BATON ROUGE, LA - State Treasurer John Kennedy today called for state Sen. Troy Brown to resign his public office. "Sen. Brown has been arrested not once, but twice, on domestic violence charges. He bit his wife and hit another woman referred to as his 'side friend' in the face," said Treasurer Kennedy. "Violence against women is completely unacceptable for anyone, much less an elected official. The state spends tens of millions of dollars a year to prevent domestic violence. Senator Brown should immediately resign." … [Read more...]
I Feel Intense Grief
By Waylon Bailey, Pastor of FBC Covington It’s Sunday afternoon, and I feel intense grief over the shooting of a number of police officers in Baton Rouge. At this point, three are reported to have been killed. I cannot imagine what officers and their families all over the nation are feeling right now. What can we say about such unspeakable acts? First, never return violence for violence. Neither you nor I have the authorization to do so. “Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable” (Romans 12:17). Punishment is the duty of God and government. In this and all cases of violence and lawlessness, government must do its job. Second, we need police. Only law enforcement stands between us and anarchy or a wild West mentality. Recently, Charles Barkley, a former professional athlete, weighed in on the police killings in Dallas. Barkley, an African American, noted that the black community especially needs a police presence. We all do. We all need police officers who are called to uphold the rule of law and to treat all people impartially and with dignity and respect. Society cannot survive without it. It is in God’s plan. Read again Romans 13 about the responsibility of … [Read more...]
Eddie Wren: No good can come from embracing the use of alcohol
Eddie Wren, Pastor FBC Rayville RAYVILLE -- I woke up Monday morning expecting to have a great day off, but the day soon hit a sour note. I came across an article shared on social media entitled: Alcohol Abuse, Perry Noble, and the Church Response—What Now? I read the article and discovered Pastor Perry Noble had been removed as pastor from New Springs Church due to “unfortunate choices” which apparently included abuse of alcohol. I say apparently because the article does not spell it out but does say “board members had confronted Noble on numerous occasions regarding his use of alcohol.” I do not know Perry Noble. I do not write to cast judgment upon him. I pray God will heal and remove any struggle he has with alcohol and I pray that he will have a God honoring ministry for the rest of his life. I write because I am terribly concerned with the approach to alcohol by my generation of pastors and more the approach to alcohol by the next generation of pastors. There appears to be a growing trend of young pastors embracing the use of alcohol. During a meeting at the Southern Baptist Convention there was a question asked of Al Mohler concerning the use of alcohol. He masterfully answered the question informing everyone in the … [Read more...]
FIRST-PERSON: Learning to live in a different America
By Waylon Bailey I lived through the 60s. Those were my teenage years. They were very difficult. This past week was also very bad. Maybe I’ve forgotten a lot, or, maybe this really has taken racism, anger, and bitterness and reset it to a whole different level. How do we learn to live in this very different world? Here are four lessons that immediately come to mind. First, reach out to people who are different. For me, different people would be black or Hispanic. For you they might be white or black or Hispanic. We really can’t learn to live together until we begin learning who we are. I have some wonderful black friends. I enjoy them immensely, and I respect them deeply. It’s time that we get to know one another. Second, find someone to be kind to. Start at home, take it to work and church, and be patient in the grocery store. Sincerely look for people to treat as you want to be treated. Bo Jackson, the athlete, tweeted this Thursday night after the police shootings: “Before you go to sleep tonight, I challenge every single one of you to do something nice for a complete stranger. Our world needs that.” Third, begin looking at people differently. See them for who they are – they are created in the image of God and … [Read more...]
FIRST-PERSON: Weeping with those who weep
by J. Josh Smith IRVING, Texas (BP) -- Although I live only 10 miles from downtown Dallas, I'm rarely there. But last night, of all nights, I was. I was just a couple of miles south of Dallas when the shootings took place and had to make my way back through the city to return home as the situation continued to unfold. The city looked unlike I had ever seen it. The streets were shut down, blue and red lights reflected off the buildings, and the sky was filled with helicopters. I listened to the reporters on the AM radio trying to make sense of the events that had just occurred. It wasn't until I returned home and turned on the TV that I began to fully understand the reality of what had taken place in this city that I love. It's truly overwhelming. I feel a sense of the gut-wrenching compassion that Jesus felt as He looked out over the multitudes and saw them as sheep without a shepherd. I feel it for the families of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling. I feel it for the black community as they try to make sense of the last few days. I feel it for the 12 officers shot last night and their families. I feel it for the families of the five officers killed. I feel it for our Dallas police officers who will continue to protect our … [Read more...]
Vines & Draper Respond to Russell Moore
By Jerry Vines, President of Jerry Vines Ministries Editors Note: This open letter was first sent to Baptist Press. It is a letter written in response to Russell Moore's Twitter comment (Click HERE) and is used here by permission. We have been involved in Southern Baptist life for most of our lives. We are grateful for the opportunities to serve and minister in our Convention. At the same time, we have also witnessed and been involved in America's political life. Though we never endorsed political candidates, as pastors and Southern Baptist leaders, we have sought to share our perspectives as to how Southern Baptist believers should evaluate the moral and spiritual issues during presidential election cycles. Based on biblical principles we trusted those to whom we ministered to use their brains and their hearts as they voted for political candidates. Such political campaigns can be times of strong emotion, spirited debate, excessive rhetoric and sadly, broken relationships. The recent meeting of almost 1,000 religious leaders with Donald Trump (including a number of Southern Baptists) and the willingness of some to serve on an advisory group has caused much controversy. The negative reactions of some religious leaders have … [Read more...]
FIRST-PERSON: Spiritual leaders & the election
By Ronnie Floyd SPRINGDALE, Ark. (BP) -- I give my full and complete endorsement to Jesus Christ. My 100 percent trust is in God alone, our Sovereign King. I agree with the late Adrian Rogers, who said, "We dare not identify the Christian faith with the Democrat or Republican party. We need to be free to tell both parties to repent and get right with God."[1] I would add what I shared on June 14 with the Southern Baptist Convention, "The church cannot call America to repent until the church repents." The tension is real Christians have dual citizenship. Our citizenship is not only in the Kingdom of God that is eternal and superior to all, but we are active citizens in the United States of America. Our Sovereign God not only determined the period of time He ordained us to live, He also determined where we would live. I love the United States of America and still believe it is the greatest country in the world. Yet, I feel an enormous tension in my spirit about how to operate in our nation effectively. We live for one Kingdom while we live in another kingdom. Often, decisions within our country increase this tension, and we have never lived in a time in our generation when this tension has been greater. Spiritual leaders are … [Read more...]
On this 4th of July, towns cracking down on American Patriotism
By Todd Starnes, The Star-Spangled Banner survived the rocket’s red glare and bombs bursting in air – only to face a modern-day threat – silly town ordinances and petty bureaucrats. I’m not sure if it’s an epidemic of anti-American nincompoopery sweeping across the fruited plain or if it’s a general lack of common sense. Maybe it’s both. I’ll let you be the judge of that. In Lexington, South Carolina Marine veteran Bob Michaelis was told to remove a patriotic display from his mattress company. Mr. Michaelis lined the front of his store with American flags – to honor our troops. “We got 10 flags up,” he told television station WIS. “I thought maybe it was about time we return the patriotism in America. There’s not enough of it. It seems to be lost.” But instead of congratulating Bob’s patriotism, the town fathers dispatched the law. He was informed that the flags violated an ordinance. “The town of Lexington says they got to come down because there’s an ordinance in place,” he said. The town administrator told WIS they did not issue Bob a citation nor did they tell him to take down the flags. So why did they dispatch the chief of police to visit Bob’s store? Did they need new bedding for the local jail? Town … [Read more...]
Treasurer Kennedy: Governor asks for and gets largest tax increase and second largest budget in Louisiana’s history
John Kennedy, Louisiana State Treasurer BATON ROUGE - The new state budget that takes effect Friday is the second largest budget in Louisiana history and contains the largest amount of tax increases ever, according to State Treasurer John Kennedy. "Over the course of 365 days, the Louisiana Legislature raised $2.4 billion in taxes and fees," said Treasurer Kennedy. "I don't need to remind Louisianians that these tax increases arrive during an especially weak economy. The oil and gas industry is in a depression, and north Louisiana is still reeling from devastating floods. We also have the third highest unemployment rate in America." State spending in Louisiana's operating budget that takes effect on Friday has increased 31% since 2010. The most recent U.S. Census Bureau data ranks Louisiana as No. 1 in the South for state and local spending per capita. "Louisiana is in a league of its own now, and not in a good way," said Treasurer Kennedy. "We cannot tax ourselves into prosperity. History will prove this point as more businesses fold and more families suffer. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. We have a spending problem." … [Read more...]
COMMENTARY: The faith of Pat Summitt – ‘I was given certain work to do’ by God
By Michael Foust, Christian Examiner KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – Back in 1994 I was a young, wide-eyed reporter for the student newspaper at the University of Tennessee, looking forward to a career in sports journalism. Peyton Manning would arrive that fall – and yes, I did get to cover his very first season – but my first "big-time" interview wasn't the future NFL star. It was Lady Vol coach Pat Summitt. And that was a little intimidating. To read the rest of the story, click here. … [Read more...]
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