By Michael Evans Most everyone has heard the story about the turtle found atop the fence post and how that we can be sure that the turtle did not get that high by himself and must have had help. Pastors and these turtles are somewhat alike in that they find themselves at heights they may never have expected to be and they are there because of the support of the Holy Spirit and their family and hopefully, their congregation. Most good pastors know that their position is a precarious and a fragile existence and they have heard the horror stories of pastors being let go faster than the forming of a Texas tornado. They have also heard the dreaded phone call after midnight when a member frantically begs for help after losing a loved one unexpectedly. Never mind that the same voice on the line may have once half jestingly told that pastor that he should be ashamed for taking a salary for only working 2 hours a week. The pastor will dutifully get going to help as fast as possible and though he may think as he drives about how that comment hurt him and his wife then, he will not protest openly that for that one salary the church is getting at minimum two for one and sometimes more from him and his family. I feel almost guilty … [Read more...]
You can know truth by looking to God
By Rick Warren “I“[God] shows how to distinguish right from wrong, how to find the right decision every time” (Proverbs 2:9 TLB). Three philosophies — individualism, secularism, and relativism — have devastated our society’s moral thermometer over the past few decades. The consequences have been dramatic on society in general and on each of us individually.So what do we do about it? You have to start with God. He embodies truth. What is right and wrong gets its meaning in the character of God himself. Dishonesty is wrong because God is honest. Unfaithfulness is wrong because God is faithful. You can know truth by looking at how God interacts with us. The Bible says, “[God] shows how to distinguish right from wrong, how to find the right decision every time” (Proverbs 2:9 TLB). We can know the character of God through his Word. The Bible tells us what’s true, whether or not we like what it says. Once we encounter truth, God’s truth, we’ll recognize two key features of it every time we see it. It’s universal. It applies to everyone. If it doesn’t apply to everyone, it’s not truth. It’s an opinion. It’s unchanging. It won’t be moved by fads or fashions. Adultery was wrong 2,000 years ago, it’s wrong today, and … [Read more...]
Trust and partnership – a recovery program for the SBC
By Randy Adams The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) needs a recovery program. Followers of Jesus, including those who lead, are not exempt from addiction to power, money, and sex, and we have been reminded of this with jarring frequency over the past few weeks and months. Deep wounds caused by multiple failures are now festering from infection. Added to the more public matters is a sick hubris that has caused some to weaponize money and leadership, intentionally hurting others, certain that they are smarter, wiser, or better than “them.” Much of the focus has been on the resignation of leaders and the firing of a seminary president, and rightly so, but perhaps worse than the headlines is our deficit of trust and partnership that has grown as large as the national debt. Although trust and partnership have been eroded in multiple ways, the serious erosion of cooperation and trust between the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and denominational partners has led to a collapse in the numbers of churches started and the number of new believers baptized. Many think that we are in the midst of a church planting boom in the SBC. We are not. In the past two years we have tallied the lowest number of new church starts in … [Read more...]
Solomon’s clear and simple message
By Jerry Pipes The message of Solomon is clear and really very simple — get wisdom! We change our attitude, the way we think, feel and respond, by changing what goes into our minds and hearts. Please re-read Solomon’s words above and notice the intentionality and diligence required to implement them. The only way we can change a negative attitude into a positive one is by getting wisdom. Doing so will not only change what we think, but the way we think. Getting wisdom will change the lens through which we see what’s really important in life. A winning attitude will result in the increased ability to relate to the people we care about based on our life purpose and core values. Solomon has given us a path on how to get healthy — get wisdom. Remember, the daily decision of choosing and developing a winning attitude is the first and essential step in strengthening the filter that makes it possible to be a healthy responder rather than an unhealthy reactor. Here are a few practical pointers for a lifetime of getting wisdom: Read the book of Proverbs monthly. It is the greatest book in the world on communication. There are 31 days in most months and 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs. In five short minutes a … [Read more...]
Why VBS?
By Steve Horn This week is the week of Vacation Bible School for our church. I know that we are not alone. Would you stop right now and pray not only for us but for others investing in children this summer? I read recently the results of a Lifeway Christian Resources poll which indicated that 2/3 of Americans plan to send their children to a VBS this summer. This is an astounding number. What an opportunity! Why then is VBS so important? Their Futures are at stake! The future of every child begins with a strong foundation. • Their salvation is dependent upon hearing and responding to the Word of God. Paul declared, “So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the message about Christ.” (Romans 10:17) • Their strength is developed by hearing and responding to the Word of God. The Psalmist summed up the power of the Word of God. How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping Your word. (Psalm 119:9) • Their success in the God endeavors of life is dependent upon obeying the Word of God. Read Joshua 1:8. “This book of instruction must not depart from your mouth; you are to meditate on it day and night so that you may carefully observe everything written in it. For then you will … [Read more...]
Between the devil and the deep blue sea
By Greg Laurie Have you ever been in a situation where the only way out was God? Maybe it was a report from a doctor who gave no real hope. Maybe it was a financial catastrophe where you were on the brink of collapse. Maybe your marriage was completely unraveling, or a loved one died. You didn’t think you possibly could survive such a thing. That is the very scenario the Israelites were facing as they stood, in a way, between the devil and the deep blue sea. They were caught between an unconquerable army and an impassable sea. They were between the impossible and the more impossible. But what they were about to discover was that with God, all things are possible. When their leader Moses was born, he was supposed to die. The pharaoh had given a decree that when Jewish baby boys were born, they were to be drowned in the Nile River. Why? Because they were Jewish. What a heartless and wicked thing to do. The pharaoh tried to eradicate the Hebrew race. But God had a different plan for baby Moses – and God always will have the last word. Moses’ parents put him into a little basket they had waterproofed with pitch, and they sent it cruising down the Nile River. On cue, baby Moses began to cry. The daughter … [Read more...]
The Value of Every Voice in the SBC
By Bobby Gilstrap As a young pastor, only a few years out of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, I was excited to accept the call to serve a small church in Durant, Oklahoma. The church had been a strong, mission engaged church that was giving 25% of all undesignated offerings through the Cooperative Program. This church was an area leader supporting the cooperative mission causes of the Southern Baptist Convention, giving sacrificially for many decades. In 1995, as the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention approached, I discussed attending the SBC Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia with our church leadership. The premise of my argument was that this church needed to have a voice since it had given tens of thousands of dollars over decades of cooperation. With such a high cooperative investment, we should have representation during the annual meeting when decisions were made by messengers of our convention. After a brief discussion, it was determined the cost of such a trip was just too high and it was not feasible. I felt it was critical that our church have first-hand representation and a voice at the annual meeting rather than reading short meeting reports in the media. Therefore, my wife and I … [Read more...]
Standing strong on God’s extravagant love
By Rick Warren “God showed how much he loved us by sending his only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love . . . he sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins” (1 John 4:9–10 NLT). Everything in life changes — relationships, jobs, fame. One minute you feel like a hero; the next minute you feel like a zero. But there’s one thing in the universe that will never change: God’s love. Knowing that God still loves you no matter what happens — your failures, your brokenness, your sin — provides a rock solid foundation in your life. Consider the small word “so” that goes before “love” in the Bible’s most famous verse, John 3:16. The verse says, “God so loved the world . . . “ (NIV). God loves you with an extravagant, lavish love that can never be taken away. It’s beyond comprehension. He loves you on your good days and your bad days. He loves you when it’s raining and when the sun is shining. God says he doesn’t want you to just recognize this lavish love intellectually. He wants you to recognize it emotionally. Love is God’s nature. God created the universe and everything in it for no other reason than so he could love it. And God created you so he could love … [Read more...]
Hankins: the SBC presidential election
In fewer than three weeks at our annual convention in Dallas, June 12-13, Southern Baptists will elect a new president. The two announced candidates are Dr. J.D. Greear and Dr. Kenneth Hemphill. J.D. Greear ran two years ago and lost to the current SBC president Steve Gaines in a close and controversial decision. After his loss, some suggested that J.D. should be elected without opposition this year because he was such a good sport last time. He was a good sport. Almost every losing candidate across the decades of Southern Baptist life has been gracious in defeat. However, it was never the practice, or even the suggestion that they automatically would be the president the next rotation. We do not elect two presidents at a time. Things change a lot in two years, as they have this last two. Any group of Baptists or even one Baptist may nominate whom they will for president. But no one can confer the office on someone. It is not our practice and should not be. Only the messengers in session can elect a president. So, again this year, the average Baptist messenger will exercise the right to decide who will lead the convention. I am supporting Ken Hemphill for the office. It is not because of personalities. I like both of … [Read more...]
Be all in for Jesus
By Stewart Holloway Have you ever choked on anything? I’ve never choked, but I’ve had difficulty swallowing and that was bad enough. Choking or even coming close to choking is no fun. Yet, every day, people choke on Jesus. They cannot swallow His teaching. They cannot swallow His demands. They cannot swallow the commitment He requires. In John 6:60-71, we see three responses to Jesus: desertion, devotion, and deterioration. We want to be devoted, but a lot of people desert and deteriorate. In other words, they choke on Jesus. How do you know if you might choke on Jesus? Well, one way you choke on food is when it is too much or not what you expect, and that’s usually what happens when people desert Jesus or deteriorate in their faith – He’s too much for them or not what they expect. Typically, it’s not the big issues of the faith that people choke on, it’s the basics. No one wants to be a deserter! So what do we do? How do we avoid choking on Jesus? We become devoted. How do you do that? You resolve to do so. I know of no other way to say it. You commit. You’re all in when others are all out. You decide to follow Jesus, moment by moment day by day no matter what comes along the way. I pray that … [Read more...]
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