Burgers, motorcycles, a Super Bowl champion, a former player for the St. Louis Cardinals and a marathon-running retired Army officer. No wonder they called it “Manly Night.” WILDWOOD, Mo. (BP) – Burgers, motorcycles, a Super Bowl champion, a former player for the St. Louis Cardinals and a marathon-running retired Army officer. No wonder they called it “Manly Night.” “Manly Night” is an effort by West County Community Church in Wildwood, Mo., to draw in men -– especially non-Christians -– and then challenge them to live up to the ultimate example of manliness, Jesus Christ. “All of us want to be treated as a real man, but it’s amazing how often we can live in selfishness and sin,” said West County pastor Phil Hunter. “’Manly Night’ is just a time for our men to invite their friends who do not yet know Christ to step up.” A motorcycle stunt show by Brad Bennett and the chance to meet a few celebrities, namely former St. Louis Cardinals catcher Mike Matheny and former St. Louis Rams offensive tackle Grant Williams, helped bring in the crowd. “About 70 percent of our people were raised Catholic,” Hunter said, “so we must emphasize, especially to men, the importance of having a personal relationship with Jesus.” It … [Read more...]
Resolutions, nominees sought for Louisiana Baptist posts
Louisiana Baptists are invited to submit names of nominees for service on state convention boards and committees and to submit resolutions for possible consideration for the 2007 Louisiana Baptist Convention. ALEXANDRIA – Louisiana Baptists are invited to submit names of nominees for service on state convention boards and committees and to submit resolutions for possible consideration for the 2007 Louisiana Baptist Convention. The Louisiana Baptist Committee on Committees is beginning work to nominate persons to serve on various state convention committees. At the present time, 22 nominees are needed for service on committees on Convention Arrangements, Credentials, Louisiana Baptist History, Moral and Social Concerns, Nominations, Order of Business and Resolutions. Committee on Committees Chair is Jerry Chaddick. In addition, the Louisiana Baptist Committee on Nominations is beginning work to fill vacancies on state boards. At this point, 21 nominees are needed to serve on the Convention Executive Board and as trustees of Louisiana College, the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home, the Baptist Message, and the Baptist Foundation. The Committee on Nominations Chair is Dan Munson. As in previous years, persons … [Read more...]
Louisiana Landscape
Disaster Relief workers spent a busy Saturday recently going through all the LBC-owned trailers to make sure everything is in good working order. They weren’t called out last year and hope they aren’t this year, because it would mean “bad luck” for someone, one harried worker said. But they want to be ready, just in case. WEST MONROE – Ridge Avenue Baptist college and career group is to attend National Collegiate Week at Ridgecrest, N. C., where more than 100 spiritual/educational sessions and conferences are to be held along with two worship services each day during the seven-day worship experience beginning the second week of August. Some scholarships have been offered for the event. Tim Coats is the collegiate minister and John Yeats is interim pastor. FERRIDAY – Wayne Gray, pastor of First Baptist, invites everyone to address the issue of superficial Christianity with his two-part sermon series topic “Attitudes for Better Living,” based on Matthew 5. You are invited to be among those who believe that the transformation of our lives is a goal worthy of our best effort. KENTWOOD – School uniforms are being collected by the Friendship Circle Sunday school class of First Baptist. School supplies are also being collected … [Read more...]
COMINGS, GOINGS Steve Wilson resigned Jefferson Baptist Baton Rouge as minister of students. Melisa Harris is new as director of student ministries at Horseshoe Drive Baptist, Alexandria. Josh Dickson is new associate pastor of worship. Aubrey Whitlock is pastor. Sandra George is now full-time minister to children and their families at Calvary Baptist, Ruston. She formerly was part-time minister. Bill Reid is pastor. Dick Paige is new as interim pastor at Edgewood Baptist, West Monroe. Thomas Bowen is youth intern at Don Avenue Baptist, Denham Springs. Craig James is pastor. William Rogers is new as interim minister of education at Riverside Baptist, Denham Springs. Larry Hubbard is pastor. Billy Carpenter is new as pastor at New Beginnings Baptist, Walker. Chris Wales is new as interim pastor at Boulevard Baptist, Lake Charles. Tim Johnson resigned First Baptist of Choudrant to become a vice president of Louisiana College in Pineville. Mickey Bounds retired July 31 from Pleasant Hill Baptist, Farmerville. NEEDED Calvary Baptist, Denham Springs, needs a part-time secretary. Send resume to Calvary Baptist Church, 9270 Cockerham Road, Denham Springs LA 70726. Rhett Major is pastor. Satsuma … [Read more...]
Fishing expedition
The youth group at Forest Hill Baptist Church went on a fishing expedition in mid-June to Holly Beach and returned with 30 speckled trout, three redfish, three gaff-top catfish and one black drum. Shown above, from left, Nathan McLane, Britt, Trevor and MeKensie Maxwell, and Nick Setliff. In photo at left, MeKensie Maxwell of Glenmora shows off the 24-pound redfish he caught. … [Read more...]
Blume challenges young women
A crowd of more than 3,000 teenage girls, collegiate young women, and leaders were challenged July 10–13 to live the “Amazing Life” during Blume, sponsored by national WMU, in Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, Mo. – A crowd of more than 3,000 teenage girls, collegiate young women, and leaders were challenged July 10–13 to live the “Amazing Life” during Blume, sponsored by national WMU, in Kansas City. Taking a holistic approach to serving God and others, Blume was based on Luke 10:27 when Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind. And, love your neighbor as yourself.” All components of Blume, from general sessions to interactive conferences to hands-on missions and ministry projects and more, helped participants have a deeper understanding of this command. During five general sessions, keynote speaker Clella Lee of Fayetteville, N.C., used an analogy to TV reality contest show “The Amazing Race,” and asked the girls to consider what is necessary to live “The Amazing Life.” Her answer, which she and other speakers, including international and North American missionaries, developed over five general sessions, was to live out Luke 10:27. “God … [Read more...]
Lamar church engages Pecan Island
As Jesse put it from the pulpit the Sunday after we got home to Lamar, Ark., in 46 hours Lamar Baptist Church through the work of our God finished what God wanted done. PECAN ISLAND – As Jesse put it from the pulpit the Sunday after we got home to Lamar, Ark., in 46 hours Lamar Baptist Church through the work of our God finished what God wanted done. With His help we: replaced the roof of Pecan Island Baptist Church, cleaned the remaining cane from underneath the church, replaced the old water line with a new one, built a handicap ramp, painted the front steps of the church, painted the holder for the church sign, cleaned and repaired the fence on the side of the church, built a new portion to the roof between the sanctuary and the fellowship hall so that it would not hold water in the future, finished the molding in the Methodist church where we’d stayed for the week, completely ripped out the flooring in a Baptist member’s trailer – all the way to where you could see the ground – and then replaced the flooring with plywood for the flooring, completely built a roof over a Baptist member’s porch, plus delivered 25 quilts to individuals in the Pecan Island area. This was done with help … [Read more...]
CP undergirds Quail Springs’ mission focus
Quail Springs Baptist Church uses its Acts 1:8 partnerships to put a face on the Cooperative Program. OKLAHOMA CITY (BP) – Quail Springs Baptist Church uses its Acts 1:8 partnerships to put a face on the Cooperative Program. Akin to the biblical passage’s spheres of outreach, Quail Springs’ “Judea” is Baptist Temple in Oklahoma City’s inner city; its “Samaria,” the South-Central Baptist Association in Kansas; and, in its global mission, Armenia is the church’s focus. “Our missions partnerships are with Southern Baptists,” Pastor Hance Dilbeck said. “That way, when our people think of the Cooperative Program, they have a connection with real live missionaries.” From its foundational missions giving through the Cooperative Program, Quail Springs is an outwardly focused church by design, the pastor said. In the midst of a major expansion project, the church has chosen to guard its missions fervor by continuing to give 13.5 percent of its regular offerings to missions through the Cooperative Program. “When we as pastors talk to our people about sacrificial giving for Kingdom causes, and then reduce our giving because of other pressing needs, that sends a mixed message,” Dilbeck said. “We as church leaders must practice … [Read more...]
‘Country’ church starts
Horses were a part of his childhood; now they are the mainstay of Mark Stagg’s ministry. LAKE CHARLES – Horses were a part of his childhood; now they are the mainstay of Mark Stagg’s ministry. Open Gate Western Heritage Church – a “cowboy church” – meets at 11 a.m. Sundays in the cafeteria of Fairview Elementary School in Lake Charles. It started in March, 2007, at the LSU Agricultural Center and moved to McNeese Horse Farm, before moving to the school in mid-July. The new church grew to more than 65 people in its first four months. In that same time period, six adults were baptized in the pool at Stagg’s home. Among other ways of reaching out to people living in a country culture, Stagg led a trail ride Easter Sunday that closed with a sunset service. “When I was growing up we had horses and cattle at my grandfather’s place,” Stagg said. “I have owned pigs, sheep, cattle – you name it. “But as you grow up, go to college and then enter the ministry, you live in church-owned parsonages and none of that [country culture] is really a possibility. I thought that part of my life was over forever.” Horses, however opened up the door for a witness even when he was serving as pastor at New Zion Baptist Church in Oak … [Read more...]
Caner engages northeast La.
Apologetics is the proper term for what’s better known as defending the faith. That’s what Ergun Caner has acquired a national reputation for. BERNICE – Apologetics is the proper term for what’s better known as defending the faith. That’s what Ergun Caner has acquired a national reputation for. But on the first of a two-day appearance at Pisgah Baptist, where Jerry Dark is pastor, he told stories about his wife and sons, and his early years in the ministry. And as he did so, he showed his audience how to engage evangelistically with others. Caner, president of Liberty Baptist University in Lynchburg, Va. , used the woman at the well as an example. “Look at this woman and see the world around us,” Caner said. “She was unclean, unloved and isolated. She had five strikes against her.” She was a half-breed Samaritan, female, divorced, immoral and poor, Caner listed. And yet, Jesus talked with her. “The measure of your Christianity is, how many lost people call you friend? How many trust you and will come to you in their tough times? ... We’re supposed to be light, not light bulbs, clustered together; salt, not salt shakers,” Caner preached. The woman went “from being inhibited [because of the five strikes against … [Read more...]
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