By Todd Starnes Like many Americans, Barron Trump has seen the image of his father's decapitated head. And as you might imagine -- the 11-year-old boy was traumatized by what he saw. D-List comedian Kathy Griffin holding a bloody replica of President Trump's severed head. It was gruesome, gory and despicable. “Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself,” President Trump wrote in a Twitter message. “My children, especially my 11-year-old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!” Controversial photographer Tyler Shields said he and Miss Griffin were hoping to create a bold message. “That’s what art is meant to do,” he told Fox News. “Some people look at it and they love it. Some people look at it and they hate it… I understand there are going to be people that hate this. It’s a very touchy subject…but this is not real. We didn’t kill anybody nor do I feel anybody should be killed.” Cable Newsers seemed to shrug it off. MSNBC's Morning Joe said it was not a story worth covering. I wonder if they would've said the same if Miss Griffin had been holding President Obama's severed head? It’s cliché, I know. But it needed to be said. The hypocrisy of the Left needs to be exposed – it must be … [Read more...]
Deuteronomy 2 — God is Faithful
By Michael Luce, pastor Amite Baptist Church Even in Disobedience God is Good Moses recalls God’s dealings with Israel and the ways that He showed His love and care for His people. Just because God banned the exodus generation from entering the Promised Land does not mean He wasn’t gracious to their needs. Israel lacked nothing during its travels in the desert. The emphasis in chapter 2 is on God’s unfailing, even miraculous, provision for Israel on their journey. The people were not to take even a sip of water from the Edomites without paying for it. And under no conditions were they to provoke the people into a fight. They were His people, and He was responsible for their care. They did not need to look elsewhere or try to make it on their own. God’s provision did not mean the Israelites never became hungry or thirsty, but God was there to supply what was needed. God is Faithful to His Word The psalmist said God’s Word is “eternal,” and that it “stands firm in the heavens” (Psalm 119:89). When we take God at His Word and obey Him, blessing follows. And He is also faithful to execute the warnings and judgments contained in His Word. We rejoice when obedience brings blessing, but too many times we expect God to … [Read more...]
By Franklin Graham President Donald J. Trump was so right when he called the Manchester Islamic terrorists “losers.” The truth is, they’re losers in this world and in the next. The President said, “This wicked ideology must be obliterated.” Jihadists following this are taught the lie that if you kill an infidel (a Christian or a Jew) and die in doing so, you will go to paradise where 70 virgins await you. I’ve got news for them—Hell awaits, with real flames and real fire. Hell is a real place—and so is Heaven, but there is only one road to Heaven. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). It is my prayer that Muslims around the world will come to know the truth and put their faith in Jesus Christ and Him alone. Franklin Graham is president and CEO of his father's Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and of Samaritan's Purse, an international Christian relief organization. Originally posted on … [Read more...]
MARTHA BAILEY: I’m number three
By Martha Bailey At the invitation of our senator, Jack Donahue, we drove to Baton Rouge recently for my husband, Waylon Bailey, to pray as the Louisiana Senate convened for their afternoon session. It was a privilege and an honor to have the opportunity to ask the Lord’s blessing on the work of the Senate for that day. When we first entered the historic capitol bustling with activity, we carefully followed protocol by reporting to the office of Sen. Gerald Long, the Louisiana State Senate President Pro Tempore. Because Waylon had previously prayed at the legislature several times, he had met Senator Long. However, I had not ever met him. Little did I know that our time with him was going to be such a blessing. When we arrived at his office his administrative assistant graciously greeted us, saying she would let Senator Long know we were there. However, he walked out of his inner office about that time. He greeted us warmly, invited us in, and offered us a seat like he would have if we had been in his living room. He was so kind and gentle and genuinely interested in who we were and our ministry. Our hearts were immediately tendered toward him not only because of his way more than cordial greeting, but because … [Read more...]
What hope looks like
By Steve Horn Hopelessness is the enemy of faith. We all need hope. When I think about hope I always think about a story about the little boy playing Little League baseball. He is out in the field when his father arrives late for the game. Through the fence his father asks, “What’s the score?” “18-0!” says the little boy, “We’re losing.” Trying to offer comfort his dad says, “I’m sorry, son.” With the hope only a Little Leaguer could have, he answers back, “Don’t worry, Dad, we haven’t even got up to bat yet!” Now that’s hope. Billy Graham once said, “The greatest need in our world today is the need for hope. We thrive on hope, we rejoice in hope, we witness in hope, knowing that experience works hope. ‘Happy is he . . . whose hope is in the Lord his God (Psalm 146:5).’ There is hope for the future. It is centered in the Person of Jesus Christ who died for our sins and rose from the grave and is alive now. I have staked all that I am or ever hope to be on Him.” At yet another occasion, Graham said, “Faith points us beyond our problems to the hope we have in Christ.” When Jesus is our “hope,” we have more than hope as the world defines hope. We have a rock solid guarantee. Steve Horn is pastor of First … [Read more...]
Are you bearing spiritual fruit?
By Waylon Bailey The Bible often talks about bearing spiritual fruit. Jesus spoke of it prominently. If this subject mattered to Jesus, it should matter to us. Are you bearing spiritual fruit? Is your life and activity profitable for the Kingdom of God? When I consider the subject of bearing spiritual fruit, these truths come immediately to mind. Jesus used the metaphor of fruit to describe how we make decisions and judgments. We know believers should not be judgmental or condemning. Jesus made that plain. “Do not judge, so that you won’t be judged. For with the judgment you use, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Matthew 7:1-2). He used a exaggeration to show how fruitless and ludicrous it is to judge. “Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but don’t notice the log in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3). What Jesus didn’t condemn was making wise and godly decisions. In fact, as you deal with people in general and preachers and teachers specifically, He told us to check the spiritual fruitfulness of those who seek to influence us. Shortly after His teaching about judging and condemning, Jesus gave these words. “Beware of false prophets who come to you in … [Read more...]
Does Satan ever mess with you?
By Martha Bailey Does Satan ever mess with you? Of course, he does. He is the epitome of evil and has been since the beginning of time. He’s the master of lies and distortion. His goal is to destroy. He does not relinquish his territory without putting up a fight. He chooses his accomplices very carefully. He often uses greed to motivate people to do his dirty work. Let’s look at Satan in Acts 19, and observe him using his age-old tactics which he still employs today very effectively. While on his third missionary journey, the apostle Paul made a stop at Ephesus. Typically, he targeted urban areas for his ministry, and Ephesus fit the strategy. Ephesus was known for its commercial and religious significance. Commercially, it was a booming port city strategically located on a major east-west trade route in Asia. Religiously, it was the home of the temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the world. People came from all over the Roman Empire worship to see the magnificent structure and to worship the fertility goddess, Artemis. Paul conducted a very fruitful ministry in Ephesus. Initially, he began his work among the Jews in the synagogue. However, three years later opposition arose … [Read more...]
REBECCA HOLLOWAY: Hope still deferred
By Rebecca Holloway It was almost a year ago that I wrote “Hope Deferred” about how Evan’s delays made my heart sick. I read that verse again this week in my Bible reading. Again, I prayed and asked God to help my heart not to be sick and to finally “fulfill our dreams” and bring on the “tree of life.” (Proverbs 13:12, NLT) I went about my day and didn't really think about it again until later that afternoon. Then a fresh, new wave of grief fell over me – a sadness that had never even occurred to me before. As I have mentioned before, I was resistant to having a second child because Zach was such a handful when he was a toddler. I supposed all toddlers are. I was just not prepared for all the boyness that came with our boy. Plus, right after Zach’s first birthday, I had lost my mother, so the whole time is clouded by that grief. One of the things that finally broke me down and made me realize we needed another child was that I was an only child. I had wished for a brother or sister to play with, and when my mother died when I was 32 years old, I wished for a brother or sister to help carry the load of what I was facing. Stewart nor I wanted Zach to grow up alone. Last week was Zach’s spring break, and I … [Read more...]
WAYLON BAILEY: Three astounding teachings of Jesus
Almost everything Jesus said was astounding. We shouldn’t be surprised at this because of who made the statements and what He was talking about. Jesus was the Son of God who gave us principles for the Kingdom of God. People who talk about the facts of this life often make unusual or impactful statements, but even then they seem common sensical. But Jesus talked about the kingdom that is not of this world. He gave many astounding teachings. Here are three that are found in the Sermon on the Mount. First, Jesus taught that religious practices are for God rather than for other people. He told his followers that their fasting should be a picture of joy and happiness. Many people of Jesus’ day fasted to be seen of others and considered pious. Jesus taught His followers to practice their piety for God alone. Therefore, they should wash their face and put on a smile. Anything done for God produces joy and happiness. Instead of seeking to be seen as pious and observant, Jesus wanted His followers to be seen as joyful. Second, Jesus asserted that real treasure is heavenly and not earthly. He led His followers to seek to lay up treasure in heaven. He knew we needed to redirect our hearts toward heavenly things. Setting … [Read more...]
Make the National Day of Prayer a priority this Thursday
By Steve Horn Thursday, May 4th, is the annual National Day of Prayer. As we approach this day, I am grateful for all of the prayer gatherings that will happen across the United States of America. In the Book of Acts, people are said to be praying 31 times. Of these 31 times … 14 times an individual is said to be praying. 2 times two or more people in a small group are said to be praying. 15 times the church is gathered in prayer. Half of the references to praying in the book of Acts are references to corporate praying! We see in Acts that there were appointed times and places for prayer. We see that the church prayed for power, wisdom, boldness to share Christ, in times of crisis, for missionaries, for pastors, and for each other. When the Early Church encountered a crisis, they didn’t pout, panic, protest, sign a petition, or organize a boycott. Instead, they prayed. Bob Russell, retired pastor of Southeast Bible Church in Louisville, KY, recounts the story of how his church once bought the building next door to the leading abortion clinic in Kentucky. They did some crisis pregnancy counseling out of this building, but mainly they prayed. As a result, in 18 months, the abortion clinic closed. It is not … [Read more...]
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