By Will Hall, Message Editor NASHVILLE, Tenn. (LBM)—Members of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee took the initiative during a committee session and again during a plenary session to ask for official action about national entities that are causing churches to withhold support for national causes. In the end two panels were proposed to study SBC entities whose leaders appear to be out of step with the consensus of SBC churches. The national effort to address troubling activities by SBC entities follows by almost three months a related action taken by messengers to the annual meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention. Moreover, it is an acknowledgement by SBC leaders that Southern Baptists across the country are not happy with some aspects of the direction of the national Convention. WIDESPREAD UNEASE The actions were taken about a week after Prestonwood Baptist Church announced Feb. 16 it was escrowing $1 million in Cooperative Program funds for what Pastor Jack Graham described as concerns about the direction of the SBC. Graham spoke to the Baptist Message via phone then and said church leaders had expressed to him "uneasiness" about the "disconnect between some of our denominational leaders … [Read more...]
Luter: Jesus won the ultimate battle and so can you
By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer PINEVILLE – Major battles have been fought throughout history but all those pale in comparison to the ultimate battle each person faces. For this battle has eternal implications, Fred Luter said Thursday, Feb. 23. “It’s a battle between your spirit versus your flesh, right versus wrong, your advocate versus your adversary, the Lord versus Lucifer, the devil versus the divine,” Luter told students during Louisiana College’s chapel service. “And because it’s the ultimate battle, this battle will determine whether you spend an eternity in heaven or spend eternity in hell. It’s the battle for your soul.” In this battle, each believer must be mindful of the shepherd’s provision, the serpent’s plan and the shepherd’s promise, Luter said. Luter, who is pastor of Franklin Avenue Baptist Church in New Orleans and the first African-American Southern Baptist Convention president, recalled how he battled a bully who would take his lunch money in school. When he was tired of fighting this battle with the bully, he stood up to her, despite threats of personal injury to himself. In the end, the bully backed off and left him alone. “Some of ya’ll just have to stand up to the bullies in … [Read more...]
Rolling Hills Ministries issues immediate call for thrift store donations
By Message Staff RUSTON – The unexpected warm weather in February is not only bringing out an early bloom in flowers but causing a need for donations in the Rolling Hills Ministries thrift stores. “Normally this time of the year, we are slow because the weather is usually cooler and people haven’t cleaned out their closets yet,” said David Abernathy, executive director of Rolling Hills. “But this year, business is booming. Because we really haven’t had a winter, people are coming in and needing clothes, knick knacks and other items that we are running low on.” Abernathy said the immediate needs include clothes, furniture, shoes and linens for its stores in Aracdia, Bossier City and Ruston. Drop-off locations are: Arcadia 1820 North Railroad Ave., 71001 Call 318-263-4822 for a donation pick up! 24-hour donation drop off Bossier City 2695 E Texas St, LA 71111 Call 318-562-3880 for a donation pick up! 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday and 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday for donations Ruston 3487 Hwy. 33, LA 71270 Call 318-251-0065 for a donation pick up! 24-hour donation drop off … [Read more...]
LC alum/local pastor holds book signing in Pineville
by Norm Miller PINEVILLE (LCNEWS) - Louisiana College alumnus and pastor of Pineville’s First Baptist Church, Stewart Holloway, held a book signing at Harlow’s Bakery, Feb. 17 in Pineville. Holloway’s book is titled: “The Privilege of Worship: Keys to Engaging Worship.” With some free coffee and a basket of donut holes at hand, Holloway welcomed numerous people for whom he inscribed his book. LC President Rick Brewer dropped by Harlow’s to visit with Holloway and to buy a copy of the book. “I am looking forward to reading Dr. Holloway’s book,” Brewer told LCNews. “As a lifelong worship leader and educator, I relish the opportunity to learn more about the vital ministry of biblical worship. What’s more, I am grateful to Stewart as an LC alumnus and pastor. His book reveals a commendable commitment to educate and edify God’s people.” Holloway told LCNews: “I have always loved worship, and I deeply enjoy helping people come to the throne of the Lord. As a pastor, this continues to be a passion.” In writing the book, Holloway wanted to help people “get beyond the worship preferences and really get to the heart of what worship is. No matter where we are or what we’re doing, we can still worship.” Holloway … [Read more...]
Special evening enables attendees to shine
By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer ALEXANDRIA – Tim Tebow helped give hundreds of special needs individuals in Louisiana Baptist churches the red carpet treatment Friday, Feb. 10. Dressed in their formal attire, these special guests enjoyed a variety of activities to make them feel like kings and queens in God’s eyes at the third annual Night to Shine prom. Five Louisiana Baptist churches were among the 375 churches in 50 states and 11 countries that hosted the event, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation. The former Heisman Trophy and NFL quarterback started the event three years ago for people who have special needs. From the beginning, the evening was magical for the guests, who were transported by limousine, trolley or classic car to a red carpet. Once there, they were greeted by an enthusiastic group of volunteers armed with cameras and cheers from the crowd. Guests received the royal treatment, including hair and makeup stations, shoe shining areas, corsages and boutonnieres, a catered dinner, karaoke, prom favors and a dance floor. All of this led up to the moment when each guest was crowned king or queen of the prom. “This night is about you,” Tebow told the guests in a pre-recorded message … [Read more...]
Floodwaters lead to wave of baptisms
By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer WELSH – The waters may have receded in Welsh six months ago but the excitement built since then at First Baptist Church has anything but subsided. First came the rain – nearly 24 inches in a 24-hour period. Soon after, the congregation began ministering to those hurting in its own area, paving the way for a spiritual harvest. Not only have they seen 13 baptisms since after the flood of August 2016 but attendance has not waned, reaching 100 on an average Sunday morning for worship services. Tommy Chaisson, a member of First Baptist Welsh, was among those who received help from the congregation after his personal property was damaged from floodwaters. Chaisson, who was baptized in 2016, said that Christ-like attitude is what made him first want to attend First Welsh in 2015. “In this world we live in that is so cruel, it’s heart-warming to know people like my church care enough to go out of their way for you,” Chaisson said. “They don’t just answer the phone when you call and say they want to help but they genuinely want to be there for you. I still don’t understand a lot of things but I’m growing in my relationship with Christ, thanks to them. Being a part of this church is … [Read more...]
Ellis: Find God & you’ll find ‘solid footing’ in this world
By Holly Jo Linzay, Regional Correspondent “For who is God besides the Lord? And who is a rock? Only our God.” II Samuel 22:32 PINEVILLE – Jesus is the “solid rock” that offers hope to those sinking in worldly quicksand, the keynote speaker told the women at the Kaleidoscope conference. Captive to her own emptiness and pain fueled by a perpetual cycle of promiscuity and alcohol, Marian Jordan Ellis, the keynote speaker, told the attendees she knew what it felt like to have a God-shaped hole in your soul. “I was living in the world, and it was a total pit of destruction,” Ellis recalled the time in her life when she lived a “sex-in-the-city” lifestyle. Sitting in a bar at the age of 25, Ellis stared at an empty martini glass, and knew she was a desperate woman. “In that bar, I cried out to Jesus. He is our rock. God is our hope,” she said, adding that she had grown up in church without the knowledge that Jesus was the only one who could fill the “hole” in her soul. “I grew up in church, and knew religion. But I didn’t know Jesus,” Ellis said to the 240 women present Feb. 4 at First Baptist Church in Pineville. During the day-long conference, Ellis, the founder of Redeemed Girl Ministries based in San … [Read more...]
True Love Waits – It still holds true today
“True love waits for what, dad?” That was the question my son, who was a third grader at the time, asked after a True Love Waits event. When my husband, Glen, was the National True Love Waits consultant for Lifeway he often led rallies and conferences as a part of his job. We traveled with him whenever possible. It should have been no surprise, but my son’s question still caught us off guard. Christian parents want to help their children to understand sexuality within the parameters of a Christian marriage and to teach their children about abstinence prior to marriage as the best choice. The difficulty comes in deciding upon the best time to bring up the subject. At what age are children ready and able to understand the concept of sexual purity? How do we best equip parents and the ministers to students to effectively teach the biblical concept of abstinence to our teenagers? I asked Richard Ross, one of the cofounders of the True Love Waits movement, for any insights that he could offer to better equip Louisiana Baptists to prepare our children and teenagers for success in pursuing a life of that honors God in the area of sexuality. Ross said, “One shift since the earliest days of the [True Love Waits] … [Read more...]
Conference speakers change messages, Holy Spirit moves
By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer BOSSIER CITY – Many of us are living a life of “but I.” Instead, we should be living a life of “but God,” Marty Collier, pastor of Church on Rush Creek in Grand Prairie, Texas, said during the recent Fuego Frio student conference. By the end of the two-day conference Feb. 10-11, 81 of the roughly 1,500 students from six states in attendance decided to commit their lives to Christ and live a life of “but God.” “From the start, the students were engaged with the speakers and music,” said Jeff Luce, coordinator for Fuego Frio. “Three of the speakers ended up changing up their message on short-notice and the Holy Spirit moved. There’s no way anyone could take credit for what happened but God.” Held at First Baptist Bossier City, Fuego Frio featured eight pastors from throughout the U.S., each speaking for 12 minutes on a variety of topics. Other highlights of the weekend included illusionist Danny Ray of Yucaipa, Calif., comedians 321 Improv of Boca Raton, Fla., and musical guests the Hardcastles of Austin, Texas. In his message Brad Jurkovich, pastor of First Bossier, told students God is calling some of them to salvation and they must be ready to follow Him. “You need to … [Read more...]
CEC 2017 encourages Christian service ‘Together’
By Tammy Sharp, Regional Reporter ALEXANDRIA – Austin Wadlow challenged students attending the recent Collegiate Evangelism Conference with a question – were they fully-committed to Christ or just going through the motions of following Him. “Are you all in?” asked the university pastor of First Baptist Church in Denton, Texas. “Is your ‘yes’ on the table, or are you straddling, halfway there, where are you? If we’re going to realize the impact that ‘together’ has on the mission of God, we, together, have to go all in.” Wadlow’s message was part of a two-day conference that included seminars designed to equip students with sharing their faith, worship by Digital Age and a late-night time of fellowship. Held Feb. 3-4 at Calvary Baptist Church in Alexandria, the conference drew 621 students from 16 churches and 15 BCMs. Wadlow’s messages and the various seminars were centered around the theme of CEC – Together. “This is the only time of year where we get all of our students from the BCMs and our church college ministers together in one place,” said conference coordinator Chad McClurg, who also serves as director of the BCM at University of Louisiana-Monroe. “Since our theme was Together, we had a focus on … [Read more...]
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