By Mike Huckabee It’s morning in America. The sun is shining, the birds are singing. But wait, how is that possible? Donald Trump is President-elect! We were assured that if that happened, the sky would blacken, there would be mass hysteria and the planet would immediately be immolated in a fiery, nuclear ball of death! Or something like that. Maybe I’ve been reading too much HuffPo. Instead, the sun somehow seems to be shining more brightly and the birds singing a bit more sweetly. Or perhaps it just seems that way to me. Just as I have been predicting for months, Donald Trump not only won, he scored a much bigger victory than even most supporters imagined. He gave a remarkably magnanimous and statesmanlike acceptance speech (see it at the link if you weren’t up late enough to watch history being made live). He also didn’t destroy the GOP down-ticket, as panicky Republicans feared (the only Republicans who got shellacked were turncoats who distanced themselves from Trump). The GOP held on to both the House and Senate, which means Trump should have a much easier time cutting deals for long-blocked, desperately-needed legislation, like repealing and replacing Obamacare. And he can appoint judges who respect the … [Read more...]
Let peace be the umpire in your heart
By Steve Horn Everybody knows what tomorrow is. Do you know what today is? Today (November 7) Billy Graham turns 98 years old. In 1953 he wrote a book he titled, Peace with God. In that book Graham wrote, “Until you actually possess true peace with God, no one can describe its wonder to you.” Colossians gives us a good word about peace as we go to the voting booth tomorrow. “And let the peace of the Messiah, to which you were also called in one body, control your hearts. Be thankful.” As believers in Christ, we can and should have peace. Think about four truths we discover in this one verse. • Real peace comes through the message about Christ. This thought about peace begins with the words, “And let the peace of the Messiah.” The route to peace is very specific. Jesus spoke about this peace just before His death. He told His disciples. “I have told you these things that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” These things refer to the place called Heaven that He has prepared, the power of prayer that He invites us to, the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit that He promised, and the specific plan that He gave us to go to Him. He said, “I am … [Read more...]
ANNE GRAHAM LOTZ: Our hope is in God
By Anne Graham Lotz As I write this, we are in the midst of a busy election season. Every news cycle brings us information on the various candidates vying for local and state positions, plus the highest office in America. We are told what she said, what he said, and what they said. Following the news, the pundits pick apart and spin what has been said so that facts are intertwined with opinions in a dizzying cycle. By the time many of you read this, the election will be just a few days away, leading to even more commentary and spin. I do believe this November’s American election may be one of the most critical in our nation’s history. God willing, I will have exercised my privilege and voted. But I also know with certainty that “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain” (Psalm 127:1). Our hope is not in man. Our hope is in the Lord. Read Psalm 43 I. WE LOOK TO HIM Psalm 43:1-2 Our Rescuer: Psalm 43:1 What does the psalmist ask God to rescue him from? How is our situation today similar to that of the psalmist? How and why was Lot rescued from the wicked city of Sodom and God’s subsequent judgment? See Genesis … [Read more...]
Abortion & the election: Five million plus children
By John Yeats There are many voices screaming at the top of their lungs, attempting to sway the vote of adults in this nation for their particular candidate. By this stage of the game, only the uninformed are unaware that both candidates are seriously flawed. It is a good thing when the personality of the leader exudes greatness and virtue, but neither of the candidates’ characters and personality traits rise to a level worthy of enthusiastic support. But this election was never as much about which candidate’s personality would best serve the majority of the electorate as much as it was about which ideology will govern our nation. Right after the primary season, voters realized they must look behind both of the major-party candidates to see who advises the president, thus shaping policy and appointments. The ideologies, policies, and appointments are what make an elected administration worthy of support. So the voters must wade through all the commercials, the appeals and debates and ask which ideals best represent their personal perspective. In this election cycle, there are many ideological factors, but one is too despicable to talk about, too horrific for words. Five million children . . . The media executives and … [Read more...]
By Franklin Graham Does prayer work? You betcha. The Bible tells us that “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much" (James 5:16). Jesus also tells us to “keep asking” and gives us an example in a parable in Luke chapter 18 of a widow who repeatedly went to a judge asking for justice, and finally the judge responded because of her persistence. Our pleas and our petitions do make a difference. I have gone to all 50 states this year, and tens of thousands people have joined me in their capitals to pray for the future of this nation. It is imperative that we continue to pray. As we approach November 8—and beyond—we need to “cry out to God day and night” (Luke 18:7). The evening of November 7, on my father Billy Graham's 98th birthday and just before Election Day, will you join me and others across the country in praying? I will be LIVE on Facebook at 9:00 PM ET, so don’t miss it. Let’s bow together and again ask for God’s help. We need Him. Will you be there? Franklin Graham is president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse. … [Read more...]
CHARLES STANLEY: If the Foundations Are Destroyed
God’s Word is a stabilizer in our lives. Within its pages we find comfort, strength, and guidance for every situation in life. But if we choose to live without the Bible, we won’t have the assurance of God’s promises to help us through hard times. These are some of the most difficult days we have ever faced in our country. We’ve lost our oneness, stability, strength, and care for one another. Now our nation is suffering from uncertainty, uneasiness, conflict, and distrust. If ever we needed to rely on the Scripture, it’s today. Such times should lead us to cry out to God, asking Him for the wisdom, courage, and obedience to do what’s right. David was familiar with difficult situations, and through them all, he learned to trust the Lord. When he faced Goliath, his confidence was not in himself but in the faithfulness of his God. And when King Saul became jealous of David and tried on several occasions to kill him, David fled for his life, hiding out in the wilderness. Psalm 11 gives us a glimpse into David’s heart at a time when his world was falling apart. His main question is found in verse 3. “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” When everything is crumbling beneath us, we must remember … [Read more...]
God’s “Little One’s” in Hillary’s America
By Ron F. Hale If the Obama administration flexed its legal muscle toward the Little Sisters of the Poor, it is not far-fetched to believe a Hillary Clinton administration would launch angrier attacks on America’s first freedom of religious liberty! With a history of serving the poor since 1839, one must ask: What kind of mind considers forcing a group of nuns to provide abortifacient drugs against their will, conscience, and religion? Seriously? The late 60s and early 70s in America saw the convergence of several cultural realities creating a tidal wave of social angst. The sexual revolution was happening just as America’s largest population group, the Baby Boomers, was coming of age. Coupled with that, a nightmarish vision of a worldwide “population bomb” setting off food shortages and global famine fed the idea of population control. As the women’s rights movement demanded abortion rights, some thought it was an idea come of age. During this social upheaval, even many Christians lost the biblical perspective that human life is sacred because we are His special creation. In dealing with America’s moral conundrum concerning abortion many continue to believe our Supreme Court committed judicial activism. The late … [Read more...]
FRANKLIN GRAHAM: Which road will you travel?
By Franklin Graham The Bible says we are all traveling on one of two roads. Jesus described them in Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” That’s a sobering thought. I’ve always thought of the wide road as a large, broad interstate-type highway running through a valley. And I pictured the narrow road as a tiny, winding, rough road—kind of like some of the ones we have in the mountains where I live. My mother told me she had a different vision, and I think hers is probably right on target. She said the narrow road is right in the middle of the wide road, but going in the opposite direction. When you think about it, that’s a pretty good description isn’t it? The world is heading full speed down the wide road toward destruction. But those who follow Jesus Christ in obedience and faith are going in the opposite direction. We face difficulties and obstacles—we will be ridiculed, mocked, and even hated. And we’re going to be in the minority, living as a “peculiar” people and operating by a different set of standards that are … [Read more...]
Reasons for Cheer
By David Jeremiah These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:33 Recommended Reading: 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 Basic Combat Training is the official name for what U.S. Army veterans affectionately refer to as “boot camp”—ten weeks of programmed exercise, education, exertion, and examination. It is not fun nor meant to be. When new recruits begin to flag after the first week or two, they are reminded, “You can do anything for ten weeks!” In other words, the experience of suffering changes radically when there is an end point in view. When Jesus was preparing for the most intense of His own tribulations, His arrest and crucifixion, He warned His disciples that they, too, would “have tribulation.” It would not be open-ended tribulation but tribulation with parameters. It would not last forever; as He did, they would ultimately overcome the world and its tribulations; and those boundaries on their suffering were reasons for “good cheer.” He did not define the end point, only that the end point would come. When you wonder if the world has gotten the upper hand, remember: Christ has overcome the world. And, … [Read more...]
Jeffress: Can we prove the existence of God?
By Robert Jeffress By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God. —Hebrews 11:3 We cannot prove the existence of a supernatural, invisible being. However, there is a difference between proof and evidence. The issue is not about proving whether God exists but about making an informed decision based on the evidence. This week we will examine four powerful evidences for the existence of God. First, the cosmological argument asks, “Why is there something rather than nothing?” Look around you, noting everything you see. Now ask yourself, “Why do I see something rather than nothing?” The naturalist’s explanation for the existence of everything that we see is found in this simple formula: No One x Nothing = Everything. Yet the existence of a vast universe (not to mention of you and me) strongly suggests that Someone brought something into existence out of nothing. Consider the immensity of our universe. How did hundreds of billions of stars in hundreds of billions of galaxies come into existence? For years atheists argued that the universe always existed. But scientists now concede that the universe did have a beginning. Sir Frederick Hoyle coined the term “the Big Bang,” which is the most … [Read more...]
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