Though he no longer coaches the Elkmont High School baseball team, Matt Stockman is still keeping busy on the diamond. ATHENS, Ala. (BP) – Though he no longer coaches the Elkmont High School baseball team, Matt Stockman is still keeping busy on the diamond. He has found a new calling in the sport he loves. He has begun Baseball for Christ, a program that allows him to teach the youth of Limestone County not only how to strengthen their baseball skills, but to help strengthen them spiritually as well. “It was a vision God gave me,” Stockman said. Stockman played college baseball at Central Alabama Community College in the mid 1990s before transferring to Montevallo where he was the team MVP in 1998. He played professionally in the Northern League for one season, won a bronze medal in the 1999 Pan-American Games with Team Canada, played with the Great Britain National Team from 2001-2005 and was head coach at Elkmont from 2002-2006. Beginning in 1999 he began to explore his spiritual side and was baptized in 2001. Three years later, Stockman was ordained as a deacon at Lindsay Lane Baptist Church and in 2005 he became an assistant student pastor at the church. As his two passions became intertwined Stockman … [Read more...]
Rally urges China re: North Koreans
Korean-Americans initiated a campaign to bring freedom to North Korean refugees trapped in China at a July 17 rally in Washington. WASHINGTON (BP) – Korean-Americans initiated a campaign to bring freedom to North Korean refugees trapped in China at a July 17 rally in Washington. The event, held on the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol, inaugurated an effort seeking to convince China’s government to take the following steps: n Grant refugee status to about 300,000 North Koreans who have fled the oppression of their home country. n Stop the return of North Korean refugees to their country, where they face imprisonment, torture and execution. n Permit the North Korean refugees to move to another country, such as South Korea or the United States. Representatives of the Korean Church Coalition (KCC), which sponsored the rally, gathered from across the country to begin the effort and to urge Congress to bring pressure on China in the time leading to next year’s Summer Olympics in Beijing. The regime of North Korean dictator Kim Jong II is one of the most oppressive in the world, denying the most basic rights to its citizens. It is a perpetrator of a variety of human rights violations, among which are the detention, … [Read more...]
Evangelist facing public execution in North Korea
Evangelist Son Jong Nam reportedly is awaiting public execution for sharing his faith in Christ in North Korea, but a U.S. senator and a ministry to the persecuted church are working to rescue him. WASHINGTON (BP) –Evangelist Son Jong Nam reportedly is awaiting public execution for sharing his faith in Christ in North Korea, but a U.S. senator and a ministry to the persecuted church are working to rescue him. Son’s planned execution would follow more than a year of torture in a death row basement jail in Pyongyang and is intended to send a message to other North Koreans that Christianity will not be tolerated, according to Voice of the Martyrs (VOM). Sen. Sam Brownback, R.-Kan., a presidential candidate and a champion of human rights in North Korea, has teamed up with VOM, an Oklahoma-based ministry that aids persecuted Christians around the world, in an effort to secure the release of Son. Brownback sent letters July 6 to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon explaining Son’s plight and pleading for intervention. The letters also were signed by Sens. Max Baucus, D.-Mont.; Richard Durbin, D.-Ill.; James Inhofe, R.-Okla.; and David Vitter, R.-La. An excerpt from the … [Read more...]
Humid days illustrate need for water
While thousands of sun-baked College World Series fans were braving the near-100-degree Nebraska humidity, a team of volunteers from one ministry was proactive by literally offering a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name. OMAHA, Neb. (BP) – While thousands of sun-baked College World Series fans were braving the near-100-degree Nebraska humidity, a team of volunteers from one ministry was proactive by literally offering a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name. Throughout the eight-day event, the Ninth Inning Ministries volunteers who traveled from as far away as Arizona distributed 65,000 bottles of water to thirsty and mostly-grateful fans. Attached to each “Thirst No More” bottle was a message explaining how to have a personal relationship with Christ. Each bottle label also included the “Thirst No More” web site address, which fans could visit to find out more about Jesus. “We’re not only meeting a physical need but also allowing others to see Christ in us,” said Jay Dess, founder of Ninth Inning Ministries. “Since everyone has baseball fever for the entire week in Omaha, we use this as an evangelistic event to reach others with the gospel.” Reactions varied when fans were offered the free water. Some expressed their … [Read more...]
LBC adds resource for child protection to ministry toolbox
Holding their 10-month-old in their arms and with tears of anguish running down their faces, the young couple shared with the 60-plus people in their local church somewhere in Louisiana how they needed the church’s prayers. ALEXANDRIA — Holding their 10-month-old in their arms and with tears of anguish running down their faces, the young couple shared with the 60-plus people in their local church somewhere in Louisiana how they needed the church’s prayers. Why? They had every reason to believe their little baby was sexually molested at the day care her parents had entrusted the infant to. Almost in unison, the church family gasped at the news. The congregation was shocked that someone so young and connected with their church family was a victim of a sexual perpetrator. Their response was the result of their world being rocked by a growing phenomenon on the American landscape. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, approximately 80,000 cases of sexual molestation are reported every year. This statistic doesn’t account for the unreported cases where shame and disinformation prevail over responsible action. Imagine the depth of the pain if the church had been the day care … [Read more...]
Hooray for Hollywood? No way!
Johnny Mercer wrote the lyrics for Hooray for Hollywood in 1938 when Hollywood was much different than today. He declared, “Come on and try your luck. You could be Donald Duck. Hooray for Hollywood.” Johnny Mercer wrote the lyrics for Hooray for Hollywood in 1938 when Hollywood was much different than today. He declared, "Come on and try your luck. You could be Donald Duck. Hooray for Hollywood." Johnny Mercer wrote the lyrics for Hooray for Hollywood in 1938 when Hollywood was much different than today. He declared, "Come on and try your luck. You could be Donald Duck. Hooray for Hollywood." Actually, Hollywood hit the skids soon after Mercer’s song debuted and has gone down hill like an out-of-control toboggan sled on an icy slope ever since. The very next year Hollywood released Gone with the Wind and had Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) using a four-letter word, which was a "no-no" back in the 1930’s. American society then was more genteel and it was reflected in films. Not like today when movies are filled with an avalanche of profanities and expletives. Year after year, Hollywood pumps out the same formulaic dross, appealing to the very basest elements in the human character. It is a rare and wonderful … [Read more...]
Louisiana Baptist Convention Calendar
June 2007 1 – LBC Family Day, Tall Timbers. 2 – Women’s Enrichment Leader Training, Baptist Building. 9 – Crossover San Antonio 10 – Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home Sunday and annual offering 10-11 – WMU SBC annual meeting, San Antonio, Texas 10-11 – SBC Pastor’s Conference, San Antonio, Texas 10-11 – National African American Fellowship annual meeting, San Antonio, Texas. 11-15 – Youth Camp, Tall Timbers. Woodworth. 12-13 – Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting, San Antonio, Texas. 17 – Father’s Day; Baptist Men’s emphasis July 2007 1 – Citizenship and Religious Liberty Sunday 4 – Independence Day 10-13 – National Acteens Convention, Kansas City, Mo. 16-21 – Cross Camp, Louisiana College, Pineville 22 – Louisiana Baptist All State Youth Choir tour: 7 p.m. Calvary Alexandria 23 – Louisiana Baptist All State Youth Choir tour: 7 p.m. University Baton Rouge 24 – Louisiana Baptist All State Youth Choir tour: 9:45 a.m. First Lafayette 24 – Louisiana Baptist All State Youth Choir tour: 6 p.m. Houston River Baptist, Sulphur. 25 – Louisiana Baptist All State Youth Choir tour: travel 26 – Louisiana Baptist All State Youth Choir tour: 12 noon: El Mercado, San Antonio, … [Read more...]
How do we view the world around us?
Have you ever thought how you view the world around you? That view is usually influenced by how we were reared, life experiences and our position on the authority of the Holy Scriptures. Have you ever thought how you view the world around you? That view is usually influenced by how we were reared, life experiences and our position on the authority of the Holy Scriptures. This premise is applicable to everyone whether Christian or not. My Christian worldview can best be described as a "biblical world view." That was the first sentence of my response to the Board of Trustees in June of 2004 as part of my application for the position of president of Louisiana College. Most of what follows was also taken from my response for that purpose. With over 30,000 denominations claiming to be "Christian" today, I find it necessary to separate myself from a generic Christian worldview. Del Tackett writing for Focus on the Family said a recent nationwide survey compiled by the Barna Research Group determined that only 4 percent of Americans had a "biblical" worldview. Tackett writes, "Barna’s survey also connected an individual’s worldview with his or her moral beliefs and actions." Tackett continues, "Barna … [Read more...]
Learning a lesson from Lincoln
Wars are seldom easy to explain. Their causes change with thWars are seldom easy to explain. Their causes change with the tides. What once seemed like a just cause for engagement can soon become clouded amid scenes of carnage and death. Wars are seldom easy to explain. Their causes change with the tides.What once seemed like a just cause for engagement can soon become clouded amid scenes of carnage and death. People change. People die. Motives ever so slowly slide to camouflage error. One moment in time – often only one speech – is all that is required to morph a mountain of mistakes into a hill of courage. This was once accomplished in American history by President Lincoln. He knew that after news of one particular battle reached the eyes and ears of the American public, some new reason for the conflict had to be placed before them or else the gruesomeness of battles such as Gettysburg would no longer motivate men to lose their lives killing their own countrymen. Lincoln knew that once the photographs of the aftermath of Gettysburg reached the public domain, the entire nation would respond with a collective gasp of horror. No one ever imagined the American Civil War would come to this. Entire generations … [Read more...]
ELBA develops urban point-of-view
Rapid urbanization is transforming residents of Livingston Parish – and the 39 churches of this association – from a rural mindset to that of an urban mindset, said David Brown, director of missions. EASTERN LOUISIANA BAPTIST ASSOCIATION – Rapid urbanization is transforming residents of Livingston Parish – and the 39 churches of this association – from a rural mindset to that of an urban mindset, said David Brown, director of missions. The second-fastest growing association in the state – St. Tammany, further east, is first – Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association (ELBA) is east of Baton Rouge. It encompasses Livingston Parish, the population of which, since 1980, has grown by 95 percent, the DOM said. “Part of the challenge is helping rural congregations adjust to a more urbanized population,” Brown said. To that end, the association conducts training and conferences to help churches understand the cultural characteristics of an urban population and to identify ways they can connect to that population. One reason for the area’s growth spurt is its public schools, which have ranked very high over the last few years, Brown said. Good schools attract more families which, in turn, fuel growth in business … [Read more...]
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