By Jerry Love, Director of Planned Giving ALEXANDRIA – The welcoming of new members, updates on investments and the approval of a motion to upgrade software highlighted the first quarterly meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Foundation Board of Trustees meeting Feb.7. INVESTMENT UPDATES Deville’s E.L. Paulk, chairman of the investment committee, began the morning session by having LBF Executive Director Wayne Taylor discuss his work with the Graystone Consulting to reallocate a portion of the Large Cap portfolio from active management to passive management, a move approved in October. Lee Morris, Investment Consultant with Graystone, reviewed the investment holdings and performance for the final quarter of 2016 and reported the US Domestic Equities as a whole ended the year strong after a rocky start to the year. In January, domestic equities were down by approximately 12%, then rallied to the point of being positive by a modest 2% before the election, and finished the year with a 12% gain. Portfolios that were actively managed, in general, were positioned for a presidential win by Clinton and lagged their benchmarks after the Trump victory. He said active management will likely continue to underperform passive … [Read more...]
Louisiana Notables
ON THE MOVE Lee James has resigned as music director at Homewood Baptist Church, Alexandria. Curtis (wife Kristy) Owens is the new pastor at Crockett Point Baptist Church, Crowville. Mickey Bounds resigned as pastor of Delhi First Baptist Church; now serving as interim pastor of Trinity Baptist Church, Oak Grove. HOMECOMING Fair Park Baptist Church, West Monroe: Anniversary Sunday, March 5. Pastor: Waymond Warren. REVIVAL New Hope Baptist Church, DeQuincy: Revival, February 26 – March 1. Service times: Sunday, 10:30 a.m., nightly, 6:30 p.m. Evangelist: Jason Townley, Music: Mackey Willis Family, Pastor: Roland Hebert. Vatican Baptist Church, Carencro: Harvest Sunday, Feb. 26, 11 a.m. Evangelist: Joe Aulds. Pastor: Chad Thibodeaux. Pine Grove Baptist Church, Pineville: Revival, Feb. 26- March 1, Evangelist: Lyndon Longoria. Special Music: Kerry Longoria. Pastor: Ken Gilmore. Bonita Road Baptist Church, Bastrop: Revival, March 5-8, Sunday 6 p.m.; Monday-Wednesday 7 p.m. Evangelist: Casey Johnson, (Sunday), Rubin Weaver (Monday), Craig Franklin (Tuesday), Gevan Spinney (Wednesday). Music: Tory DarDar Family. Pastor: Casey Johnson. Antioch Baptist Church, Farmerville: Remember, Rejoice & Reload … [Read more...]
Committee denies LC’s Warren’s edits for state’s new science standards
By Marilyn Stewart, NOBTS Communications NEW ORLEANS -- The state committee charged with writing new science standards for Louisiana schools has moved forward without the small edits lobbied for by Louisiana College biologist Wade Warren. Declined were edits no larger than two-word additions reflecting science information currently included in many textbooks such as the sudden appearance of body forms in the fossil record known as the “Cambrian Explosion.” The sudden appearance of fossil forms is viewed by some as problematic for the Darwinian idea of gradual change over large periods of time. “I think it was very clear there were no content answers for my content questions,” Warren said. “So, in that sense, it’s very disappointing, but not surprising.” Content standards, outlined in state law, are statements that define what a student should know or be able to accomplish at the end of a specific time period, grade level or at the completion of a course. A larger 86-member state committee convened as “work groups” throughout last fall to propose new set of standards to the 39-member Science Standards Review Committee, of which Warren is a member. The review committee met in New Orleans, Feb. 13., in a public … [Read more...]
Disaster Relief: Displaying the love of Christ through service
By Message Staff College students, retirees and church staff members are coming together to minister to those affected by tornadoes that devastated parts of Louisiana Feb. 7. Members of the Louisiana State University Baptist Collegiate Ministry teamed up with a church from Wyoming to work on three homes heavily damaged from the powerful storms in New Orleans East. Like previous disasters such as the August 2016 flood, the students stepped up again to help a hurting community. “This was another good reminder of how thankful I am for Southern Baptist Disaster Relief and BCM students,” said Sarah Farley, associate director for the BCM at LSU. “BCM students had the desire to help and Southern Baptist Disaster Relief provides the means to do so. The need is great here in south Louisiana both in New Orleans and still in Baton Rouge.” The disaster hit home for Ari Saravia, a sophomore at LSU. Her family’s home in Millerville took in 3 feet of water and when the opportunity to give back to someone in similar need was available, she signed up to help. “Being able give back today was fulfilling to say the least,” she said. “Hearing descriptions of the tornado, empathizing, picking up debris, tarping a roof, sharing a meal, … [Read more...]
Wood shares about “God’s grand story” during LC chapel
PINEVILLE (LC News) – Michael Wood had his own plans that never included living in Louisiana or becoming a pastor. But as Wood, who is pastor of First Baptist Church West Monroe, shared with students during the Feb. 9 chapel service at Louisiana College, God has His own plan for their lives. Furthermore, “never forget your position in God’s grand story.” Drawing from Psalm 78, Wood shared aspects of his ministry journey as he noted three leadership principles: make people a priority, be trustworthy and love others. “Become the best you can for God so people will see God’s work in you,” he said. Wood shared leadership principles, which include leading well begins by submitting well, leadership doesn’t start someday, it starts today, do not think of yourself more highly than you ought and leadership is not for wimps. Regarding pastoral ministry, Wood said, “The good days are better than I thought. And the hard days - harder than I thought. … If my heart is not captured by Christ, I will never love people or be trustworthy, and people will not be my priority.” … [Read more...]
Benton couple named state’s longest-married couple by Louisiana Family Forum
Baton Rouge – The Louisiana Family Forum has released the winner of its contest to name the state’s longest married couple. For the third year in a row, Lawrence and Varrie Player have received the honor. Louisiana Family Forum honored the Players during a reception at their home in Benton. The organization also honored Will Henry and Virginia Teasley of Bryceland as the runner-up. “We pause for a moment today to honor the Top 10 Longest Married Couples in our state,” Gene Mills, President of LFF, said in a news release. “Each have blessed this state with the heritage of long life and good health and they have built a legacy of faith and family. Incredibly, they remind us that true love takes time to fully mature! “Today we share their story of faithfulness to encourage a new generation that ‘happily married’ and ‘for a lifetime’ really do go together. LFF’s message is clear: Marriage can be a beautiful experience that endures for a lifetime!” Louisiana Family Forum dedicated the poem ‘An Ode to Old Love’ in the Players’ honor: Is there anything more beautiful in life than a young couple clasped hands, pure hearts on the path to marriage? Can there be anything more beautiful than young love? And the answer is … [Read more...]
Trust in the Lord, Friend says in first sermon since Feb. 7 tornado
By Message Staff NEW ORLEANS - Preaching for the first time since a Feb. 7 tornado destroyed his church building, Jeffery Friend said that God promises that when trouble comes, trusting in Christ is essential for being a shining light. "When trouble comes and since trouble has come, I ask you to do what Job did in chapter 13," said Friend from the pulpit at Gentilly Baptist Church. "I ask you to trust in the Lord." An EF3 tornado - the strongest ever recorded in New Orleans - destroyed Suburban Baptist Church, along with severely damaging homes of many of its members, including Friend and his wife, Stephanie. While Friend is unsure of when his congregation might gather again in its damaged building, he knows the church, damaged during Katrina and managed to come back, can do so again. For Friend knows what seems impossible to man is more than doable for God - giving hope to the hopeless -- which also happens to be the mission statement of Suburban Baptist Church. Until the church is rebuilt, they will continue to meet at Gentilly Baptist Church. "I'm going to have to give up my salary until we get healthy enough to function financially," Friend told the Baptist Message Sunday evening. "When you don't have a … [Read more...]
LC trustees unanimously pass resolution against ‘coercion’ of sexual politics
By Norm Miller, Louisiana College Communications PINEVILLE -- Louisiana College trustees unanimously passed and signed a resolution supporting the principles noted in the “Preserve Freedom, Reject Coercion” document on Jan. 31, 2017. LC President Rick Brewer was among the 75 initial signatories of the the “Preserve Freedom, Reject Coercion” document, which may be viewed here. The trustees’ resolution reads as follows: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Louisiana College Board of Trustees approves the Preserve Freedom, Reject Coercion document which affirms Americans’ freedom to peacefully live according to their beliefs and opposes government coercion or censorship of fellow citizens who have different views, and do hereby demonstrate public support to this initiative by signature on this day, January 31st, 2017. The “Preserve Freedom, Reject Coercion” document recognizes the continuing erosion of religious liberty of various organizations and businesses as sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) are added as protected classifications via federal, state, and local legislation. “Out country was founded upon religious liberty,” said Dr. Rick Brewer, president of LC. “While SOGI laws strive for inclusivity, they have … [Read more...]
No change in state science standards bad news for Louisiana students
By Philip Timothy, Message Managing Editor BATON ROUGE -- An 86-person committee tasked with developing and writing new science standards for students from kindergarten through 12th grade in Louisiana is stirring controversy ahead of a February meeting in New Orleans. Wade Warren, professor of biology at Louisiana College and a member of the committee, states there has been complete disregard for the science-based information he has provided and total rejection of the common-sense modifications he has proposed to the standards being written. In one suggestion, he simply asked the committee to add the words "sudden appearance" in the statement on "patterns of the fossil record" and "change in life forms throughout the history of life on Earth." But they dismissed this common observation about the fossil record acknowledged by every scientific authority. Louisiana College's Wade Warren is a professor of biology at the school.The group, which met for the first time Aug. 17-18 in Baton Rouge, has held meetings around the state purportedly to gather input for the review of the standards, written in 1997, making them the third oldest in the nation. The committee is scheduled to make its recommendations to the state … [Read more...]
Opportunities available to share Christ following tornadoes
By Message Staff For those wanting to help those affected by the destruction left behind by several tornadoes in New Orleans and the Northshore Tuesday, Feb. 7, opportunities are available to give money, undergo disaster relief training and participate in clean-up efforts. The Louisiana Baptists missions services team has established a website to help pay for disaster relief operations. “It looks like there about 2000 homes affected in New Orleans and an undetermined number on the North Shore,” said John Hebert, missions and ministry director for Louisiana Baptists. “We have one church that is a total loss and is uninsured. Monies we receive will go to help that church rebuild and offset the cost of our deployment.” New Orleans Baptist Association also has two funds in which to donate – one for Suburban Baptist Church which was heavily damaged by the storm, along with its pastor Jeffery Friend; and another for disaster relief efforts. Individuals can donate at the association's website. Volunteers interested in working can meet at Gentilly Baptist Church, 5141 Franklin Ave. in New Orleans, at 9 a.m. Friday, Feb. 10 and Saturday, Feb. 11, or at Suburban Baptist Church, 10501 Chef Menteur Hwy. in New Orleans, at 10 … [Read more...]
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