Four decades of social, cultural and economic changes have impacted marriage in America - and research indicates children are paying the highest cost Four decades of social, cultural and economic changes have impacted marriage in America - and research indicates children are paying the highest cost Note: Southern Baptist leaders recently launched an emphasis on strengthening families. In support of that effort, the Baptist Message will report periodically on trends and issues related to family life. The following is one such report. When it comes to marriage, consensus and evidence tend to agree - it has central importance in human life and society. "Marriage is a fundamental social institution." "It is central to nurture and raising of children. (and) is the 'social glue' that reliably attaches fathers to children." "It contributes to the physical, emotional and economic health of men, women and children and, thus, to the nation as a whole." "It is one of the most-highly prized of all human relationships and a central life goal of most Americans." All in all, marriage seems to hold its intended place in life. Except ... The state of marriage is not good - and for children, it … [Read more...]
Recent study identifies key findings, trends related to the health of marriage in America
Several key findings related to American marriages were included in a recent study of the institution by Rutgers University. The findings were part of "The State of Our Unions: The Social Health of Marriage in America 2003." They were: Several key findings related to American marriages were included in a recent study of the institution by Rutgers University. The findings were part of "The State of Our Unions: The Social Health of Marriage in America 2003." They were: . Marriage trends in the United States in recent decades indicate that Americans have become less likely to marry and that fewer of those who do marry have marriages they consider to be very happy. Fewer Americans are opting for marriage these days, researchers say. The number of marriages per 1,000 unmarried women age 15 and older has dropped 37.9 percent since 1960. Since 1990, the number has dropped 16.3 percent. "More than 90 percent of women have married eventually in every generation for which records exist, going back to the mid-1800s," the researchers note. "By 1960, 94 percent of women then alive had been married at least once by age 45 - probably an historical high point. (But) If the present marriage trend continues, some … [Read more...]
Weekly Briefs
For the week of July 24, 2003 Church-state ruling A California district judge has declared a portion of the law aimed at helping houses of worship overcome land-use disputes unconstitutional. In a little-noticed ruling in the U.S. District Court of the Central District of California, Judge Stephen Wilson said Congress redefined First Amendment rights by passing the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000. The act was designed to assure that religious groups were on equal footing in land-use disputes. The law prohibits land-use laws that substantially burden the free exercise of religion by a person or group - unless there is a compelling government interest and the law in question is the least-restrictive possible approach. For instance, the California case involved a church that was denied permission by a local government to move into a former grocery store building. The law has proven effective in dozens of cases, with the recent ruling marking the first time it has been struck down by a federal judge. At present, only churches in the court's Los Angeles area-jurisdiction are affected by the decision, but observers say it ultimately could affect houses of worship across the country. At … [Read more...]
Concerns with 15-passenger vans continue – training urged for others
Special training is needed for driving 15-passenger vans - the type of vehicle often used by churches and youth groups, the National Transportation Safety Board said recently. Special training is needed for driving 15-passenger vans - the type of vehicle often used by churches and youth groups, the National Transportation Safety Board said recently. The board recommended that states establish programs requiring training and testing for drivers of 15-passenger vans, which make up less than 1 percent of all vehicles on the road but have been found to be prone to rollovers during emergencies. The board also recommended lap/shoulder seatbelts in all seating positions and for the vans to be equipped with more padding and protection inside to minimize danger to occupants during a wreck. However, the call for driver training is key. The vans handle differently from cars, requiring a higher skill level, the board said. And while it is not a requirement, the recommendation adds to what has been three years of bad news about the vehicle. In 2001, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration research found that when loaded with 10 or more passengers, the vans were three times more likely to roll over than if … [Read more...]
Just suppose you decide to tithe to the Lord – what then?
Let me see if I can talk you out of tithing your income to the Lord through your church. Here are some reasons not to tithe. If you do not tithe your income: Joe McKeever, Pastor, FBC of Kenner Let me see if I can talk you out of tithing your income to the Lord through your church. Here are some reasons not to tithe. If you do not tithe your income: o You will have more money to spend however you please. o You can buy a new car twice as often. o You can wear better and more expensive clothes. o You will not have to say 'no' to your children as frequently. o You can eat out more often. o You can travel more, taking real vacations instead of just going to see the folks. o You can afford a bigger house in a better neighborhood, because an additional 10 percent of your income can make a big difference. o You can pay off some of those bills that have been worrying you. o And when you do give to the church, you can choose where it goes and exactly what it will fund. You will not be bound by the unified budget the church voted and tithers support. o You can spread out your charitable giving and contribute to other causes that always are asking for money. By not tithing, you have freed up … [Read more...]
These teens gave Baton Rouge ‘something to talk about’
Why would a teenager pay 250 dollars to spend a week in Louisiana's summer humidity repairing a roof or painting a house? Just ask 340 youth from 11 states. The junior and senior high school students were in Baton Rouge participating in World Changers, a project of the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board. Students renovated and repaired 27 homes in low-income areas of the Louisiana city late last month. Why would a teenager pay 250 dollars to spend a week in Louisiana's summer humidity repairing a roof or painting a house? Just ask 340 youth from 11 states. The junior and senior high school students were in Baton Rouge participating in World Changers, a project of the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board. Students renovated and repaired 27 homes in low-income areas of the Louisiana city late last month. "Some people think it's crazy to work on someone else's house they don't even know, but the students are blessed by doing this," says Jessie Pait, NAMB team leader for World Changers. Hosted by Florida Boulevard Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, the project is one of two World Changer events scheduled in Louisiana this summer. Students also worked in Shreveport July 19-25. Before … [Read more...]
Resources exist to help churches recover strong voice on tithing, leader says
In the past 25 years of Christian history, teaching tithing as an important act of worship largely has been ignored by the church, Gary Aylor said. That has to change, he said. In the past 25 years of Christian history, teaching tithing as an important act of worship largely has been ignored by the church, Gary Aylor said. That has to change, he said. The church simply must be a strong voice for the principle of tithing, said Aylor, former church stewardship service director for LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. "Most people don't tithe, and people are afraid others will leave the church if they talk about money," Aylor said. "But we have to be prophetic. God's people need to fund God's work." Because many church members do not know what the Bible says about money, they fail to give generously, Aylor said. However, pastors who fail to teach on the subject also will be held accountable by God, he added. LifeWay's leading resource is a day-long seminar titled "Successful Christian Financial Management." Various state convention and associational officials nationwide are available to teach the course, which includes a workbook at a cost of $5. The only other expense is … [Read more...]
Talking tithe – and more
The number of persons who tithe to their churches is down - and the only answer is for churches to teach what God says about their finances, many say The news that tithing declined by about 62 percent last year presents the church with both a warning and a challenge, several experts in Christian financial and seminary circles note. The number of persons who tithe to their churches is down - and the only answer is for churches to teach what God says about their finances, many say The news that tithing declined by about 62 percent last year presents the church with both a warning and a challenge, several experts in Christian financial and seminary circles note. In mid-May, the Barna Research Group reported the results of a survey of 1,010 adults. It showed that the proportion of households tithing - giving 10 percent of income - to churches dropped from 8 percent in 2001 to just 3 percent in 2002. "Different challenges have caused people to choose not to tithe," researcher George Barna said. "For some, the soft economy has either diminished their household income or led to concerns about their financial security. For others, the nation's political condition, in terms of terrorism and the war in Iraq, has … [Read more...]
I always wanted one – now, after years of waiting
The kid down the block had one, and I always wanted one. His family had more money than we had, but just about every other family in town did. More important, his dad was not a Baptist preacher, which contributed to him having more money and living in one house, his family's house, his entire six years. The kid down the block had one, and I always wanted one. His family had more money than we had, but just about every other family in town did. More important, his dad was not a Baptist preacher, which contributed to him having more money and living in one house, his family's house, his entire six years. We had just moved into the "parsonage" of my dad's new church. A dandy tree stood in the backyard, a perfect one for building a "boyz only" tree house. But, Dad did not feel we had the freedom to build things in the parsonage's trees. The deacons seemed to believe the parsonage trees should not have the kinds of things hanging from them that boys want to put there. So, for a couple of days, my older brother and I stood at the edge of our backyard and watched the blessed kid go up and down his knotted rope into his tree house. He ignored us with a great flair. Finally, he asked us in a condescending … [Read more...]
Weekly Announcements
For the week of July 24, 2003 POTPOURRI •SHREVEPORT - Pinecroft church: Set Free in concert; Aug. 3, 10:45 a.m.; Marty J. Wright, pastor. •NEW ORLEANS - Oak Park church: Joanna Miley King in concert; Aug. 3, 6 p.m.; Paul Brady, pastor. •SULPHUR - Houston River church: "Understanding Your Bible" seminar; Aug. 2, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.; Bob Utley, seminar leader; Lonnie Gothrup, pastor. •MORGAN CITY - First church: Joe Sanford's Memorial Bluegrass Gospel Concert; July 26, 7 p.m.; Glynn G. Dunn, minister of music. •BALL - First church: Mike Bullock and Men of Music in concert; July 24, 7 p.m.; and Kingdom Bound Gospel Quartet in concert, Aug. 3, 11 a.m. Michael Hedrick, pastor. •DERIDDER - Mt. Carmel church: Kellie Blackmon in concert; July 26, 7 p.m.; love offering; light refreshments after concert. • WISNER - First church: Not By Sight contemporary Christian trio in concert; Aug. 4, 7 p.m.; Thomas Peoples, pastor. •PINEVILLE - Northside church: Brothers Redeemed in concert; July 26, 7 p.m.; Keith Ryan, pastor.•MONROE - First church: The Young Continentals in concert; July 30, 6 p.m.; Randy McGee, pastor. •DENHAM SPRINGS - Eden church: Mike McCain presents "Michael, An Eyewitness" depiction of … [Read more...]
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