With tight budgets, overwhelming schedules, frustrating traffic and politically correct retailers replacing “Merry Christmas” with “Happy Holidays,” LifeWay Christian Stores is aiming to put the focus of Christ back into Christmas shopping. NASHVILLE, Tenn (BP) – With tight budgets, overwhelming schedules, frustrating traffic and politically correct retailers replacing “Merry Christmas” with “Happy Holidays,” LifeWay Christian Stores is aiming to put the focus of Christ back into Christmas shopping. “Our gifts this year are based on the theme ‘Jesus, Blessed Be the Name,’” Alison Stacey, a buyer for LifeWay Christian Stores, said. “We want there to be no doubt when someone walks into our stores that Christ is the main focus.” Whether ministering to customers in the store or helping shoppers select gifts with a spiritual emphasis, LifeWay employees see the potential for eternal impact in Christmas shopping and giving in addition to increased opportunities to witness and encourage customers. “This is the most important time for us to make an impact,” said Richard Mencer, manager of a LifeWay Christian Store in Amarillo, Texas. “So many come into the store during this time who are not Christians or who are … [Read more...]
Video game encourages missions education
Woman’s Missionary Union has announced a partnership with Third Day Games Inc. to merge multimedia technology with missions education. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP) – Woman’s Missionary Union has announced a partnership with Third Day Games Inc. to merge multimedia technology with missions education. The first step is the introduction of “Bible Champions in Action,” a new PC/video game series encompassing 12 monthly Bible story adventures that reinforce biblical learning and missions awareness. “As we actively seek to engage a greater number of children in missions education, the interactive component to video games and other multimedia options provide a fun way for children to learn missions applications from Bible lessons,” said Carol Causey, WMU missions resource center director. Mitzi Eaker, WMU children’s ministry consultant, agreed: “These games will help children grow spiritually as well as give them a global perspective in missions.” The Bible Champions in Action video game series encourages children to learn about Bible stories and missions as they see and hear a recreated Bible story and then complete story-related tasks and acts of service throughout the game. Each game also … [Read more...]
Christmas ministry grows in Texas
Despite near-freezing temperatures at Mission Colleyville 2006, the scene at First Baptist Church was reminiscent of an old-time tent revival, complete with rousing music and a declaration of the Gospel. COLLEYVILLE, Texas (BP) – Despite near-freezing temperatures at Mission Colleyville 2006, the scene at First Baptist Church was reminiscent of an old-time tent revival, complete with rousing music and a declaration of the Gospel. And it continued to show a heart of compassion. For the fifth year in a row, hundreds of First Baptist members and volunteers from several local churches canvassed the area weeks in advance with 13,000-plus mail-outs and 8,000 handouts inviting people to attend the annual event, receive a free box of groceries from Feed the Children, get a voucher for children’s Christmas toys and, most importantly, hear about the saving love of Jesus Christ. “The first year, we had about 1,000 people attend and 100 decisions for Christ,” Ron Cogburn, a Mission Colleyville team leader, said. “Each year the number has grown. Last year we had about 4,700 in attendance and 200 decisions.” Michael Ray, First Baptist’s senior pastor, said more than 5,300 people registered this year … [Read more...]
Body language speaks volumes
Some sing, others preach, while others teach. Eda Walker signs. POLLOCK – Some sing, others preach, while others teach. Eda Walker signs. Youth minister at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Pollock and secretary at First Dry Prong, in her spare time Walker choreographs songs using interpretive sign – exaggerated body movements that create a visual exposition of the words – as a way of telling God’s story. Pleasant Hill’s drama team performs the songs that Walker choreographs. So far, she’s done 15 songs; the latest is “This Little Child,” which the drama team performed Sunday, Dec. 10, for the Pleasant Hill congregation. “The Lord speaks to me through a song and reveals to me that that song needs to be illustrated,” Walker said. “He gives me the ideas, and I just go to work with them.” The process of learning a song through interpretive movement can have a transforming effect on the signer, especially teens, Walker said. “Not every youth can sing, but they might like to do this. It helps to draw kids out and show them how God can use them.” Walker first became interested in sign language when she was a teenager. A senior in high school, she took a sign language class and fell in … [Read more...]
New Orleans hosts conference
The 2007 Evangelism Conference for the people and churches in the Louisiana Baptist Convention is set for Jan. 22-23 at First Baptist Church in New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS – The 2007 Evangelism Conference for the people and churches in the Louisiana Baptist Convention is set for Jan. 22-23 at First Baptist Church in New Orleans. Theme for the conference: Empowering Kingdom Growth – Revitalizing the church. “We want our people to not be afraid to go to New Orleans,” said Wayne Jenkins, LBC church growth and evangelism team leader. “New Orleans has lots of good clean hotels and First Baptist Church is ready for us.” See the Evangelism section of www.lbc.org for a list of hotels, with special prices. In some cases the prices are good only until Jan. 5. “The evangelism conference is a great opportunity for churches to get the impetus to move on from where they are,” Jenkins said. “The equipping sessions Tuesday afternoon are designed to address specific needs churches have told us they have.” One of the breakout sessions is to be a bus tour of hurricane-affected areas of New Orleans, from Lakeside to the Lower Ninth Ward. “New Orleans has been prayed over more than probably any … [Read more...]
Disaster Relief training set for January 26-27
Shorty McLemore has seen his fair share of disasters. ALEXANDRIA – Shorty McLemore has seen his fair share of disasters. From a tornado that touched down in Lake Claiborne in February 2005 to Hurricane Katrina six months later, McLemore has been a part of countless trips to minister in areas affected by disasters. And each time, he has seen God at work in miraculous ways. “The trips can be hard and dangerous, but also very rewarding,” said McLemore, a member of the Bayou Macon Baptist Association chainsaw team from Epps. “During my most recent trip to Covington, we ministered to a doctor and his family who had trees down all over their rooftop and yard. When we completed the job, we prayed with the family. “The doctor told us that we gave him hope,” McLemore continued. “A guy on our team told the physician that we didn’t give him hope, but that we just cut down some pine trees on his property. God is the one who gave the family hope, our team member told him.” For McLemore, ministering in those areas would not have been possible without disaster relief training he has received from Louisiana Baptist leaders. On Jan. 26-27, 2007, more than 300 people will have an opportunity … [Read more...]
SPLAT happens in every life
French journalist Jean-Dominique Bauby suffered a massive stroke in December 1995. Twenty days later, the 43-year-old father of two awoke from a coma to discover the only muscles in his body unaffected by the stroke were those of his left eye. By blinking, he was able to make it clear that though his flesh was unresponsive, his mind was unimpaired. French journalist Jean-Dominique Bauby suffered a massive stroke in December 1995. Twenty days later, the 43-year-old father of two awoke from a coma to discover the only muscles in his body unaffected by the stroke were those of his left eye. By blinking, he was able to make it clear that though his flesh was unresponsive, his mind was unimpaired. Through an amazing process, Bauby was soon able to communicate. A special chart was devised that listed the letters of the alphabet based on frequency of usage. As letters were pointed to, Bauby would blink to indicate his selection and thus spell out his communication. Undaunted by his debilitating setback, Bauby continued to write. He worked daily in three-hour shifts, blinking his thoughts one letter at a time as a secretary pointed to the chart. Though the process was painfully slow, by the end of the summer of 1996, … [Read more...]
Some people risk it all for Jesus
If we are honest, there are times when we get spiritually dry, times when God just seems distant to us. We all walk through those times. But then there are those other times when God’s presence is so powerful and His work so personal that we can hardly imagine it getting any better. I had one of those times recently. ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP) – If we are honest, there are times when we get spiritually dry, times when God just seems distant to us. We all walk through those times. But then there are those other times when God’s presence is so powerful and His work so personal that we can hardly imagine it getting any better. I had one of those times recently. I was speaking at the South Carolina Baptist Convention’s Pastor’s Conference and was in a room beside the worship center getting a bottle of water and getting ready to preach. The door opened and a man that I had not seen in a long time walked in -– a man I will call Chan that I first met on the other side of the world. Several years ago I was in a country where believers are persecuted. My mission was to disciple a pastor/church planter who was one of the most wanted men in the country. He had angered the government by successfully planting many … [Read more...]
NOBTS grads get fatherly advice
From the start, the 89th commencement service at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, which took place Dec. 16 in New Orleans, was seasoned with reflection. NEW ORLEANS – From the start, the 89th commencement service at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, which took place Dec. 16 in New Orleans, was seasoned with reflection. For students who relocated after Hurricane Katrina, graduation was, perhaps, their first trip back to New Orleans in 16 months. For them, as well as students who returned to campus for their last semester, commencement was the end of the road to graduation, a road that had a few unexpected twists. Others, no doubt, reflected on the fact that one of the many newborn babies heard cooing throughout Leavell Chapel was their son or daughter. Seminary President Chuck Kelley called all graduates – 162 in all – to notice the setting of graduation. “A year ago, we were having seminary graduation, but not here,” Kelley said. “A year ago, we had it in Birmingham (Ala.) because this campus was still in shambles after Hurricane Katrina. A year ago, this student body was scattered to 29 different states and the faculty to nine different states.” He congratulated students … [Read more...]
Judge writes letter to the editor
To paraphrase the Louisiana Senate, suggesting that it is somehow “unconstitutional” to say Merry Christmas is absurd considering that the Constitution itself concludes with acknowledgment of Jesus Christ (/“Done … in the Year of our Lord…”/)! Dear Editor: On December 15, Louisiana’s Legislature unanimously passed two resolutions (HCR 33 and SCR 23) asking Congress to enact the /Constitution Restoration Act/, (CRA). Once adopted, this hope-inspiring federal legislation removes from federal court jurisdiction cases affecting the “/acknowledgment of God as the sovereign source of law, liberty or government/.” Religious free speech will again be treated like other free speech. To paraphrase the Louisiana Senate, suggesting that it is somehow “unconstitutional” to say Merry Christmas is absurd considering that the Constitution itself concludes with acknowledgment of Jesus Christ (/“Done … in the Year of our Lord…”/)! Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 23 stresses that the elimination of such religious free speech lawsuits would help congested federal courts. These important tribunals could concentrate their limited resources on dispensing justice instead of meddling with prayer before elected … [Read more...]
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