Joe Sherrer knows modern parents are facing a difficult challenge - but he is convinced churches can help offer them a little "peace." There is no doubt parents face unprecedented forces as they seek to raise children, said Sherrer, associate professor of adult education at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Joe Sherrer knows modern parents are facing a difficult challenge - but he is convinced churches can help offer them a little "peace." There is no doubt parents face unprecedented forces as they seek to raise children, said Sherrer, associate professor of adult education at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. "One reason is that we have more serious types of crisis events, including tragedies and the current military buildup," he said. "Children are living in a context that is very troubling." In addition, modern parents do not have structures in place to help people learn how to parent, Sherrer added. "We dont have the models we once had," he said. "Families tend to move around more. ... We tend not to have relatives living real close that can help teach us how to do parenting." Also, the very tone of the world has … [Read more...]
The parenting challenge ( Part One )
The parenting challenge: Parenting is hard - but there are steps parents themselves and concerned churches can take to help meet the challenges of the task, experts emphasize Note: The following is the second of a two-part look at the challenge of modern parenting. Last weeks article focused on the current state of parenting and how parents themselves feel they are meeting the challenge. This weeks articles offer some tips and insight for parents on how they can respond to modern pressures and meet the challenge. The parenting challenge: Parenting is hard - but there are steps parents themselves and concerned churches can take to help meet the challenges of the task, experts emphasize Note: The following is the second of a two-part look at the challenge of modern parenting. Last weeks article focused on the current state of parenting and how parents themselves feel they are meeting the challenge. This weeks articles offer some tips and insight for parents on how they can respond to modern pressures and meet the challenge. Ask Jeanine Bozeman to identify the hardest jobs of all, and there is one certain to be among the top on her list - parenting. "I think its … [Read more...]
Weekly Briefs
For the week of March 13, 2003 Cooperative Program Southern Baptist Cooperative Program gifts totaled almost $17.7 million last month, an increase of about $800,000 (4.7 percent) from the previous February. For the year, gifts total more than $78.9 million, an increase of $1.2 million (1.6 percent) from the same time last year. The total also stands almost $5.2 million (7 percent) ahead of budget. Meanwhile, designated gifts totaled $50 million last month, a drop of more than $2.8 million (5.4 percent) from the previous February. For the year, designated gifts total $83.3 million, a decrease of $1.2 million (1.5 percent) from the same time last year. Baptist World Alliance A revised budget to address a $650,000 deficit recently was adopted by the Baptist World Alliance Executive Committee. The committee also addressed the controversy involving the application of the moderate/conservative Cooperative Baptist Fellowship for alliance membership. In addressing the deficit, BWA General Secretary Denton Lotz cited a declining stock market, decreased membership support and a shift in local church giving patterns from traditional institutions to independent organizations and individuals. Among the measures taken, the … [Read more...]
Louisiana Baptist ministries need the support of owners
Good news abounds throughout the Louisiana Baptist Convention and its agencies and institutions. The Baptist Message strives to share that news every week. For instance, Louisiana Baptist Convention churches gave last year one-half million dollars more through the Cooperative Program than ever before. Any time contributions to just about any cause increase one-half million dollars above previous high levels, that is significant. Good news abounds throughout the Louisiana Baptist Convention and its agencies and institutions. The Baptist Message strives to share that news every week. For instance, Louisiana Baptist Convention churches gave last year one-half million dollars more through the Cooperative Program than ever before. Any time contributions to just about any cause increase one-half million dollars above previous high levels, that is significant. In the midst of this good news, there are challenges. Beginning this week, the Baptist Message will have a cluster of articles about how the financial institutions of the nation and state have affected the agencies and institutions of the Louisiana Baptist Convention: The Executive Board of the Louisiana Baptist Convention; … [Read more...]
Students show what allowances and lunch money can buy
Students at Crescent City Baptist School in Metairie had collected canned goods for the Louisiana Baptist Childrens Home for 10 years. Last year, they decided to do more. Last year, they decided to buy the home a van. And using their allowances and lunch money - they did. Crescent City Baptist School enrolls about 700 students from preschool to high school. During the final two months of 2002, all the students at the school participated in a fundraiser that netted more than $18,000. Students at Crescent City Baptist School in Metairie had collected canned goods for the Louisiana Baptist Childrens Home for 10 years. Last year, they decided to do more. Last year, they decided to buy the home a van. And using their allowances and lunch money - they did. Crescent City Baptist School enrolls about 700 students from preschool to high school. During the final two months of 2002, all the students at the school participated in a fundraiser that netted more than $18,000. That translated into a much-needed van for the Louisiana Baptist Childrens Home. The action further cemented the ties between the … [Read more...]
You throwing money away – or investing?
Stanley and Kathleen Clark are Louisiana natives and graduates of Louisiana College, and Stanley Clark is a doctoral graduate of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary as well. He has been a Louisiana Baptist pastor and has taught at both Louisiana College and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. For the past 40 years, Stanley and Kathleen Clark have served as representatives of the Southern Baptist International Mission Board in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Note: The following is the second in a series of articles to be published in the Baptist Message regarding the Cooperative Program and how it is at work throughout Louisiana. Subsequent articles will appear during the year to highlight the Cooperative Program missions and ministry work. Stanley and Kathleen Clark are Louisiana natives and graduates of Louisiana College, and Stanley Clark is a doctoral graduate of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary as well. He has been a Louisiana Baptist pastor and has taught at both Louisiana College and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. For the past 40 years, Stanley and Kathleen Clark have served as representatives of the Southern Baptist International Mission Board in … [Read more...]
Baptist Retirement Center working for stability
In the early weeks of the year, leaders of the Baptist Retirement Center in Arcadia acknowledged the financial straits the agency was negotiating. "Right now, were dead in the water," Executive Director Bob Nelson told Louisiana Baptist Convention leaders. A couple of months later, Nelson does not use the same characterization regarding the center. But it would not be a reach to say the center still is treading water. In the early weeks of the year, leaders of the Baptist Retirement Center in Arcadia acknowledged the financial straits the agency was negotiating. "Right now, were dead in the water," Executive Director Bob Nelson told Louisiana Baptist Convention leaders. A couple of months later, Nelson does not use the same characterization regarding the center. But it would not be a reach to say the center still is treading water. And, as with other agencies, the factors at play are almost totally out of the control of the center and its leaders. How did the state convention nursing home facility - valued at about $7.5 million - get to this point? And why is Nelson convinced the center can and will - and should - … [Read more...]
In case of terrorist attack, LBC agencies prepared
Louisiana Baptists may rest assured - if terrorists attack this region, state convention entities are prepared. Heightened terrorist alerts have prompted some citizens to stockpile food and duct tape while certain businesses have developed preparedness plans, including Louisiana Baptist Convention entities. LBC Disaster Relief Coordinator Buddy Day said, "Families should be prepared for a disaster of any kind at any time - terrorist, tornado, hurricane, etc., (as should churches). Louisiana Baptists may rest assured - if terrorists attack this region, state convention entities are prepared. Heightened terrorist alerts have prompted some citizens to stockpile food and duct tape while certain businesses have developed preparedness plans, including Louisiana Baptist Convention entities. LBC Disaster Relief Coordinator Buddy Day said, "Families should be prepared for a disaster of any kind at any time - terrorist, tornado, hurricane, etc., (as should churches). "Disasters are occurring in greater number and doing greater damage than at previous times," Day added. "Also, more people are living in disaster prone areas. We also now must contend … [Read more...]
That the church will ‘see’
the have heard it preached everywhere that we need to pray for America during this present time of crisis. We do, of course, need to do that. I believe, however, that 911 should have been a wake-up call for the church - not America. I have heard it preached everywhere that we need to pray for America during this present time of crisis. We do, of course, need to do that. I believe, however, that 911 should have been a wake-up call for the church - not America. It is easy for me to see the influence of the church in the formation of our country. I think that today the church has lost its power and influence. I dont think that 9/11 was enough to wake up the church. America will never experience renewal, in my judgment, till the church in America is revived. Second Chronicles 7:l4 is addressed to the people of God primarily. I think our future as a country looks bleak unless the church is genuinely revived. My prayer is that God would continue to raise up revivalists to help the church "see" what she needs to be and do and only then will America be spared any future attacks. Jerry Bass New Orleans … [Read more...]
A ‘spiritual atmosphere’
As an employee of the Louisiana Baptist Childrens Home in Monroe, my heart was literally hurt when I read comments regarding the search for a new executive director of the home. As an employee of the Louisiana Baptist Childrens Home in Monroe, my heart was literally hurt when I read comments regarding the search for a new executive director of the home. That "actual child care experience would be one of the least important qualifications" for the head of an institution that has been committed to child care ministry for 104 years reflects a lack of understanding of the nature of child care ministry. The home must have a godly leader who has an understanding and background in child care ministry. That we must have a "pastor out there" is a personal attack on every godly man and woman who works day in and day out providing spiritual guidance to the children under their care. We have six ordained men with many years of pastoral experience. Other committed Christians daily pray for, pray with and model their faith for our girls and boys. Our girls and boys are "pastored" much more diligently and consistently than most church members will ever experience. I invite you to join us … [Read more...]
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