Sunset paints a glorious reddish glow across the placid water lapping the beach at Khao Lak, Thailand. Sunset paints a glorious reddish glow across the placid water lapping the beach at Khao Lak, Thailand. The view calms the mind, quiets the heart — and packs in the tourists at posh resorts. Used to pack them in, that is, before the tsunami roared ashore last December. “It’s hard to believe an ocean that beautiful could cause so much destruction,” says missionary Mark Caldwell, gazing wistfully toward the horizon. But destroy, it did. Caldwell turns around and looks inland. He stands within walking distance of the places where at least 1,000 bodies were recovered after the Indian Ocean tsunami thundered north into the Andaman Sea — and laid waste to this stretch of Thailand’s southern coastline. Rebuilding continues to move ahead in the beach resort areas. But in the coastal town of Khao Lak, where the torrent destroyed eight of every 10 buildings, recovery proceeds slowly. Half-buried in the mud surrounding buildings in various stages of collapse or reconstruction, a child’s flip-flop pokes out here, a dress there, a lonely mattress lies just beyond. A 40-foot fishing boat perches inside the … [Read more...]
Weekly announcements
Week of November 7, 2005 Potpourri GARDNER – St. Clair church: The Greens in concert; Nov. 18, 7 p.m.; Ronnie Parks, pastor. HAUGHTON – Koran church: Bob and Carrie Burgoyne, guest speakers; Nov. 20, 11 a.m.; George Rogers, pastor. MONROE – Arabi First church: Weekend Retreat; Nov. 18-20; will be held at North Monroe church due to hurricane Katrina; for more information, call (504) 905-5019 or contact; David Howard, pastor. LIBUSE – Philadelphia church: No Other Name in concert; Nov. 13, 8:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.; Philip Robertson, pastor. HARRISONBURG – First church: Harvest Day; Nov. 13, 10 a.m. with dinner to follow; David Hankins, guest speaker; Ralph Webber, pastor. RAYVILLE – Boeuf River church: Harvest Day; Nov. 20, 10 a.m. with dinner to follow; David Herrington, pastor. PINEVILLE – Ball First church: Dixie Echoes in concert; Nov. 11, 7 p.m.; Mike Hedrick, pastor. RAYVILLE – Woodlawn church: “Set Apart” men’s conference; Nov. 11, 7 p.m.; Nov. 12, 10 a.m.; Mark Lanier and Brad Mount, guest musicians; Jack Daniels, Jerry Chaddick and Casey Johnson, guest speakers; Joe Arnold, pastor. Youth EUNICE – Acadian center: “Veritas” YEC alternative event; Nov. 20, 6 p.m. - Nov. … [Read more...]
Former Scientologist finds truth, freedom in Christ
Karen Pressley has heard it all before. The talk of space aliens having come to earth a millennia ago, the authoritative worldview, the buffed movie star glibly handing out solutions to personal conflicts. Karen Pressley has heard it all before. The talk of space aliens having come to earth a millennia ago, the authoritative worldview, the buffed movie star glibly handing out solutions to personal conflicts. Movie star Tom Cruise may be spouting the truth according to the Church of Scientology these days, but Pressley has lived in that world longer than Cruise and knows firsthand the nightmare it entails. “Tom Cruise is doing exactly what Scientology leaders want him to do,” Pressley says. “He’s a celebrity and considered to be a shaper of public opinion and he makes a good spokesman for the organization. Scientology primarily targets the ‘movers and shakers’ in society in order to influence others.” Such high-profile personalities “add a degree of respectability that breaks down any resistance listeners may have.” She knows well of what she speaks. For 17 years – nearly half of her life -– she was involved with the cult. Nine of those years she served at the group’s international headquarters located … [Read more...]
Fifty-two Louisiana churches accept Acts 1:8 Challenge
Mike Canady’s involvement in full-time missions over the past 35 years has taken him around the world. By Brian Blackwell LBM Newswriter Mike Canady’s involvement in full-time missions over the past 35 years has taken him around the world. But it’s the possibility of what could happen in Louisiana through the Acts 1:8 Challenge that excites Canady more than any other missions effort in his lifetime. Launched in May 2004, the Acts 1:8 Challenge is a call for churches to move to a higher level of missions commitment by cooperating with their local association, state convention, North American Mission Board and International Mission Board. The biblical passage of Acts 1:8, also known as the Great Commision, records Jesus’ final words to his disciples that they would become his witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth. When a church commits to the Acts 1:8 Challenge, it receives a packet of resources designed to develop a more comprehensive missions strategy. Those resources include video clips on CD-ROM, a leadership guide, a bulletin insert and a sermon outline. The leadership guide is designed to help a church evaluate its current effectiveness in missions and … [Read more...]
Contributions to Katrina Relief Fund surpass 10 million dollars
Approximately $10,401,000 has been contributed to the Louisiana Baptist Convention Katrina Relief Fund, state leaders reported Nov 7. By Brian Blackwell LBM Newswriter Approximately $10,401,000 has been contributed to the Louisiana Baptist Convention Katrina Relief Fund, state leaders reported Nov 7. Established soon after Hurricane Katrina made landfall in the state, gifts to the relief fund have provided food, shelter and water for all those affected by the disaster. Donations have helped meet the needs of pastors and congregations in areas affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. One-hundred percent of all money donated has been used for disaster relief efforts in Louisiana. The money also has provided equipment including generators, tools and tents for relief efforts. “Most of our equipment is 15 years old,” said Loy Seal, Louisiana Baptist Convention Disaster Relief director. “At some point we need to replace it and the generosity of those who have given to the fund has allowed us to replace equipment when we needed to do so.” Louisiana Baptist chain saw, feeding and shower units continue to have a strong presence in the state. Seal reported that the state’s disaster relief units are … [Read more...]
2005 Louisiana Baptist Convention has unique aspects
The 2005 Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention convenes next week in the facilities of First Baptist Church, West Monroe. The convention will be unique in several ways. The 2005 Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention convenes next week in the facilities of First Baptist Church, West Monroe. The convention will be unique in several ways. It will be the first state convention since hurricanes Katrina and Rita struck the state. In many ways, it will be like the gathering of a family after part of that family has been struck by tragedy. Certainly the program of the annual meeting will reflect the needs caused by the hurricanes and the incredible responses of individuals, churches and state Baptist conventions from across the nation, and even foreign countries. One can imagine that the traditional “hall talk” will be relating stories about the double-whammy of the hurricanes. Every church in the state was directly affected either by the destruction of the storms, or by the aftermath, such as caring for evacuees. The convention gathering can provide a time of encouragement, support and even therapy for those directly affected by the hurricanes for the ministers and members of the … [Read more...]
For placing the publication of the Baptist Message under the Executive Board
There are three great epochs, three great divisions of time, in which God has dealt with His creation in three great methods. By Larry Thompson Pastor, FBC Westlake Chair, Baptist Message trustees There are three great epochs, three great divisions of time, in which God has dealt with His creation in three great methods: First, “In the beginning was the Word ….” (John 1:1). God has always been a communicating God, speaking directly to His creation Himself, and later through “holy men of God … moved by the Holy Spirit,” (2 Peter 1:21). Thus, the Word of God became the Holy Bible. This is our Scriptures. Second, “And the Word became flesh ….” (John 1:14). God sent His only son Jesus into our world to live out the Word, the communication of God’s love, the sacrifice for our sins. This is our Savior. Third, “And the flesh becomes the word.” By this I mean what Paul spoke of in 2 Corinthians 3:2-3, “You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; …an epistle of Christ …written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.” God continues to communicate with His world, through His people. You have … [Read more...]
Against placing the publication of the Baptist Message under the Executive Board
Is truth important to Louisiana Baptists? Will there ever be another problem in the Louisiana Baptist Convention, or in the Southern Baptist Convention, that needs to be clearly and objectively reported? How can we best protect our Executive Director and the Executive Board from charges of bias? Mark Sutton, pastor Brookwood Baptist, Shreveport Former Baptist Message trustee Former LBC President Is truth important to Louisiana Baptists? Will there ever be another problem in the Louisiana Baptist Convention, or in the Southern Baptist Convention, that needs to be clearly and objectively reported? How can we best protect our Executive Director and the Executive Board from charges of bias? These are some of the questions I’ve been asking myself over the past several months as one of the most important parts of the Louisiana Baptist Convention is being looked at for dismantling. Make no mistake: The Baptist Message may no longer exist in a matter of months if recommended changes are made. And, even if it continues, it will no longer have an independent editor whose purpose is to be responsive to local LBC churches to report news accurately and fairly. What are the stated reasons for no longer having … [Read more...]
Weekly announcements
Week of November 7, 2005 Missions emphasis Missionaries to be featured during the 2006 Southern Baptist North American Missions Emphasis include one Louisiana Baptist worker. Eight Southern Baptist missionaries or missionary couples are selected each year to represent the work of 5,200 missionaries across the United States and Canada. The work of the missionaries selected in 2006 includes starting new churches, student evangelism on college campuses, inner-city Baptist center ministries, associational missions, interfaith witness evangelism and ministering in resort settings. They also include Mary Gore of Zwolle, a resort missionary who shares the gospel with children and adults through various campground ministries in the popular Toledo Bend Lake area. The North American Missions Emphasis includes three aspects – the annual Week of Prayer set for March 5-12, 2006, the North American Mission Study and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. More information about the emphasis is available at Disaster relief update Southern Baptist Disaster Relief announced Nov. 2 that volunteers have prepared a record 10.5 million meals since Hurricane Katrina made landfall in late August. The meal count … [Read more...]
Giving to missions a year-round effort for this Georgia church
Whether giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering or the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, giving to missions is a year-around project at McDonald Baptist Church. Whether giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering or the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, giving to missions is a year-around project at McDonald Baptist Church. While many Southern Baptist churches around the country are gearing up this month for the Lottie Moon offering season, McDonald Baptist Church began collecting for the offering back in the spring – an effort that results in a hefty per capita gift. Throughout the year, the 116-member church gives 8 percent of its operating budget to missions. From April through December, they give 8 percent to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. The church gives the same amount to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions from January to April. Then, in addition to that 8 percent, whatever the church collects for the offerings is matched through budget receipts. “Some churches only worry about it during the particular emphasis,” says Paul Moore, pastor of the Sylvania, Ga., congregation. “(But) you can’t be successful with raising money … [Read more...]
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