By Dennis Watson “Don’t be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the anger of God will fall on all who disobey Him. Don’t participate in the things these people do. For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true.” (Ephesians 5:6-9) Roy Riegels is a name that is famous in sports circles, although he played football 90 years ago. Riegels played for the University of California Bears in the 1929 Rose Bowl against the Georgia Tech Yellow jackets. California was winning by the score of 7 to 6, when Riegels picked up a fumble and began to run with the ball. In the midst of evading tacklers, Riegels lost his bearings, and began to run towards his team’s goal line rather than the opponent’s goal line. After getting over their shock about what was happening, Riegels’ teammates pursued him as we he was running in the wrong direction, and tackled him near his own goal line. But Riegels’ blunder ultimately cost his team the game. That’s because the offensive team was then pushed back into the end zone, resulting in a safety and a gain of two points by the opposing team. Riegels’ team lost that … [Read more...]
We are still here!
Perhaps you have heard about David Meade’s prediction that the rapture would take place yesterday, April 23? He said the same thing last year. Then, he said he miscalculated. His failed prediction of yesterday has him now saying that the rapture will take place between May and December. For Mr. Meade’s sake, I am glad that the law of Deuteronomy 18:20 was not invoked. Look it up—“That prophet must die.” I do have some strong feelings about people misleading others about the subject of Jesus’ return. Jesus gave the supreme answer on the matter. “Now concerning that day and hour no one knows.” Case closed. Next subject. Stop paying attention to the date setters. Before Jesus’ death, after the resurrection, and by the Spirit after His ascension, Jesus spoke of His return—His second coming. This is the great hope of the church. The importance of the return of Christ is evident in that these are the last words that Jesus spoke. The promise of Jesus’ return ought to make a difference in our lives. How should we live in light of the promise of the return of Christ? I want to point your attention to three principles today. The certainty of His coming ought to give us great comfort. One of the strongest arguments for the … [Read more...]
Franklin Graham: my commitment to evangelism
By Franklin Graham What is an evangelical? Recently some people have had discussions about the state of evangelicalism today, almost referring to it as a politically-related term. I can’t speak for others, and I’m certainly not a spokesperson for any kind of evangelical movement, but I can tell you what I believe. I believe in God. I believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. And I believe in the Holy Spirit. I believe my God is three-in-one. I believe that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth to take our sins. That He died on a cross and shed His blood for all the sins of mankind. I believe He took our sins to the grave, and I believe in the resurrection. God raised Him to life on the third day, and I believe He is coming again. This is God’s Gospel—and I believe there is supernatural, Holy Spirit-filled power in this message. Jesus commanded us to, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel…” I believe without Christ, a soul will be lost, condemned to hell for all eternity. This should motivate all of us to share the Good News of God’s love to a sick, dying, and compromising world. I am called and committed to preaching this message as long as I have breath or until the Lord returns. I am also committed … [Read more...]
The difficulty of following God
By Steve Horn In Exodus 14, we read of God’s salvation of Israel as they left Egypt. In leaving Egypt, God gave them a specific route to take. Someone said of this route that it was the least likely route to take. However, this was the right route because it was the route that God told them to take. God gave them the provision of a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. God’s plan and provision doesn’t prevent Pharaoh from pursuing Israel, and the panic that sets in on the people of Israel. In fact, their panic leads them to irrationally conclude that they would have been better off to stay in Egypt as slaves. Panic does that to us. But even in their panic, God continues to provide and ultimately protects them through a miraculous deliverance at the Sea. In all of this, we see God’s ultimate plan—both Egypt and Israel get a first-hand glimpse that God is the Lord. So, why do we have difficulty following God? Following God requires trust—total trust! Sometimes this can leave us in panic. Following God does not eliminate tough times. Sometimes this can leave us in panic. Following God does not take into account God’s ultimate plan. Sometimes this can leave us in panic when we only look at the … [Read more...]
How to be all things to all people
By Joe McKeever "I have become all things to all men, that I may by all means save some." –I Corinthians 9:22 Imagine someone saying, “I’ve decided to become all things to all people.” You would wonder if they had a) lost their minds or b) chosen a shortcut to losing same. That’s quite an assignment Paul gave himself. He would, he informs us, become… –as a Jew in order to reach the Jews. –as under the Law in order to reach those living under the Law. –as without the Law that he might win those who are without the Law –as weak, that he might win the weak And finally, as though to throw the net over the entire lost population, he says, “I have become all things to all men, that I may by all means save some.” How does he do that, we wonder. Is the effective Christian worker to be schizophrenic, parceling himself out to this group and that group with the intention of winning them to Jesus? And how does that work? Soon, Paul adds this bomb: I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved. (I Corinthians 10:33). This is the same Apostle, by the way, who told the Galatians that he would never be a people pleaser! If I were trying to … [Read more...]
The evidence of discipleship
By Greg Laurie “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” —John 15:8 Spiritual fruit doesn’t grow overnight. You don’t go into your backyard, pull up a chair in front of your peach tree, and then wait for the peaches to grow. (You could, but you wouldn’t see anything.) However, if you were to set up a camera with time-lapse photography, you would see dramatic growth over a period of time. Jesus said, “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples” (John 15:8 NKJV). If you are truly a disciple of Jesus, then you will have spiritual fruit in your life. That means results. It means evidence. One of the first things we do as Christians is produce what Jesus called “fruits worthy of repentance” (Matthew 3:8 NKJV). For example, maybe your friend says, “Let’s go get a drink after work.” “I don’t do that anymore.” “What? You don’t do that anymore? What’s wrong with you?” “It isn’t what’s wrong with me; it’s what’s right with me,” you say. “Christ has come into my life.” People know you by the fruit of your repentance. You stopped doing some things and started doing godly things instead. That intrigues them and also perplexes … [Read more...]
You can live forever
By Stewart Holloway You are going to die. You can live forever. Both statements are true, but the first is certainly made more palpable by the second! During the message I shared with my church recently, we looked at John 5:19-30 as we considered Jesus' claims of himself. We concluded that because Jesus is Who He says He is you can have everlasting life and avoid condemnation. Jesus’ bold claim in this passage is that He is equal with the Father. Such a powerful claim has powerful implications. First, it means Jesus has the power to give us life (v. 21) - life both now and later! Second, it means Jesus has the authority to judge us (vv. 22-23). Verse 24 reminds us that how you are judged then depends on what you do with Jesus now. Not only can you have life now and later. But your now determines your later. This life determines that life. This life determines eternity. There are three facts about the final judgment that come out clearly in this passage: There will be life after death. Every person will be affected by the judgment. Humanity will fall into two, and only two, categories – saved and condemned. Into which category do you fall? Do you believe Jesus is Who He says He is? Are you … [Read more...]
A few thoughts about heaven
By Waylon Bailey Children and adults alike want to know: “What is Heaven like?” The Apostle John wrote of the impossibility of knowing all things and the assurance that we will be with God and that we will be changed: “Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:20). What will heaven be like? What can we know for sure? First, heaven will be a place where all the former things will pass away. “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning 0r crying in pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Revelation 21:4). We will no longer deal with the issues caused by our fallen, sinful nature. Our bodies as well as our relationships will be different. Second, we shall be in the presence of perfect love. The Apostle John also describes how perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). When we are with God we will be in the presence of perfect love because God is love 1 John 4:8). Heaven will be a place where love, joy, and peace will be not only abundant but also complete in every way. Can you imagine a place with perfect love, … [Read more...]
OPEN LETTER: Russell Moore does not represent me, a Black Christian
From the desk of Lorine Spratt To SBC Pastors & Dr. Russell Moore: I am a born-again Christian, Conservative, Black attender of a White, Southern Baptist, Evangelical Church in Louisiana. In fact, I not only attend, I also work there and I am very concerned about the narrative that I’m hearing from our ERLC leadership. I am absolutely appalled by the comments perpetuated by Dr. Russell Moore concerning racism within the White Evangelical churches. I, and many other Black congregants, attend a predominately White, Southern Baptist Evangelical Church. We attend there because we are free to do so, we’ve been welcomed, and we’re seen and treated as brothers and sisters in Christ. I truly believe that I could attend any White Evangelical church and be welcomed. However, there are born again Black believers who choose to attend Black evangelical churches and worship within their culture and they are free to do so. We are exercising our freedom to choose. We are not commodities to be bargained with or exploited or used to promote an agenda or boost quotas. White churches are not advocating racism but Dr. Moore is. He is fueling racial tensions. I view his comments as divisive and antagonistic. His words do not … [Read more...]
Three things that keep us from hearing God
By Rick Warren “The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature” (Luke 8:14 NIV). You can’t hear God if your mind is crowded with other thoughts or concerns — particularly worries, plans, and activities. If we’re always listening to the radio or watching tv, the circuits are going to be busy when God calls us. We have to eliminate distractions. Jesus says in Luke 8:7, “Some other seeds fell where thornbushes grew up and choked the plants”(CEV). The kind of soil with weeds in it was actually planted with a crop that begins to grow. But as it grows, weeds grow up around it, and the weeds begin to choke out the life of the vegetable or the plant, so it never bears fruit. Here’s what Jesus says is the meaning of Luke 8:7: “The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature” (Luke 8:14 NIV). There are three things that choke out hearing God: Worry. Worries are weeds. When you’re so busy with the problems and pressures of daily living, it makes it harder to hear God. Riches. You can … [Read more...]
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