It grieves me to say this, but on Tuesday evening of the SBC meeting in San Antonio, our Convention took an action that I believe could be misunderstood, resulting in harm to our system. It grieves me to say this, but on Tuesday evening of the SBC meeting in San Antonio, our Convention took an action that I believe could be misunderstood, resulting in harm to our system. The convention passed a motion that asked our agencies not to set doctrinal standards other than those set forth in the Baptist Faith and Message. Many of us took this as criticism of the IMB for its stance on charismatic private prayer language (tongues), and the prohibition against beverage alcohol that most of our agencies have established. The convention may not have known about these issues. Neither are mentioned in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. First of all, our trustees cannot be instructed by the Executive Committee without opening the door to legal ascending liability. So the motion technically called their instruction a “guideline.” In essence, the motion asked convention agencies to impose no doctrinal policies that go beyond the explicit language of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Rather than continuing to use the BF&M as the … [Read more...]
How is the Fairness Doctrine fair?
The rhetoric over the need for new government regulations assuring “fairness” in the media is heating up, and Americans who don’t want the government to be the speech police need to tune into the debate. The rhetoric over the need for new government regulations assuring “fairness” in the media is heating up, and Americans who don’t want the government to be the speech police need to tune into the debate. While not new, this idea was resurrected this year by Ohio congressman and presidential aspirant Dennis Kucinich. Now several prominent Democrats in the Senate are recalling fondly the time when the Fairness Doctrine was in place. No doubt it’s the dream of recapturing the White House that has spurred these politicians to consider codifying the doctrine, which as Federal Communications Commission policy from 1949-1987 mandated that opposing viewpoints of a divisive issue had to be presented when the issue was discussed on radio. Under such a government rule, radio networks would have to allow opposing viewpoints free airtime to babble on about liberal fantasies. Yet the hard, cold truth is that radio stations can’t afford to give away airtime. So instead of more balanced coverage of the issues, station managers will … [Read more...]
The American dream and God’s Kingdom
My kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36, NIV). My kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36, NIV). Such was Jesus’ reply to Pilate’s inquiry about Jesus being the king of the Jews. The governor was interested in just what kind of kingdom this was and why it should have provoked such a vitriolic clamoring for Jesus’ execution. The same question aggravated the former king at the time of Jesus’ birth. Herod saw this new kingdom as a threat; so he sent his soldiers on a draconian campaign of infanticide to try to stop it before it could gain momentum. At his birth and at his death, and in all his ministry in between, Jesus was identified by the message: “The kingdom of God is at hand.” It caused everyone to ask the same questions – the religious establishment, his disciples, and the throngs who followed him everywhere: What kind of kingdom is it? Will it rival the Sanhedrin for religious control? Will it overthrow Rome? Will its followers be lords and rulers over the culture? People are still asking today, “What kind of kingdom does Jesus promise?” One of the goals of our current Empowering Kingdom Growth-Louisiana initiative is to answer that question. A good starting place is to take seriously Jesus’ … [Read more...]
Former Sunni Muslim to speak in Bernice
Ergun Caner is to speak at 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, and 10:45 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 12, at Pisgah Baptist Church, north of Ruston in Concord-Union Association. BERNICE – Ergun Caner is to speak at 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, and 10:45 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 12, at Pisgah Baptist Church, north of Ruston in Concord-Union Association. When Ergun Caner was named president of Liberty Theological Seminary in Lynchburg, Va., in 2005, he became the first former Muslim to become the leader of an evangelical seminary. Along with his brother, Emir, Caner has become a leading voice for evangelicalism on the national stage. He has been a guest on FOX, MSNBC, CNBC, BBC and TBN. Caner has debated Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Bah’ai over 60 times at universities and colleges. He has written 14 books, including the intriguing When Worldviews Collide (LifeWay 2005) on the subject of global apologetics and defending the Christian faith. This is a rare opportunity to hear one of the clearest communicators today in the field of Christian apologetics. For more information see … [Read more...]
Dry Prong does Acts 1:8 through VBS
Vacation Bible school at First Baptist here is not only a family affair. It’s also an Acts 1:8 affair. DRY PRONG —Vacation Bible school at First Baptist here is not only a family affair. It’s also an Acts 1:8 affair. With classes for adults, youth, and children, First Dry Prong seeks to use the time-tested evangelistic success of VBS to reach a multitude of age groups in the surrounding community, Pastor Lloyd Whitman said. “Everybody in our church at Dry Prong can go to Bible school from 3 to 100 years old, because Bible school is that important,” the pastor said. “It’s been my experience here at Dry Prong that our adults love Bible school. The first year, people said ‘We never heard of such,’ but that year we had over 100 adults at night, and that was eight years ago. [The adults] go through the same program as the children, including crafts, recreation, and some of the music.” In years past, supper was prepared for adult attendees, most of whom were coming in from work, Whitman said. The meal was followed by craft time, a team effort that usually followed along with the VBS theme. One year, adults built space ships. This year, however, the program was a little different, with adult lessons conducted on Sunday … [Read more...]
Big Hearts fill Big Creek Association
Even when it comes to bangs-testing cattle, the 28 churches of this association are willing to minister, said Herb Dickerson, director of missions here for almost 11 years. BIG CREEK BAPTIST ASSOCIATION – Even when it comes to bangs-testing cattle, the 28 churches of this association are willing to minister, said Herb Dickerson, director of missions here for almost 11 years. Bangs disease, an infectious disease in domestic animals that causes spontaneous abortions and is transmittable to humans, can immobilize a cattle farmer. Even the testing, required by the government, can put a burden on cattle farmers. “It’s a big mess to get all your cows up, hold them down, get the blood, and give it to the vet,” Dickerson said. Once an outbreak occurs, farmers in an infection zone each need three clear tests consecutively over a period of three months before they can sell their cows again. “I’ve been in churches where the number one ministry is bangs-testing the cow’s,” Dickerson added. “That’s the way a rural country setting is.” Aside from bangs testing, the churches in this association minister in a number of ways, including disaster relief in New Orleans, the Sandblast Islands, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, and Brazil, the … [Read more...]
Mother gives DOM compassionate heart
When his mother was involved in a car accident that left her crippled for life when he was five years old, Herb Dickerson, director of missions for the Big Creek Baptist Association, faced a life of uncertainty. ALEXANDRIA — When his mother was involved in a car accident that left her crippled for life when he was five years old, Herb Dickerson, director of missions for the Big Creek Baptist Association, faced a life of uncertainty. Without a father nearby, Dickerson and his 6-month-old brother lived with various relatives as his mother recuperated. It was in Orange, Texas that he came to know the Lord. “I felt very vulnerable and scared,” Dickerson said about his mother’s health and about what would happen to him, circumstances that ultimately led him to place his trust in Jesus Christ. He began walking to the church across the street from where he was living. “I worried and worried,” he said. “Then, sometime after my seventh birthday, I joined the church on my own, made a profession of faith and was baptized.” When his mother recuperated to the point of being able to walk again, the family reunited in Burkeville, Texas, Dickerson said. “I took care of my mother, as much as a child could,” Dickerson said. “She was … [Read more...]
PB&J comedy duo nourishes audiences
Peanut Butter and Jelly don’t shy away from delivering a well-deserved swat to human traditions when it gets in the way of reaching people for God. LEESVILLE – Peanut Butter and Jelly don’t shy away from delivering a well-deserved swat to human traditions when it gets in the way of reaching people for God. A comedy team of two, best friends Michelle Self and Pam Nunn, both members at First Baptist here, PB and J got its start about 12 years ago when the duo was asked to put on a skit for a Valentine banquet at church, Self said. “We try to get people to think out of the box, to not worry or be fearful of doing a mission,” she continued. “The Lord wants us to spread the gospel throughout the world. We all just need to do our own thing and try to spread it.” And that’s what PB and J does, both as a team and individually. At a recent WMU meeting in Anacoco, for example, the team performed a song called “We’ve Never Done It That Way Before” all the while switching hats, from baseball caps, to frilly “church” hats. The point: maybe someone in the audience would recognize her own “hat” and realize that it’s okay to go beyond tradition, especially if it means reaching people for Christ. As individuals, the two are … [Read more...]
Pastor’s wife ministers through comedy
They tell similar jokes about kids, body image and the difference between men and women. SHREVEPORT – They tell similar jokes about kids, body image and the difference between men and women. Amidst the laughter, you might not even know what was different about Jinny Henson’s five-minute guest spot at The Funny Bone Comedy Club. It was clean. No words inappropriate for a family newspaper. Subject matter that wouldn’t require “The Talk” with your kids. Just funny observations about life. Henson bills herself as a Christian comedienne as well as “preacher’s wife, nutty blonde, soccer mom.” Wearing trendy, flowy skirts and multi-layered tops, the native Texan moves easily between serious discussions of faith and laughing at the human part of church. She last year moved to Shreveport with her husband, John, associate pastor for emerging ministries at First Baptist Church in Shreveport, and their two children, and is hoping to share her gift with northwest Louisiana. “We all need a good laugh,” she said. “We live in a tumultuous time with war and terror and the price of gasoline.” Her comedy career began in middle school when she started doing impersonations. Eventually, she became a regular at the annual … [Read more...] is Louisiana woman’s new ministry
Schoolteacher Cheryl Ruth Turner participated in the 2006 writer’s conference sponsored by the Baptist Message, and caught a vision for ministry to women. EUNICE – Schoolteacher Cheryl Ruth Turner participated in the 2006 writer’s conference sponsored by the Baptist Message, and caught a vision for ministry to women. Turner is a storyteller of the people and events in her life. Adept with words – read her website for riveting tales – she draws you in and engages you with tears and laughter as you relate her story to your life, and feel the better for the encounter. The ‘comedy’ in Turner’s ministry is more “I can relate” storytelling than it is slapstick humor. … [Read more...]
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