The theme of the 2004 Louisiana Baptist Evangelism Conference hardly could have been missed by participants - it was all about finding purpose. The theme of the 2004 Louisiana Baptist Evangelism Conference hardly could have been missed by participants - it was all about finding purpose. State convention leaders used the annual conference at Istrouma Baptist Church in Baton Rouge as a springboard for their year-long emphasis on equipping Louisiana Baptists for ministry and evangelism. The chosen tool for the emphasis is "The Purpose-Driven Life" by Rick Warren, a Southern Baptist pastor and best-selling author. "The Purpose-Driven Life" invites persons to undertake a 40-day study designed to help them understand God’s meaning and purpose for their lives. The study book has been embraced across the country - and the Louisiana Baptist Convention has partnered with Warren and his church to bring the study to the Bayou State. Leaders say they hope as many as 750 to 1,000 Louisiana Baptist churches will use the study this year. In an effort to promote the emphasis, leaders organized the recent evangelism conference on the themes of the purpose study. The … [Read more...]
The Purpose-Driven Life (Part 1)
Rick Warren is convinced "The Purpose-Driven Life" study can do more than just change one’s life. Rick Warren is convinced "The Purpose-Driven Life" study can do more than just change one’s life. It can change an entire state - even the state of Louisiana - by changing its churches. "(This purpose-driven emphasis) will change your church like nothing else," Warren said during the recent Louisiana Baptist Evangelism Conference at Istrouma Baptist Church in Baton Rouge. Warren did not attend the state conference - but he did make his presence known. Warren addressed each session of the two-day conference via video, speaking specifically about the state convention’s year-long "40 Days of Purpose" emphasis. Warren is pastor at Saddleback Valley Community Church in Lake Forest, Calif., one of the largest Southern Baptist congregations in the nation. He also is author of "The Purpose-Driven Life." The book urges persons to commit 40 days of study for discovering God’s purpose for their lives. Louisiana Baptist leaders have embraced the concept, as have many others across the nation. They have made the study the centerpiece of their "40 Days of … [Read more...]
Go back to what works
Since the Louisiana Baptist Convention is composed of human beings, it is possible that we can make mistakes. Since the Louisiana Baptist Convention is composed of human beings, it is possible that we can make mistakes. The people in our convention are godly people who want to see the kingdom of God advance in the state. Even though our motives may be right, we can still make mistakes. One such mistake is the way we dealt with directors of missions at the 2002 convention. What was done was an honest effort to bring the directors of missions under the control of the local associations. Although this goal may be worthy, its implementation is going to turn out to be a nightmare. The financial burden on the local associations in the state is going to be such that: (1) some of our local associations will not be able to field a full-time director of missions and (2) Cooperative Program money needed to fund our Louisiana Baptist Convention and Southern Baptist Convention will be cut. The way we have done things called for local associations to cluster to allow a director of missions to be used to the maximum potential. It just makes sense to continue this … [Read more...]
Weekly Announcements
For the published week of February 12, 2004 Potpourri HEBERT - Welcome Home church: Common Ground in concert; Feb. 22, 6 p.m.; Bill Gueringer, pastor. ZACHARY - Milldale church: February Bible Conference Camp Meeting; Feb. 16, 6:45 p.m. - Feb. 19; Bob Pitman, Herb Reavis, Malcom Ellis, Sonny Holland, Jerry Chaddick and Philip Robertson, guest speakers; free meals; for information or reservations, call (225) 654-8168 or (225) 654-5065; Jimmy Robertson, pastor. DENHAM SPRINGS - Hebron church: Felix Snipes, Christian illusionist, to perform; Feb. 13-14, 7 p.m.; Feb. 15, 8 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Rob Burns, pastor. WEST MONROE - Highland church: Adult choir presents "Just Beyond," Feb. 22, 6:30 p.m.; Stan Taylor, minister of music; Gordon "Skip" Dean, pastor. JENA - Fellowship church: Laymans Soul Winning Rally; Feb. 24, 6:30 p.m.; Alan Miller, guest speaker; Brad Mount, music; Randy Ray, pastor. RIDGECREST - Ridgecrest church: Womens Conference; Feb. 28, 8 a.m. registration - 2:30 p.m.; Billie Smith, guest speaker; free admission; Preston Holder, pastor. EUNICE - Acadian center: " Wild at Heart" mens … [Read more...]
Piracy looms as a growing concern for the Christian music industry
Pirates not only ruled the Caribbean at the box office last summer - they have continued to ravage the music industry, including the Christian segment. Pirates not only ruled the Caribbean at the box office last summer - they have continued to ravage the music industry, including the Christian segment. Illegal compact discs and Internet downloads are pushing people out of work and driving creativity and variety out of the Christian music industry, insiders insist. Christian music sales fell for the first time in two years, and piracy is largely to blame, said John Styll, president of the Gospel Music Association. Although he does not have solid numbers of Christian music downloads from file-sharing sites on the Internet, he said several factors indicate large amounts of activity. For one thing, many songs from Christian artists appear on peer-to-peer file-sharing sites, where people can trade electronic files. Also, recordable compact discs outsold music CDs by a two-to-one ratio last year in America. Sales of MP3 players that play digital files jumped 56 percent. Couple these facts with the decline in Christian music sales and the connection is obvious, Styll … [Read more...]
Yes, Christian music makes money but it is a ministry as well, industry participants say
Christian music is big business a look at the annual sales numbers for the burgeoning industry show that very well. However, music insiders argue it is a ministry as well. Christian music is big business a look at the annual sales numbers for the burgeoning industry show that very well. However, music insiders argue it is a ministry as well. Although sales figures fell last year, the industry remains strong, accounting for close to 50 million sales a year. Artists like Jars of Clay, Michael W. Smith, dc talk and Steven Curtis Chapman each have sold between 5 million and 8 million albums during their respective careers. Kirk Franklin and Sandi Patty each have sold 11 million. Amy Grant tops the list of Christian artists at 24 million units sold. Today, contemporary Christian music is sold nationwide by mainstream retailers as well as Christian bookstores. Both the companies that produce the music and the artists themselves get more than heavenly rewards for their efforts. The Gospel Music Association estimates Christian music generates about $900 million in sales annually. Christian artists typically get between 8 percent and 20 percent of the … [Read more...]
Weekly Briefs
For the published week of February 19, 2004 NOBTS preview New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary has scheduled a Preview Weekend for prospective seminary students on March 4-6, 2004. Preview weekends are designed to provide students the opportunity to experience seminary life first-hand. Prospective students will tour the campus; meet faculty and staff; and learn more about admission requirements, degree programs, cost of attendance, financial aid, scholarships, housing, student organizations, and other information about seminary life. Scheduled activities include opportunities to attend classes, a special chapel service, meetings with professors, a reception and a dinner on the town. Registration is set to begin March 4 at 4:30 p.m. Students must pre-register by February 26. The cost is $25 per person, which includes two nights lodging and five meals. Call 800-662-8701, ext. 3303 or visit Missions video A video update on the Southern Baptist North American Mission Boards efforts to reach the United States and Canada is available as a free Internet download. The segment is intended for use during Southern Baptists North American … [Read more...]
‘Passion of Christ’ movie rekindles unnecessary debate
The movie, "The Passion of Christ," has revived a generations-old argument that had just as soon be left in the past. The debate, simply put, is this: Who is more responsible for killing Jesus Christ? Are the Jews more responsible, or the Romans? The movie, "The Passion of Christ," has revived a generations-old argument that had just as soon be left in the past. The debate, simply put, is this: Who is more responsible for killing Jesus Christ? Are the Jews more responsible, or the Romans? The Hollywood movie - co-written, directed, produced and financed by movie idol Mel Gibson - has caused more media stir and generated more discussion than any "religious" movie in decades, and, perhaps ever. Unlike movies such as "Quo Vadis" and "The Robe," this movie is directly a portrayal of Jesus Christ, and if reviewers are correct, the price he paid for our salvation. Mel Gibson makes no bones about it - the purpose of this world-class movie it to depict the horror of the crucifixion. The movie focuses upon the last 12 hours of Jesus life of earthly ministry, particularly what those who have reviewed the movie say is a graphic display of the crucifixion process. Jews, who have … [Read more...]
They have a simple goal – ‘We want to be a light in the darkness’
Bow Valley Baptist Church was born to be on mission - and to this point, the Canadian congregation has succeeded in that task. Bow Valley Baptist Church was born to be on mission - and to this point, the Canadian congregation has succeeded in that task. Just 20 years old, the congregation in Cochrane, Alberta, Canada, has birthed three churches and helped strengthen others. It gives 13 percent of its undesignated offerings to missions, while also stressing local missions. "Were part of something much bigger than ourselves," pastor Mel Blackaby emphasizes. "It has impacted the people in our church to see how much were connected with others through the Cooperative Program (of the Canadian Convention of Southern Baptists). Were not about building a big church but, rather, extending the kingdom of God." Bow Valley is a church of mostly young believers, member Jim Messner says. "We are active in our church because we care about the people in church and in our community," he notes. Mens activities range from whitewater rafting to a "boys and toys" hobby show to volunteering at community events and much more. It is all part of a much larger … [Read more...]
‘Hello? Hello? Is anybody there? Hello? Anybody at all?’
Churches spend a lot of time and energy - and money - developing and implementing outreach strategies and seeking to motivate members to engage in witnessing. And in the early years of a new century, faced with a largely technological-savvy population, they have learned to put a lot of focus on quality and excellence. Churches spend a lot of time and energy - and money - developing and implementing outreach strategies and seeking to motivate members to engage in witnessing. And in the early years of a new century, faced with a largely technological-savvy population, they have learned to put a lot of focus on quality and excellence. Even so, they may be overlooking one key avenue of outreach, a recent study indicates. Simply put, they may not have anyone covering the phones. Indeed, research indicates fewer and fewer do. In December, Barna Research Group workers sought to contact 3,400 randomly-selected Protestant churches across the nation. The timing of the study was important. Churches put a lot of emphasis on reaching persons during the Christmas season - and the holidays bring many people to the point of crisis and need that lead them to turn to the church for … [Read more...]
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