By Will Hall, Baptist Message Executive Editor ALEXANDRIA, La. (LBM) – In a stunning 6-3 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, which included “yes” votes by so-called conservatives Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch, homosexuality and transgenderism were each declared to be a “sex” and so included in that protected class under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In the ruling on Bostock v. Clayton County -- a combination of three cases involving the firing of a funeral home worker who chose a transgender identity and the firings of two homosexuals who came out as gay to their employers (a county government and a sky diving business) -- the Court conceded that the law protected “any individual … because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex or national origin.” Furthermore, the same justices admitted that “the term ‘sex' in 1964 referred to biological distinctions between male and female.” Then the six supporters made the tortuous argument about what “because of” meant and gave undue emphasis on “disparate treatment” to disregard the original meaning of “sex” (biological differences between a man and woman) in order to declare that homosexuality and transgenderism are … [Read more...]
Statement regarding George Floyd and the ensuing riots
By Rod Martin and affirmed by Conservative Baptist Network team In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. For this reason, while strongly affirming due process for all involved, we equally strongly condemn the death of George Floyd and also the rioting in Minneapolis and elsewhere. Every human being is made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). An attack on any person, whether intentional or merely reckless, is an affront to a holy God. The people of God must stand for innocent life at all times and in all situations. Police brutality is always wrong. It assaults the innocent, and it also endangers the countless good and heroic police officers upon whom we all depend. But likewise, rioting is not protest. Rioting is not protected by the First Amendment. Rioters are not sympathetic figures. Rioters are engaging in a form of domestic terrorism and should be dealt with accordingly. These are not normal criminals — they are rioting to advance a political point, which is not just a crime but an act of terrorism. And their message is simple: give us what we want or die. Civil society cannot long endure such acts — not of police brutality and not of mass violence — both of … [Read more...]
Who can I reach? Discovering new persons of peace
By Lane Corley You have a network of people that only you can influence for Christ. The term used for these people is Persons of Peace. A person of peace is someone who: God is drawing to Himself and opening their heart to the Gospel. (see John 6:44; Acts 16:13-15). Is open to hearing your story, God’s story and the Gospel. Welcomes you. Invites you in to their life and relationships. Has an interest in spiritual things and / or are interested in your life as a believer. Opens doors for you to meet others and gain more opportunities to share your faith. At any given time, we all have in our network persons of peace that we can share with and lead to next steps in their faith. These should be our first priority because we already know them and have a relationship with them. We can also DISCOVER NEW Persons of Peace around us. God is in the world reconciling people to himself (2 Corinthians 5:15-20). He’s always at work around us drawing people to himself (John 6:44). Here are some ways to Discover New Persons of Peace: Pray expectantly to meet persons of peace throughout your week. When we’re praying for opportunities to be a witness, our eyes are more open to the opportunities around us. Pray everyday … [Read more...]
As the church regathers
By Waylon Bailey Soon churches in America will regather for public worship. We can all be thankful that we have done our best to be good citizens who cooperated with those in authority to “flatten the curve” and not overwhelm our healthcare professionals. We can be very proud to have been a part of that. But now we have the monumental task of doing things that go against our nature and all that we have learned. Not only do we have to refrain from a “holy kiss,” we also have to refrain from what we have taught our sons about a firm handshake. Churches and schools have been greatly affected and will require creative ways to fulfill their mission. Thankfully, I can let other professionals deal with how to open schools safely and to do a high quality job of education. Think with me about the church. What will we need to do this? I can’t say it more simply. We will need God. More than anything, we will need to be completely open to God to see how He will lead. I almost want to write “reimagine,” but we don’t have to reimagine church. God will lead His people. We must be open to God’s Spirit as He shows us how to regather and how to effectively serve our communities. We must adapt, and we must be adaptable. … [Read more...]
Re-gathering the Church
By Steve Horn Louisiana Pastors and Church Leaders, We have received a number of requests to help churches interpret the phasing aspects related to the re-gathering of congregations. A wise Seminary professor once lectured, “The definition of a fool is he who tries to guess what is going to be on the test.” Therefore, we have intentionally remained silent on what re-entry means to the churches of Louisiana until we heard from the Governor. As you probably know by now, on April 27 he extended the stay-at-home order until May 15 with an update tentatively targeted for May 11. Suggestions, information and links are currently on our website. You can access them by clicking on the Resources slider and the Re-entry slider. We have intentionally not passed along every article and post we’ve run across. Much of the information is redundant and we’re hoping to avoid information overload. While we’re waiting for specifics from the governor’s office, let me offer several words of general guidance as you peruse the mountain of other suggestions. Re-gathering the church, just like all aspects of our society right now, is likely going to happen in several phases. The governor indicated that congregations may initially be limited … [Read more...]
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