What began 57 years ago as a vision to reach French-speaking individuals with the gospel has grown to a broadcast to more than 150,000 potential French Baptist Hour listeners on 13 stations in Louisiana and worldwide through the Internet. What began 57 years ago as a vision to reach French-speaking individuals with the gospel has grown to a broadcast to more than 150,000 potential French Baptist Hour listeners on 13 stations in Louisiana and worldwide through the Internet. "It is certain that the uncompromising message of the gospel, presented with love in a non-threatening manner, has broken down walls of religious prejudice, of deep resentment and of intolerance," Louisiana Baptist Convention Language Missions Director Elie Woerner says in a paper presented May 3 to the Louisiana Baptist Convention Historical Association. "It has slowly, but surely, helped our witness to be heard and heeded by many. ... Most of the results, however, will never be known on this side of heaven. "Only eternity will tell." Currently in his 30th year as director of the French Baptist Hour, Woerner says this ministry has changed drastically since the first permanent French radio … [Read more...]
Christianity and Islam – which is winning the world?
One of the oft-heard comments since Sept. 11 is that Islam is growing so rapidly, it soon will become the worlds largest religion, overtaking Christianity in just a couple of decades. Many of these projections are traceable to the work of Harvard University scholar Samuel Huntington, who has put forward the idea of a "clash of civilizations." One of the oft-heard comments since Sept. 11 is that Islam is growing so rapidly, it soon will become the worlds largest religion, overtaking Christianity in just a couple of decades. Many of these projections are traceable to the work of Harvard University scholar Samuel Huntington, who has put forward the idea of a "clash of civilizations." But a new book about Christianity in the Third World says Huntington and others are missing the true global picture. Islam is indeed expanding as Christianity loses its force in the Western world, particularly Europe, says historian and religious studies scholar Philip Jenkins, author of "The Next Christendom." But at the same time, the numbers of Christians are exploding in the southern hemisphere, he reports. In his Oxford University Press book, Jenkins … [Read more...]
La. Baptists need to do better caring for those who cared for us
Statistics from the Southern Baptist Annuity Board reveal people who cared for Louisiana Baptists are not being cared for. Presently, 736 retired persons, the vast majority ministers, who live in Louisiana receive annuitant payments from the Annuity Board. Statistics from the Southern Baptist Annuity Board reveal people who cared for Louisiana Baptists are not being cared for. Presently, 736 retired persons, the vast majority ministers, who live in Louisiana receive annuitant payments from the Annuity Board. Here are the heartbreaking segments of those statistics. Of the 736, 34 receive from one to 50 dollars per month. Seventy-eight receive from $51 to $100 per month. One hundred and twenty six receive $101 to $200 per month. There are 108 annuitants who receive from $201 to $300 per month. These figures mean 346 retired Louisiana Baptist ministers receive less than $300 per month in retirement pay from the Annuity Board. Only 390 receive more than $301 per month, or an average of $505. Even with maximum Social Security benefits added to these amounts, the funds do not provide a comfortable retirement. Frequently, there is added tragedy. … [Read more...]
Reigning Miss Teen Louisiana stays busy – but maintains a focus on faith
One pair of blue jeans may not mean much to most teenagers, but for Courtney Haynes, Miss Teen Louisiana 2001, that article of clothing shaped the rest of her life. While a sixth grader, Haynes family experienced a financial crisis, and she was left with just one pair of jeans to wear the entire year. One pair of blue jeans may not mean much to most teenagers, but for Courtney Haynes, Miss Teen Louisiana 2001, that article of clothing shaped the rest of her life. While a sixth grader, Haynes family experienced a financial crisis, and she was left with just one pair of jeans to wear the entire year. "Before that, I was a cheerleader, popular and well-off," says Haynes, a member at First Baptist Church of West Monroe. "I lost everything, and thats when I started to realize it wasnt about the way I looked but the hero thats inside me." That time in Haynes life inspired her to develop the "Hero Inside" program, which was her platform during the Miss Teen Louisiana Pageant. The program is designed to instill self-esteem and confidence in young students as they face challenges in their teenage years. Only 16-years-old, Haynes has accomplished more than … [Read more...]
Words can hurt – and heal Focus falling on dangers of gossip and verbal abuse
He heard the whispers as soon as he drew near to anyone. "There he is - the tax-collecting scoundrel!" "Thats him. I hope he falls and breaks his head!" "May God curse him with a sad life!" He heard the whispers as soon as he drew near to anyone. "There he is - the tax-collecting scoundrel!" "Thats him. I hope he falls and breaks his head!" "May God curse him with a sad life!" Of course, the crowd would not allow him up front where he would have been able to see. No one wanted to be around him, much less help him by providing him a place to stand. That is when he saw the tree and decided it would be an advantageous spot. One, he could see. Two, he would not have to listen to the vile comments of the rest of the people. And that is where Jesus saw him. And wonder of wonders - Jesus spoke to him. And Zacchaeus could not believe - unlike every other comment he had been hearing and overhearing for who knows how long now, these words were kind. Mark Twain once theorized that the difference between the right word and the almost-right word was the difference between … [Read more...]
Effort focuses on building chapels on every Louisiana prison grounds
Work continues in the effort to build or upgrade chapels at all Louisiana prisons, with the first of three such facilities planned for the state penitentiary in Angola to be dedicated this month. Work continues in the effort to build or upgrade chapels at all Louisiana prisons, with the first of three such facilities planned for the state penitentiary in Angola to be dedicated this month. "Theres a tremendous amount of ministry taking place in these prisons," said Ross English, executive director of the Louisiana Prison Chapel Foundation, the non-profit group leading the charge to build the chapels. "Were not just building chapels for chapels sake. Were trying to provide a place for whats already happening in the prisons." That there is a need for ministry - and chapels - on Louisiana prison grounds is clear. There are 15 state adult prison facilities in Louisiana. More than 38,000 state prisoners are housed in the state institutions, with the number growing each year. Indeed, Louisiana ranks second in its per capita incarceration rate. More than one-third of inmates are sentenced for violent crimes - and one-third of them are in their 20s went sent to … [Read more...]
Spiritual weapon of prayer key to winning lost, Louisiana pastor emphasizes
If Louisiana Baptists hope to reach the world for Christ, they must understand they are fighting a spiritual battle and use a spiritual weapon to win, David Uth said recently. "If we try to win people to Christ using the means of the world, we will never see a harvest," Uth said during a dinner prior to the recent Louisiana Baptist Great Commission Prayer Conference in Ruston. Editors Note: The following article is from addresses related to the recent Louisiana Baptist Great Commission Prayer Conference. In upcoming weeks, the Baptist Message will present articles related to the conference. This article is based on an address delivered by David Uth at a dinner just prior to the two-day conference. Uth is pastor at First Baptist Church of West Monroe. This article was written by LBM Associate Editor C. Lacy Thompson. If Louisiana Baptists hope to reach the world for Christ, they must understand they are fighting a spiritual battle and use a spiritual weapon to win, David Uth said recently. "If we try to win people to Christ using the means of the world, we will never see a harvest," Uth said during a dinner prior to the recent Louisiana Baptist Great Commission Prayer … [Read more...]
Louisiana legislature session features bills on moral and social concerns
News reports of the current special session of the Louisiana Legislature focus on several key items of economic development. However, measures related to key moral and social issues also are pending. News reports of the current special session of the Louisiana Legislature focus on several key items of economic development. However, measures related to key moral and social issues also are pending. Proposed measures include: House Bill 3. The bill would establish "In God We Trust" prestige license plates if 1,000 requests are received. Money from the plates would be allocated to the Louisiana chapters of Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts the Association of Retarded Persons. House Bill 13. The measure would amend the current state law on prayer. Current law establishes the right of students and teachers who wish to observe a brief time of prayer or meditation at the start of the school day. The proposed bill would stipulate that such prayer or meditation be silent. House Bill 22. Current law says students attending public elementary or secondary schools cannot be denied the right to participate in voluntary, student-initiated, student-led … [Read more...]
Weekly Announcements
For the week of April 4, 2002 Potpourri RUSTON - First church: "Abundant Life: Living Above Your Circumstances" associational womens conference; April 26-27; cost is $20; Mary Glynn-Peeples, guest speaker; Starla Harbin, music leader; for information, call Andrea Phillips at (318) 2544-5349; Philip Briggs, pastor. NEW ORLEANS - New Orleans Seminary: Second annual "Harry Eskew Sacred Harp Sing," April 13, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.; in the Sellers Music Building; includes covered dish luncheon which participants provide; free parking available; for information, call NOBTS music office at (504) 282-4455, ext. 3229. DENHAM SPRINGS - Hebron church: The Wilsons in concert; April 7, 6 p.m.; Rob Burns, pastor. JACKSON - Judson Retreat center: "Light Maker...Light Keeper" spring womens retreat; April 26-27; April 15 registration deadline; $35/per person in cabin; $50/per person in motel (2-4 persons in room); Becky Brown and Patti Covington Higginbotham, retreat leaders; to register or for information, call (225) 634-7225; Eugene Morris, camp manager. EUNICE - Acadian center: Couples retreat; April 19-20; $65/lodgers - $40/commuters; meals included; Marvin and … [Read more...]
Christians facing radical Hindu persecution in India
Most Christians understand the threat posed by militant Islam, but few are aware of a strain of Hindu radicalism targeting believers in India. Indeed, there is a "well-rehearsed plan for violence" against churches and evangelists in the sprawling sub-continent inhabited by one-sixth of the worlds population, said George Ninan, a South Asia director for Campus Crusade for Christ. Most Christians understand the threat posed by militant Islam, but few are aware of a strain of Hindu radicalism targeting believers in India. Indeed, there is a "well-rehearsed plan for violence" against churches and evangelists in the sprawling sub-continent inhabited by one-sixth of the worlds population, said George Ninan, a South Asia director for Campus Crusade for Christ. "One month ago two of our staff members were beaten up while they were talking to students at the university," Ninan said in an interview with the ASSIST News Service. "They were taken to the police station and the police did the same thing. "These are things that wouldnt have happened a few years back." However, in recent years, militant groups have arisen that trumpet a Hindu "race" and culture, urging that Hinduism be recognized as the official state … [Read more...]
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