Within hours of the Sept. 11 attacks in New York and Washington, Southern Baptist disaster relief volunteers were rolling - ready to cook meals for victims and recovery workers, care for children and do the jobs they had done on so many other occasions. By the time those emergency efforts finally concluded in late July, the response had shaped the entire Southern Baptist disaster relief network more than any single response since Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Within hours of the Sept. 11 attacks in New York and Washington, Southern Baptist disaster relief volunteers were rolling - ready to cook meals for victims and recovery workers, care for children and do the jobs they had done on so many other occasions. By the time those emergency efforts finally concluded in late July, the response had shaped the entire Southern Baptist disaster relief network more than any single response since Hurricane Andrew in 1992. There were new areas of ministry that demonstrated the importance of flexibility - including an expanded chaplaincy response, opportunities for cleaning up apartments and even the impromptu distribution of Teddy Bears that flooded the city as expressions of love and … [Read more...]
Did you know? A word really does rhyme with ‘purple’
In the August 22 issue of the Baptist Message, my "On Second Thought" was entitled, "Things you did not know you did not know you did not know." Well, maybe, there are a couple of things you do not know that you still do not know even if you read "Things you did not know." It seems that e-mail I quoted may not be 100 percent accurate. In the August 22 issue of the Baptist Message, my "On Second Thought" was entitled, "Things you did not know you did not know you did not know." Well, maybe, there are a couple of things you do not know that you still do not know even if you read "Things you did not know." It seems that e-mail I quoted may not be 100 percent accurate. One thing for certain, the Baptist Message has astute, well-educated, sharp readers. One of our readers, and one of my favorite people, wrote to tell me there was, indeed, not only one word that rhymes with "purple" but two. One word is "hirple" and it means "to hobble or limp." "It is a delightful word," she wrote, "almost as good as burble" which means "to make a bubbling sound, or to speak with such a sound." It can also mean "the breakdown of smooth airflow around a wing at a high angle of … [Read more...]
Weekly Briefs
For the week of September 26, 2002 Kingdom people Southern Baptists were challenged to be kingdom people last week by their highest administrator. Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee President Morris Chapman insisted the time has come for persons to decide if they are kingdom people or not - and if not, how they can be. Speaking at last weeks Executive Committee meeting, Chapman focused on the new "Empowering Kingdom Growth" emphasis, outlining various aspects of a kingdom focus. He noted: "The Kingdom of God is about kingdom identity, the state of my relationship with him. Do I talk with him often and listen to what he says? ... "The Kingdom of God is about kingdom character. Do I obey his kingly rule in living life daily? ... "The Kingdom of God is about kingdom priority. Am I willing to sacrifice for the cause of Christ? ... "The Kingdom of God is about kingdom family. Have I led my family to have a spiritual purpose? ... "The Kingdom of God is about kingdom perspective. Am I willing to set aside lesser goals such as personal aggrandizement and pursuit of things of the world? ... "The Kingdom of God is about … [Read more...]
A new reason to watch football – Bible knowledge
The National Football League began its regular season recently. Its fans need help. Well, that kind, too, but I meant they need help finding new excuses to feed their spouses. So, here is a new tactic: "But, honey, I have to watch the game to increase my Bible knowledge. After all, its Sunday." Maybe your spouse will buy that, given this supporting evidence. Editors Note: The following is featured as a guest "On Second Thought." It was written by Doug Mendenhall, a writer for Religion News Service. The National Football League began its regular season recently. Its fans need help. Well, that kind, too, but I meant they need help finding new excuses to feed their spouses. So, here is a new tactic: "But, honey, I have to watch the game to increase my Bible knowledge. After all, its Sunday." Maybe your spouse will buy that, given this supporting evidence. Below are the number of biblical references to each NFL team. I consulted both New International and King James versions and listed the greater of the two. They are as follow: Chiefs, 336. There is not an Indian among them, but lots of priests and army … [Read more...]
How much will it take to end world hunger? Do the math oneself
Here is a math equation for one to ponder in the lunch-hour restaurant - or over the dinner table crowded with bowls and platters and plates. If meals for homeless children in Uganda cost 12 cents apiece through the Southern Baptist World Hunger Fund and giving through the fund has dropped more than $2 million in the past two years, how many children in Uganda are going hungry? Give up? Here is a math equation for one to ponder in the lunch-hour restaurant - or over the dinner table crowded with bowls and platters and plates. If meals for homeless children in Uganda cost 12 cents apiece through the Southern Baptist World Hunger Fund and giving through the fund has dropped more than $2 million in the past two years, how many children in Uganda are going hungry? Give up? So are too many other people around the world who are going without food and are left without hope of finding any. Meanwhile, giving through the Southern Baptist World Hunger Fund continues to drop - down 11 percent already this year. Louisiana is no different. Indeed, giving in the state is down almost $32,000 from the same time last year - which … [Read more...]
Now is the time for Southern Baptists to help BEAT world hunger, leaders say
Hunger is a worldwide problem - but Southern Baptist Convention leaders are doing their best to rally members of their churches to "BEAT" it. As the 2002 observance of the conventions world hunger emphasis nears, leaders are calling on Southern Baptist churches to schedule a "Believers Everywhere ATtack Hunger" weekend as a way of raising awareness - and funds. The need for both are plain. Hunger is a worldwide problem - but Southern Baptist Convention leaders are doing their best to rally members of their churches to "BEAT" it. As the 2002 observance of the conventions world hunger emphasis nears, leaders are calling on Southern Baptist churches to schedule a "Believers Everywhere ATtack Hunger" weekend as a way of raising awareness - and funds. The need for both are plain. Giving through the Southern Baptist World Hunger Fund is down - 15 percent in 2001 and 11 percent already this year. That translates to millions of dollars. And that translates to millions left untouched by hunger ministries - even as the needs mount around the world. A BEAT Hunger weekend can help change that picture, … [Read more...]
Weekly Announcements
For the week of September 26, 2002 Potpourri SHREVEPORT - Emmanual church: "My Cup Runneth Over" fourth annual womens conference; Oct. 5, 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.; $10 per person, which includes lunch; child care available; Abby Shields, Barbara Brady, Nell Bice and Joyce Jordan, scheduled guest speakers; to register or for information, call (318) 686-7548; Bill Stowell, pastor. WINNSBORO - New Zion church: In cooperation with Oak Grove church will feature Malachi in concert; Sept. 29, 6 p.m.; fellowship to follow concert; Tommy Basco, pastor. DERIDDER - Mt. Carmel church: The Beasleys in concert; Sept. 29, 6 p.m.; Frederick Hartzell, pastor. CALHOUN - First church: Lay Ministry Weekend; Sept. 27, 6 p.m. covered dish supper, 7:15-9:30 p.m. sessions; Sept. 28, 9:15 a.m.-noon sessions, 6 p.m. covered dish supper, 7:15-9:30 p.m. sessions; Sept. 29, 8 a.m-noon; Ivan Harliss, Lay Ministry Weekend coordinator; Neal Everett, pastor. Revivals BALL - First church of Ball: Sept. 29, 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 7 p.m.; Ronnie Tullos, evangelist; Randy Ryland, music; Mike Hedrick, pastor. RAYVILLE - Woodlawn church: Oct. 6, 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Oct. 7-9, 7 … [Read more...]
LC quality remains high, reports indicate
Enrollment, academic quality and spiritual atmosphere and commitment remain high at Louisiana College, recent reports indicate. During their scheduled meeting last week, trustees of the Louisiana Baptist school in Pineville learned that: Enrollment this semester fell 4.4 percent from last fall but still represents the second-highest level in 23 years and the sixth-highest mark in school history. Enrollment, academic quality and spiritual atmosphere and commitment remain high at Louisiana College, recent reports indicate. During their scheduled meeting last week, trustees of the Louisiana Baptist school in Pineville learned that: Enrollment this semester fell 4.4 percent from last fall but still represents the second-highest level in 23 years and the sixth-highest mark in school history. The full-time equivalency totaled 1,076, which includes 1,161 full- and part-time students. While a strong total, the numbers still are lower than anticipated. On-campus housing numbers reflect a similar story. Down from last fall, the total still ranks as the third-highest in history. Academic quality continues to rise at … [Read more...]
Louisiana College trustees focus on ensuring future
Louisiana College trustees focused on ensuring the schools Christian character and ties to the state convention during their scheduled meeting last week. Trustees approved a motion for the school to join the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Membership in the council will provide the Pineville school with a valuable resource for faculty development from a Christian worldview and for finding Christian professors, trustees explained. Louisiana College trustees focused on ensuring the schools Christian character and ties to the state convention during their scheduled meeting last week. Trustees approved a motion for the school to join the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Membership in the council will provide the Pineville school with a valuable resource for faculty development from a Christian worldview and for finding Christian professors, trustees explained. After about an hour of executive session discussion, trustees also approved a resolution reaffirming the ties between the college and the Louisiana Baptist Convention. They also heard reports on various areas of the college and elected board officers for the new year. (See … [Read more...]
Southern Baptist body declines to recognize new Missouri convention
The Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee has declined to recognize the new Baptist General Convention of Missouri as a collecting agent for the national denomination. Committee members also have declined to limit the number of stat e conventions recognized by the national body - as a referred 2002 motion had urged. The Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee has declined to recognize the new Baptist General Convention of Missouri as a collecting agent for the national denomination. Committee members also have declined to limit the number of stat e conventions recognized by the national body - as a referred 2002 motion had urged. The actions mean that the new moderate/conservative convention in Missouri cannot forward funds through the SBC Cooperative Program or through Southern Baptist missions offerings. Churches affiliated with the new convention either will have to send gifts directly to the national convention or funnel them through the existing Missouri Baptist Convention. The action was not unexpected but did draw discussion at last weeks scheduled committee meeting. A pair of guests addressed the issue during the meeting. … [Read more...]
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