By David H. Anderson Once again this April, hundreds of elementary, middle and highschool students will be compete in Bible Drills all over the state! The rewards are life-changing. Memorization of scripture sticks with a believer for the rest of his or her life. I still remember the scriptures I memorized as a child. Some might argue that Bible Drill and Bible memorization is passé. Nothing could be further from the truth. If your son or daughter has the opportunity to be involved in Bible Drill, please don’t hesitate to encourage them! Here are six reasons why Bible Drill and scripture memorization are important to kids and students. Memorization of scripture is a radical distinctive of God’s people. In fact in Jesus day, children would memorize the entire first five books of the Old Testament by age twelve. The Babylonian Talmud Baba Bathra 21a:6 says, “Before the age of six do not accept pupils; from that age you can accept them, and stuff them with Torah like an ox.” Saturating you mind with the Word of God prepares kids for the challenges of the future. You will have a greater chance to see them remain faithful to God in the years to come. Scripture is the best tool for prayer. A student who knows … [Read more...]
Why Christianity and politics cannot help but intertwine
By Whitney Robertson As a junior in college, I have had the opportunity to do two main things the past three years — (1) observe and (2) learn. And as a junior at one of the most conservative yet politically involved colleges in the nation, I have seen the integration of politics and Christianity on more than one occasion. Whether it was hearing from presidential candidates, senators, congressmen or the president of my university promote a political ideal, we have been soaked in it all — from the far left to the far right. What I have observed is that Christians like to separate their faith from their politics. I cannot tell you how many people complain when we have a politician come to convocation or when President Falwell references the infamous Bible passage, Matthew 22:15–22. What I have observed is the fact that, outside of my father's preaching, I can count on one hand the number of sermons these past three years I have heard on topics such as voting, a Christian’s role in government, and/or more sensitive topics like abortion, gay marriage, or immigration. What I have observed is the amount of Christians posting on Facebook about how they are tired of seeing articles or posts regarding politics filter through … [Read more...]
It took a miracle
By David Jeremiah "He…supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you." Galatians 3:5 In the Gospels, the miracles of Jesus were usually prompted by problems. He turned water to wine because the wedding feast had run out. He healed Peter’s mother-in-law because of her fever. He raised the widow’s son because of the woman’s pitiful grief. He calmed the storm because the disciples were panicked. He fed the multitude because of hunger. Every miracle begins with a problem, and every problem presents an opportunity for Christ to help us in our difficulty. God can still perform miracles, but they come in all shapes and sizes. Because of the crowning miracle of Scripture — the Resurrection of Christ — all our problems are in the process of resolving for our good. The backdrop of every believer’s life is the miraculous curtain of God’s grace. He turns curses into blessings for us every day. He protects us when we don’t know it. He overrules circumstances when we don’t even realize it. Take your problem to the Lord today and ask Him for a miracle—in His timing, in His way, and for the glory of Him who supplies the Spirit to us and works miracles among us. When He saved my soul, cleansed and made me whole, it took … [Read more...]
The greatest legacy of Billy Graham: “The Bible Says”
By Keith Manuel, Evangelism/Church Growth Team Director The death of Billy Graham is grabbing the headlines in print, on a variety of screens, and over radio waves – avenues he used extensively to spread the gospel. Many are reminiscing on the spiritual counsel he provided Presidents of the United States. Others are remembering his impeccable character, especially during the eighties when ministry failures seemed all too common. While these and many other aspects of his ministry will be discussed, Graham’s use of a simple authoritative phrase, may be his greatest legacy – “The Bible says.” If one reads or listens to the sermons of Billy Graham, a consistent pattern will emerge. He reads the Scripture. He shares what some call “The Big Idea of the Sermon.” Next, he addresses what famous people say or how people live relative to the subject. Finally, he makes an appeal, not based on the authority of Billy Graham nor based on the ideas of great men and women. He makes his appeal on the only authority any preacher ever has. Graham cries out with a clear, resonate voice, “The Bible says…” The phrase flowed so freely from Graham that even a secular newspaper, the Chicago Tribune, used it to describe his pulpit … [Read more...]
REBECCA HOLLOWAY: Despite one’s afflictions, God can use setbacks to bear fruit for Him
By Rebecca Holloway Our church is reading through the Bible this year using Foundations, a study by Robby and Kandi Gallaty. (The subtitle is "A 260-Day Bible Reading Plan for Busy Believers." I think that's all of us.) As I was journeying back through the story of Joseph, which begins in Genesis 37, I was struck how much his story is like a sweeping Hollywood narrative. He’s the favorite son of his father, Israel. But his brothers hated him, so they threw him in a well, sold him to gypsies, and told their father he has died. Then Joseph is taken all the way to Egypt, and where by the providence of God, he is sold to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh's officials. The Bible tells us in the early verses of Genesis 39 that the Lord was with Joseph, and he prospered in the house of Potiphar. They soon saw how valuable Joseph was, and Potiphar put Joseph in charge of his entire household. Now apparently, Joseph was handsome, and Potiphar’s wife took notice. After Potiphar’s wife falsely accused Joseph of sexual misconduct, he was thrown into prison. Things weren’t looking so great. But as before, the Lord was with Joseph and made him successful – even in prison. The warden took notice of him and made him responsible for all of … [Read more...]
Personal reflections on private meetings with Billy Graham
By Joe McKeever I was in a congregation of ministers in Birmingham once in the early 70s when Billy Graham entered. A shock wave moved across the auditorium. It was amazing, and I had no explanation for it. He was God’s man. No question about it. During the last years of the 1980s, I pastored Charlotte’s First Baptist Church and visited with Billy and Ruth Graham on several occasions. His sister Catherine was in my church, along with her family. Mostly, we shared a hospital waiting room while their friend and my congregant Grady Wilson was in surgery. Once I handed them a notepad and asked them to write their favorite scripture verse and sign it. That this was a presumptuous thing to do never entered my mind. Billy jotted down “Psalm 16:11” and signed that familiar name. I said, “I’m glad you wrote that because I’ve quoted that verse for years as Billy Graham’s favorite.” Ruth Bell Graham laughed and said, “My favorite keeps changing!” As I recall, she wrote Proverbs 3:8-13 and signed it. My secretary had those two notes framed and they hung in my office for years, until I donated them to a fundraiser for a New Orleans ministry. In November of 1987, the entire Graham team came to our church for the celebration of … [Read more...]
Brother Perry Sanders’ example in personal evangelism
By Steve Horn Feb. 21 we learned of the passing of Billy Graham. He was a great evangelist in the sense of what might be called mass evangelism—preaching to mass crowds. I woke this morning thinking of Perry Sanders, the greatest personal evangelist I have ever known. Sharing the gospel one on one was as natural for him as talking about the weather. Feb. 22 would have been my predecessor Perry Sanders’ 90th birthday. Since this day would have been his birthday, I dug out my notes from the sermon I shared at his funeral. I hope those of you who knew him and those who have never heard his name will be encouraged today about personal soul-winning (as Bro. Perry would have called it). Here is the excerpt from the funeral message. One of Bro. Perry’s life verses has been Romans 1:16. Paul wrote: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” I would dare say that if we gave everyone the opportunity to give one word that describes Bro. Perry, a good number of us would use the word “boldness.” Boldness is described in this life verse by the phrase, “I am not ashamed.” I think even Bro. Perry’s harshest critic … [Read more...]
Remembering a race run well
By Franklin Graham My father Billy Graham was once asked, “Where is Heaven?” He replied, “Heaven is where Jesus is and I am going to Him soon!” This morning, at the age of 99, he departed this world into eternal life in Heaven, prepared by the Lord Jesus Christ—the Savior of the world—whom he proclaimed for nearly 80 years. He will be missed by our family, his colleagues, faithful ministry partners, and, yes, many around the world. But what joy he has to be welcomed by God the Father, and be reunited with my mother in the presence of Jesus who speaks peace to eternal souls. What about you? When you depart this world do you know with certainty where you will spend eternity? You can know this today. Jesus said, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). The One who comforts weary souls has given us this promise, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me … I go to prepare a place for you … I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:1-3). Franklin Graham is president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the son of … [Read more...]
God’s amazing promises to you
By Greg Laurie I read the other day that $5.8 billion in gift cards go unclaimed every year. Think of all that money not utilized. Those gift cards are already paid for. They just need to be cashed in. The Bible is filled with promises from God that we all too often disregard like unused gift cards. Someone has estimated there are 3,000 promises to believers found in the pages of Scripture. I don’t know if that figure is accurate, but I do know there are numerous promises that God has given us in the Bible. For example, God says we will never be alone in life. In Isaiah 41, the Lord says: “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand” (verse 10, NLT). And Jesus said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5, NKJV). God also promises to get us through whatever we’re facing. A while back, a young friend of mine had just received a round of chemo treatments and sent me a text asking me to pray that he could keep food down. I texted him my prayer for him. I happened to be writing down this promise from Isaiah at the time, so I included it in my text: “When you go through deep waters, I will be … [Read more...]
Communication is …
By Jerry Pipes Just Imagine a church or business where there is: A culture of encouragement True communication — focused on adding value to others A positive atmosphere and a spirit of adventure Members or workers who are committed to understanding first, speaking second Healthy conflict resolution And more… This new volume is born out of the book of Proverbs. It is communication according to the wisdom of Solomon. Whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, atheist, etc., virtually everyone recognizes the wisdom of Solomon. He is widely known as the wisest man that ever lived. So, what does Solomon have to say about communication? Below is the basic outline of the book along with key references. In future blogs we will be exploring these key points. Communication Is: Taking responsibility … being a responder not a reactor (Proverbs 15:28, Proverbs 15:1) Choosing a winning attitude (Proverbs 17:22) Understanding first, speaking second (Proverbs 18:13) Adding value to others (Proverbs 18:24, 27:17) Creating a culture of encouragement (Proverbs 15:23) All about integrity (Proverbs 19:1, 11:13) Saying only what you mean (Proverbs 12:18) Learning to duck (Proverbs 19:11) … [Read more...]
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