Conjure up Phoenix in the summertime and you think about desert, cactus and heat, especially with this summer’s record 29 straight days of 110-degree or higher temperatures. PHOENIX, Ariz. (BP) – Conjure up Phoenix in the summertime and you think about desert, cactus and heat, especially with this summer’s record 29 straight days of 110-degree or higher temperatures. But for 90 students from across the United States who spent a week of their summer vacation in Phoenix, sharing the Gospel of Christ in the “Valley of the Sun” became a mountaintop experience. The students were part of PowerPlant, an initiative of the North American Mission Board designed to teach students the principles of church planting and evangelism – skills they can use long after their time in sweltering Phoenix. PowerPlant participants presented the Gospel 314 times, resulting in 13 decisions for Christ, and they distributed more than 3,000 tracts and free Bibles. While each PowerPlant project and venue is unique, the theme of the Phoenix outreach was diversity, said coordinator Daniel Stancil, a Southern Baptist church planter from Canton, Ga. Among the students and adult leaders who journeyed to Phoenix to work with seven church plants … [Read more...]
Retired missionaries celebrate God’s call
When you’ve served for more than 26,000 years, you deserve to celebrate. RIDGECREST, N.C. (BP)--When you’ve served for more than 26,000 years, you deserve to celebrate. As part of the International Mission Board’s “Year of Emeriti” observance, nearly 1,000 retired missionaries united for the first time at LifeWay Ridgecrest Conference Center in North Carolina, the very location where many of them first heard God’s call to missions. The retirees who attended comprise two-thirds of the approximately 1,400 living emeritus Southern Baptist missionaries and served a cumulative total of more than 26,000 years on mission fields around the world, according to IMB estimates. “You may feel that old, but you really aren’t,” IMB President Jerry Rankin joked as he paid tribute to the retirees at the Sept. 10-13 event. “As I look at you and realize what has gone before, how grateful we are that it didn’t start with us youngsters. You represent a biblical model of following God as Abraham did. You represent a passion to worship God as Isaiah did, to say to Him, ‘Here am I, Lord, send me.’ You had the vision of Paul, who was called to regions beyond and to do whatever it takes to get the Gospel to the ends of the earth. “And long … [Read more...]
Louisiana Landscape
BREAUX BRIDGE – Music Director Dot Schexnider announces an “Old Fashion Gospel Singing and Fellowship” is set for 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 5, at Teche Baptist Church. “We’re going to have a good time,” Schexnider said. “The congregation will be joining in to sing a lot of the old favorites that aren’t used so much these days, such as This World is not my Home; I Saw the Light; When They Ring Those Golden Bells; Mansion Over the Hilltop; Precious Memories; and I’ll Fly Away, just to name a few.” The Ladies Ensemble is to perform, plus additional soloists and instrumentalists, including Rob Burdeaux, pastor of Parks Baptist Mission, as a special guest performer. “We are especially glad to have the Rev. Burdeaux join us,” Schexnider added. “He is an accomplished musician and I know everyone will enjoy hearing him sing.” There is no admission fee; the public is invited and nursery care will be provided for younger children. “I hope everyone who likes good old gospel music will come enjoy this time with us,” Schexnider said. Wayne Lyons, pastor. BETHANY – First Bossier donated a mobile home to Camp Bethany for use in additional housing. Lumber has been purchased for the 20 bunk beds that will be going in the new mobile … [Read more...]
Comings, Goings Bill Holifield, new as pastor of Colyell Baptist, Livingston. Tim Stewart has resigned as BCM director in Shreveport for a similar position in Columbia, S.C. Wayne Shew, new as pastor of Gray Baptist, Jefferson. Bill Lott, new as pastor of Pilgrim Home Baptist, Benton, from interim at the church. Mike (wife Mai) Scott resigned as pastor at Woodland Hills Baptist, Shreveport. They are moving to Viet Nam, Mai’s homeland. Bill Crosby, new as interim pastor of Northwood, Shreveport. Steve Wilson, from associate pastor to fulltime marriage enrichment seminars ministry. Joe Bob Alexander, new as interim pastor of First Baptist, Oil City. Charlie Fowler, resigned as music minister of Ellerbe Road Baptist, Shreveport, to relocate to Colorado Springs, Colo. “Sonny” Simpson, new as pastor of New Hope Willow Point Shreveport. John Walker, resigned as music minister of Summer Grove Shreveport. Chris Albritton, new in May as fulltime ministry coordinator for Rolling Hills Ministries; he had been part-time in that role for a year. David Abernathy is director. Billy Carter resigned as pastor of Spencer Baptist. Needed Sicily Island First Baptist Church seeks a bivocational pastor. Please send resumes … [Read more...]
Puppets preach joy
Brian and Vicki Cockerham, members at Woodlawn Baptist Church in Rayville, don’t just speak for themselves. They speak for a host of others – puppets that is. WEST MONROE – Brian and Vicki Cockerham, members at Woodlawn Baptist Church in Rayville, don’t just speak for themselves. They speak for a host of others – puppets that is. 2Talk42 Ministries, the Cockerham’s puppet ministry, has been sharing the gospel with children and adults since 1998, Brian said. Using ventriloquism, puppetry, drama, illusions and songs at family crusades, children’s camps and elementary school assemblies, Brian, along with his wife Vicki, present the gospel to thousands of children and adults each year. “It’s amazing what God will do when you do what He wants you to, then step out of the way and let Him handle it,” Brian said. “I knew God was calling me to a deeper commitment, I just didn’t know what it was,” continued Brian, explaining how he became involved in puppetry. Though he’d never seen a ventriloquist, his interest was piqued by a site on the Internet. Then, in June 1998, after taking a correspondence course in ventriloquism, Brian answered God’s call to evangelistic ministry while attending the International Festival of … [Read more...]
Brazil builds for eternity
When the dust settles and five more churches report in, more than 3,000 people are expected to have made professions of faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior during the late July visit of about 150 people in the annual Louisiana mission trip to Brazil. BELO HORIZONTE, Brazil – When the dust settles and five more churches report in, more than 3,000 people are expected to have made professions of faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior during the late July visit of about 150 people in the annual Louisiana mission trip to Brazil. “Overall, for a new city it was the best prepared for the first year,” said Wayne Jenkins, LBC evangelism and church growth strategist. “One of the team members got saved. We treated a little over 2,000 people both in medical and dental clinics. We built four chapels in a week, and some of them had up to 200 people in them for their day of dedication.” The team also was involved in four vacation Bible schools, ministry in at least six prisons, and street ministry as part of their partnership with missionaries from the Southern Baptist Convention’s International Mission Board, and pastors with the Brazilian Baptist Convention, Jenkins said. “Overall, it was a great trip,” Jenkins … [Read more...]
Event celebrates 50 years of music
A 50th anniversary celebration in a new location plus reinstated handbell training and the addition of a contemporary component are parts of this week’s annual Louisiana Baptist Convention Music Conference being held at Summer Grove Baptist Church in Shreveport. SHREVEPORT – A 50th anniversary celebration in a new location plus reinstated handbell training and the addition of a contemporary component are parts of this week’s annual Louisiana Baptist Convention Music Conference being held at Summer Grove Baptist Church in Shreveport. “This is a wonderful opportunity,” said Randy Turner, LBC music strategist. “Our weekend will include many training sessions from graded choirs to praise band and praise teams.” The LBC department of church music was started in December 1947, with L.C. Alexander as first ‘secretary’ – ‘strategist’ would be the updated term. When he retired in 1966, Carroll Lowe moved into that position, according to a Louisiana Baptist history, House Upon A Rock, by Glen Lee Greene. Jim Faull followed Lowe, and Turner took over in 2006. “There were music conferences prior to 1957. However, it became an annual event and officially called the Louisiana Church Music Conference in 1957,” Turner said. “That is … [Read more...]
Blacks stir hearts in New Orleans
“This team has been a witness in our community,” New Orleans pastor Fred Luter said after 120 volunteers ventured earlier this summer to the still-stricken city from Georgia’s African-American Fellowship and Sisters on Mission. NEW ORLEANS (BP) – “This team has been a witness in our community,” New Orleans pastor Fred Luter said after 120 volunteers ventured earlier this summer to the still-stricken city from Georgia’s African-American Fellowship and Sisters on Mission. “Our outreach ministry is at work in the neighborhood even though the community is sparse and we have not yet returned to our own facility,” said Luter, pastor of the 6,000-member Franklin Avenue Baptist Church that was dispersed by flooding from Hurricane Katrina and now meets in three different locations. John Mason, pastor of Providence Community Baptist Church in Marietta, Ga., led the team of 120 construction and evangelism volunteers from eight Georgia churches. Regardless of the challenge they faced, Mason said the Georgia churches would be blessed by their ministry in New Orleans. “A mission-minded church,” he noted, “has fewer problems on the inside when they are ministering on the outside.” Mason cited the testimonies by Luter and other … [Read more...]
Tempted to jump to a conclusion?
A man was beaten to death by an undetermined number of people after the car he had been riding in hit and injured a 2-year-old. A man was beaten to death by an undetermined number of people after the car he had been riding in hit and injured a 2-year-old. According to reports, the June 19 attack on David Morales in Austin, Texas, occurred when he went to check on the child that was hit. Ironically, the child was not seriously injured. More than a year ago, police arrested three members of the Duke University lacrosse team after they were accused of raping an exotic dancer at a fraternity party. The Durham County District Attorney moved quickley to charge the players with rape. In his mind, there was do doubt concerning their guilt. Many members of the Duke faculty circulated a letter condemning the accused students and asked that they be suspended. Ironically, all charges against the players were eventually dropped because there was no evidence that a sexual assault ever took place. The accuser, it seems, was less than truthful. What do the recent beating in Austin and the Duke rape case have in common? In both cases individuals jumped to conclusions and hurdled over the concept of presumed innocent until … [Read more...]
‘Generation Stress’ needs a little help
Parenting expert Ann Douglas calls them “Generation Stress.” She is referring to American teens and their growing battle with the pressures of 21st Century living. Parenting expert Ann Douglas calls them “Generation Stress.” She is referring to American teens and their growing battle with the pressures of 21st Century living. A recent study by Reuters Health shows that stress among teens is on the rise. One third of US teens say they feel stressed-out on a daily basis. The study, conducted at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, also found that nearly two thirds of teens feel the results of stress at least once a week. Stress, of course, is a normal part of life and can actually help us deal with various challenges we face. Positive stress can help teens give their best performances in music or sports. Good stress can also help young people meet tough situations with focus and determination. Too much stress, however, can lead to physical, emotional, and even spiritual problems for teens. Why are our teens so stressed out? Rochelle Levy suggests that society is putting pressure on our young people from every direction. Stress comes from family situations. Parents may add to their teen’s stress level with … [Read more...]
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