground uses park to minister, reach people
News & Features By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer NEW ORLEANS – Ever since opening Jesus Project Ministries soon after Hurricane Katrina devastated much of the city, Debra Hoffman had prayed for God to send godly men to partner with their ministry. Started in 2007, the ministry is in the Hollygrove neighborhood known for a reputation as poor, often-violent and home to rapper Lil ‘Wayne. Hoffman was thankful when six years later God sent Joshua Holland and his family to the neighborhood, who moved into a home one block away to plant a church, Level Ground. “For us it is important to us to work with churches like Josh’s to be established and rooted in the community,” Hoffman said. “We are committed to Level Ground being a successful church plant here. It’s a blessing the whole Southern Baptist Convention is committed to the inner city of America.” Before becoming pastor of Level Ground, Holland never even considered church planting. A native of Eastern Kentucky, Holland believed he would serve as a student minister for the rest of his career. But when he arrived to study at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, God began to change his plans. One of his classmates knew her pastor, Tommy Green of First Baptist Church … [Read more...]
Warden Burl Cain mulling possible run for governor
News & Features By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer St. Francisville – Burl Cain, who is the longest-serving warden of any prison in the U.S. and in the history of Angola itself, is mulling over the possibility of running for governor. His name has been mentioned by some in the state as a possible candidate but Cain has yet to committ to whether he will or not. Signs in support of his potential candidacy can be found around Louisiana and the Facebook page “We Want Warden Burl Cain La Governor 2015” has garnered nearly 1,700 likes so far. He said that April 15 is the latest date he would make a decision on whether or not to run. Cain said he has not received an answer from God but is praying about the decision. And he asks for Louisiana Baptists to pray for him as well. “It’s important to serve Him and look for His blessing and direction,” Cain said. “When you are not in God’s will, disaster occurs. No answer would mean I didn’t get an answer and I would stay here at Angola. “Either answer is okay with me because it’s about serving God,” he said. “It’s not about serving self.” Select ratingGive it 1/5Give it 2/5Give it 3/5Give it 4/5Give it 5/5 Ranking: 1 … [Read more...]
It’s time for participants to register for annual revival at Angola
LBC & SBC News ANGOLA – The annual revival at the Louisiana State Penitentiary is several months away but those wanting to participate in evangelistic efforts there must register by March 25. Every year, around 150 Louisiana Baptists participate in the opportunity to share the gospel with the 6,000 men, one-on-one, who are in the facility. Worship services also are scheduled to take place in the camp chapels on the prison grounds. This year’s revival begins at 3 pm on Friday, April 10 and ends at 3 pm on Saturday, April 11. Dinner on Friday and breakfast and lunch are provided on Saturday. Housing is provided as well in the state police training facility on the grounds to the first 100 men who turn in their Department of Correction clearance forms to the Louisiana Baptists Evangelism Office. Women may attend the worship services but cannot participate in the personal evangelism efforts in the camps. In addition, women must obtain housing in an area hotel. Everyone must complete a new Department of Corrections clearance form, even if participants turned in one last year. Forms must be emailed to or faxed to Dianne York’s attention by Feb. 25 to 318.445.0055. Anyone attending the revival should … [Read more...]