Submitted by philip on Fri, 02/07/2014 - 10:22 Thomas, a civil engineering graduate of LSU, gives his testimony at the 2014 Evangelism Conference how the investment of Christians on campus and in the Baton Rouge area helped lead him to give his life to the Lord. By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer BATON ROUGE – The Chinese student first visited a LSU Baptist Collegiate Ministry function for the free food but eventually found the bread of life. Thomas, who was studying civil engineering, arrived at LSU in the fall of 2010 unsatisfied with what he learned as a half-materialist, half-Buddhist. He learned in the months and years ahead the difference Christ can make in a person’s life, thanks to the investment of Christians on campus and in the Baton Rouge area. “I became half-Buddhist because they had a few interesting theories but they could not explain everything,” said Thomas, who shared his testimony at the recent Louisiana Baptist Convention Evangelism Conference at Istrouma Baptist in Baton Rouge. “When I first came here I saw Christians and I saw their life is totally different from non-believers. “Before I came I thought all Americans were people from Hollywood movies,” continued Thomas, who goes by … [Read more...]
1st Louisiana Life March North proves big success
Submitted by philip on Fri, 02/07/2014 - 10:25 Dr. Richard Land, President of Southern Evangelical Seminary and former head of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and Northwest Louisiana Baptist Association Director of Missions Lane Moore lead a large crowd of participants over the Texas Street Bridge in Shreveport during in the Louisiana Life March North Saturday, Jan. 25. An estimated crowd of 5,280 people attended the inaugural event. By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer SHREVEPORT/BOSSIER CITY – Scanning across the crowd of around 5,280 marching in unity for life across the Texas Street Bridge, Mike Johnson couldn’t help but think he was experiencing a glimpse of heaven. Men and women, young and old, from various denominations and races joined together on a sunny late January Saturday morning to make the 1.2 mile-journey from Bossier City to Shreveport in the inaugural Louisiana Life March North. “The first annual Life March for North Louisiana was an incredible success, and a tremendous encouragement about our future,” said Johnson, a Shreveport attorney and legal counsel for Louisiana Right to Life. “The more than 5,200 people who participated in the event on January 25 will never forget the … [Read more...]
Suggestions for safeguarding against homosexual weddings, what a shame
By Kelly Boggs, Message Editor The Defense of Marriage Act passed by Congress in 1996 allowed states to refuse to recognize homosexual marriages that were granted by the laws of other states. However, when the U.S. Supreme Court declared Section 3 of DOMA to be unconstitutional it opened the door for homosexual couples to insist their marriages performed in one state to be recognized in a state where homosexual marriage was not sanctioned by law. Section 3, which the Court found violated the Constitution reads as follows: “In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the word ‘marriage’ means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word ‘spouse’ refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.” The Supreme Court’s ruling coupled with the trend of states granting legal status to homosexual marriage has caused some measure of concern among churches throughout America. Louisiana Baptist are no exception. The concern is very real. I have predicted in previous columns that homosexual activists will seek to further advance their agenda of forced … [Read more...]
Abortion rates in U.S. decline, it’s a positive step
By Jeff Iorg, President of Golden Gate Theological Seminary According to the Guttmacher Institute, the abortion rate in the U.S. declined in 2011 to its lowest rate since 1973 and the number of abortions fell by 13 percent between 2008 and 2011. While there were still about 1.06 million abortions in 2011 (and that’s still a national disgrace), the declining numbers are encouraging. The report postulated several reasons for the decline – ranging from the economic downturn making people more cautious about pregnancy to improved access to and use of contraceptives. Another factor, not mentioned in the report, is a growing cultural aversion to abortion as a birth control method. Other more recent surveys show a slight majority of Americans now oppose abortion. While far from being outlawed, abortion is less popular than ever. This is good news for unborn children who depend on others to defend their right to life. It’s also good news for the American society as we take at least one small step away from policies and practices designed to weed out those persons deemed weak, unnecessary, or unproductive. While a diminished number abortions isn’t the same as eliminating abortions, it’s a positive step in the right … [Read more...]
Staff members are fragile, terminate with prayer & care
By Joe McKeever, Author, Cartoonist in New Orleans Nothing is more difficult, more unpleasant, and with a greater possibility for collateral damage than terminating a minister on the church staff. Few churches get this right. Many end up doing far more damage to the kingdom of God than if they had left that staff member where he was and done nothing. To be sure, there are occasions when terminating a minister on the spot with no advance notice is necessary. If a staff member has been arrested and there is probable cause, is guilty of immorality, is teaching heresy and refuses to stop or is trying to get the pastor fired he or she should be terminated immediately. However, even in those situations, you as a church leader have more people to think about than just that one person. If he has a wife and children, you owe them the Christ-like care and continued ministry of the church until their lives straighten out. If that minister has the trust and affection of church members, you owe them the assurance that this matter is being handled in a way they would approve of if they were doing it. Under normal circumstances no minister should ever be terminated abruptly without attempts being made to correct whatever was wrong. He … [Read more...]
Sadly, cohabitation has found its way into the church
By Evan Lenow, Professor of Ethics at SWBTS Many of us would like to think that the church is immune to the growing trend of cohabitation prior to, or instead of, marriage. Unfortunately, this cultural trend has crept into the pews as fewer church members recognize cohabitation as a violation of biblical sexual ethics. Scripture is clear in its condemnation of fornication (a KJV-style word for a pre-marital sexual relationship). Fornication and fornicators (as well as adulterers) are described as evil, subject to judgment, and not heirs of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 15:19; Acts 15:20, 29; 1 Corinthians 6:9; Hebrews 13:4). Beyond the clear scriptural statements regarding fornication, cohabitation presents another breach of biblical ethics. God established the sexual relationship between a man and a woman in Genesis 2 as a sign of the covenant of marriage. Just like the rainbow serves as a tangible reminder of God’s covenant with Noah that He will not destroy the earth by flood again, the sexual relationship between a husband and wife demonstrates the exclusive, permanent union of marriage. It is so intimate that Genesis 2:24 says the man and woman “shall become one flesh.” Those who cohabit participate in the “pleasures” … [Read more...]
Important lessons to be learned from the work bench
By Randall Williams, SBC's Executive Director of Seminary Extension As a young man, I worked in a small, family-owned meat market. Our primary business was to cut and wrap meat from livestock local farmers raised, slaughtered and brought to us. We would start work early in the morning, take a quarter of beef or half a hog from the cooler, and within a matter of an hour or so, we would have it cut, wrapped and boxed for the owner to take home. Most of the work we did revolved around using very sharp knives to section, break down, debone and process the meat. It did not take me long to learn that having a sharp knife made the work easier, safer and faster. In fact, I learned within the first week that the fastest way to keep my knife sharp was to use a “steel” to re-shape the edge of my blade. Just a few well-placed and well-timed honing strokes really made a difference. Over the years as I have studied the book of Proverbs, I have noticed how often the simplest phrase can carry the greatest meaning. Proverbs 27:17 is a great case in point. I have often thought of the lessons I learned in using a steel to sharpen a knife. Many who are reading this have quoted this verse in discussing the importance of transparency and openness … [Read more...]
Learning the basics of a dynamic faith
By David Jeremiah, Pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church None of us set out to live a mediocre spiritual life. But in the midst of our busy schedules, many of us have forgotten something very important. We have forgotten to practice the basics that shape us as Christians. Getting back to the basics Worship. What is worship? Worship is seeing the things on earth in perspective to the things in heaven. When you understand what the Bible says about God in His majesty and power, you will be able to praise Him, no matter what your present circumstance. Worship God every day in your prayers, songs, thoughts and conversations. If you only practice praise on Sunday mornings, you’ll miss what God wants to do in your life the other six days of the week. Prayer. If you want to find out where you are spiritually, ask yourself this question: What is the level of my commitment to my prayer life? If you want the Lord’s blessing on your life, there just isn’t any alternative to prayer. Prayer is the way you defeat the devil, reach the lost, restore a backslider, strengthen the saints, send missionaries out, cure the sick, accomplish the impossible and know the will of God. Prayer is the hard-work business of Christianity, and it … [Read more...]
Letter to the Editor
To the Editor I was pleasantly surprised as I read Dr. Jeff Iorg’s article about the “Power of the Pulpit.” I have been preaching for fifty one years and I’ve never been able to understand why the pulpit is disappearing from the platform. I know what the pat answer is, “the pulpit is a barrier in communication, which hinders my ability to dialog with the congregation.” My response to that is two fold: (1) If a piece of furniture hinders you from communicating with a congregation, you are in the wrong profession. (2) Paul’s challenge to young Timothy was “to preach the word.” Presently I am transitional pastor at Central Baptist in Springhill, La. The pulpit had been moved prior to me being there. Because of a back problem, I have to have something stronger than a metal lectern stand to hold on to. At my request the pulpit was returned to its proper place. I was amazed at the comments about the pulpit being returned. This response came from youth, young adults, older adults, even one 10 year old boy told me he was glad to see the pulpit. All the comments were positive, not one negative reaction. The pulpit is much more than a piece of furniture; it should be the focal point of the worship service. Everything that happens … [Read more...]
Women encouraged at 2014 Kaleidoscope
ubmitted by philip on Fri, 02/07/2014 - 10:41 Heather Messick of Saraland, Ala., leads worship at First Baptist Church Pineville for the annual Kaleidoscope sponored by Women’s Mission and Ministry. More than 240 women attended the event. By Philip Timothy, Managing Editor You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 PINEVILLE – If you are going to live your life for God, do it whole heartedly. “I don’t know about you but I never do anything in life halfway,” Susanne Hughes told the crowd of women before her. “Likewise, Jesus does not want you to devote half your life to Him or to love Him half-heartedly. “No, Jesus wants all of your love,” Hughes said. “He wants you to devote all of your heart to Him.” Hughes of Mirror Ministry was speaking at Kaleidscope, the annual women’s conference hosted by the Louisiana Baptist Convention’s Women’s Missons and Ministry Department, to 240 women. The event, whose theme was “With a Whole Heart,” based on Jeremiah 29:13, was held at First Baptist Church Pineville on Saturday, Feb. 1. Joining Hughes, who spoke at the morning and afternoon sessions, was Heather Messick of Saraland, Ala., encouraging the women through music and … [Read more...]
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