Villagers stood in a small huddle around a stack of 50-kilogram bags of rice, speaking the Tamashek language in heated tones. “At peace with Christ” Villagers stood in a small huddle around a stack of 50-kilogram bags of rice, speaking the Tamashek language in heated tones. “This is the hardest part,” Nate Gunter, an International Mission Board journeyman missionary working in Bankilare, Niger, said. “They’re saying it’s just not enough.” After working among the Tuareg people group in a bush village for two years, Gunter said he became accustomed to people begging for food, medicine and money. In July 2005 Gunter realized the desperate situation of the Black Tamashek, the “slave class” of the Tuareg. “I found out that some people out in the bush encampment areas had already died from hunger,” Gunter said. “Many were sick. Many had been eating grass for a couple of months and had developed sicknesses related to nutrition.” Faced with the devastating effects of hunger in Bankilare in July 2005, Gunter journeyed to Niamey to speak with Warren and Sharon Hessling, strategy coordinators for the Tuareg team, about the necessity of a hunger relief program in the village. They came up with a plan to distribute 30 … [Read more...]
World Hunger Fund is at work today
One hundred percent (100%) of each dollar given is used in a ministry. One hundred percent (100%) of each dollar given is used in a ministry. Every project is designed to not only meet physical needs, but also to accelerate, enhance and support evangelistic and church-planting field strategies. Each project is designed, coordinated, supervised and annually evaluated by IMB field personnel. Hunger Funds are used only for meeting food-related needs—that is, assisting people with the issues of having food, buying food, growing food and/or using food properly. $20,000 in World Hunger funds is providing 250 emergency food packets twice a month for four months to victims of the Asia earthquake. $5,000 of General Relief funds is being used to distribute blankets, clothing and emergency medical needs for 270 victims of flooding in South Asia. $5,000 of World Hunger funds is allowing 1,000 widows and orphans, suffering from hunger as the result of a severe drought in Mozambique, to each receive 25 pounds of food. $5,000 of World Hunger funds is being used to purchase basic food staples for 500 to 1,000 people who were displaced from their homes as a result of civil war in Northern Africa and the Middle … [Read more...]
Hunger – Fast Facts
Hunger - Fast Facts One in four people in a soup kitchen line is a child. More than 35 million Americans are food insecure, hungry, or at risk of hunger. 96 billion pounds of food are wasted each year in the United States. 12.4 million children live in food insecure households. 64 percent of low-income children from client households participated in a school lunch program. Only 13 percent participated in a summer feeding program. Over half of the families that access food pantries have children under 18 in the home. 37 million people in America live below the poverty line, a rate of 12.6 percent of all Americans. 35 million Americans are food insecure, meaning their access to enough food is limited by a lack of money and other resources. An estimated 40 percent of poor families must choose between buying food and paying for utilities or heat. An estimated 35 percent of poor families must choose between paying for food and paying their rent or mortgage. An estimated 31 percent of poor families must choose between paying for food and paying for medication or medical care. Nearly half of all families that use a food pantry consisted of working families with children. America’s Second … [Read more...]
Donation to aid FBC-Chalmette
A $50,000 matching grant from the Edwin Rollison Home Mission Fund has been presented to First Baptist Church Chalmette. CHALMETTE – A $50,000 matching grant from the Edwin Rollison Home Mission Fund has been presented to First Baptist Church Chalmette. The fund, named after Mrs. Edwin Rollison, is providing assistance to several ongoing church construction projects throughout Louisiana. Linda Norris, one of the three trustees for the Edwin Rollison Home Mission Fund and a member of Brookwood Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala., heard about FBC-Chalmette through Lawrence Corley, one of the lay leaders for Builders For Christ, one of the largest professional lay ministries in the nation. A team was assembled from Brookwood Baptist Church and presently, they are helping with the reconstruction of FBC-Chalmette’s sanctuary which will seat 300. When finished, the two-story, 23,000 square-foot building will use its pre-school area as the first day care in the area to open after Hurricane Katrina. Anyone of any church desiring to participate in this rebuilding program, should have their checks made out to FBC-Chalmette, and include the words ‘matching grant’ in the memo section of their checks. Once checks total $10,000 … [Read more...]
Pollock FBC holding Outdoor Expo
An outdoor expo at a church seems a little out of place being held at a church, but such is not the case, says Pastor Nicholas Taylor. POLLOCK – An outdoor expo at a church seems a little out of place being held at a church, but such is not the case, says Pastor Nicholas Taylor. At the Family Life Center of First Baptist Pollock at 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13, FBC in association with Christian Hunters and Anglers Association will sponsor just such an outdoor event. “What better way to reach out to outdoorsmen than to have an outdoor expo,” Taylor said. “We want to attract as many men, and women, as possible to this event and thanks to the generosity of sponsors and people in the community we believe we have means to do so. “It is an excellent opportunity to reach the community, so we can share the gospel with lost men through the outdoors,” Taylor said. Texas native Don Barron, a trustee and a guide for CHAA, is to be the guest speaker. Admission is $10 per ticket with children under 7 years of age admitted free. For tickets call 318.765.3525 or 765.3523. … [Read more...]
Camp Living Waters regains momentum
Woodland Park Baptist Hammond recently hosted a baptism in the river at Camp Living Waters. LORANGER – Woodland Park Baptist Hammond recently hosted a baptism in the river at Camp Living Waters. Almost 200 people drove a winding path through nature trails, past a new high ropes course and prayer pavilion to the river’s edge. “Some of the onlookers were in wheelchairs, some using walkers,” wrote Jane Wasson, administrative assistant at the camp, in an email last week. “Both young and old helped everyone to line the banks of the river to observe the service.” Camp Living Waters depends on the dedication of God’s people to keep the doors open and offer accommodations to young and old, Wasson continued. An associational workday is set to start at 8 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 20. Camp Director Keith Maddox and his wife Monica, who are planning “a great lunch,” are asking people with special talent in landscaping, painting, construction and other skilled trades to call, so he can plan jobs for you. Call also if you plan to bring a back hoe, bulldozer or other big equipment. Donated plants, paint, lumber, floor tile and other materials would be appreciated. “This camp is rising like a phoenix from the ashes,” Wasson wrote. … [Read more...]
Louisiana Landscape
HAYNESVILLE – A Mexico mission trip is planned for First Baptist beginning Saturday, Oct. 13. Shelby Cowling, pastor. GRAYSON – Grayson Baptist Church will be honoring Pastor Paul Pearson and his wife Joyce on Pastor Appreciation Day Sunday, Oct. 14. The day is even more special as it is his birthday and his 25th anniversary of service in the ministry. All members of his former pastorates are welcomed to attend. The morning service will be followed by a covered dish luncheon. MINDEN – North Acres Baptist baptized 23 people and had ten other additions during the 2006-07 church year ending Aug. 31, its church newsletter reports. Five young men over the last year say they have been called to Christian ministry. Also, in the first four weeks of the new church year, five more people have joined the church and five made professions of faith during FAITH evangelistic visits. The church has also voted to participate in the EKG-LA emphasis, which consists of three phases the church is to work through over the next year, starting in January 2008. Roy Strother, pastor. NATCHITOCHES, - The 2007 Ladies’ Night Out at Trinity Baptist, set for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 16, is to feature Jinny Henson, comedienne, and meal. Cost is $7. Ron … [Read more...]
Louisiana Landscape
Jeff Hurst, pastor at Grace Baptist Church in Bastrop, and Builders for Christ Project Coordinator Vernon Crow stand in the educational wings of Grace Baptist which have stood empty for three years. The 20-person Arkansas construction team came to Bastrop and gave of their time and talents to help Hurst finish work on the two wings. In two days time, the team was able to put up two-by-four partitions and drywall. They were able to finish the work by the time they left. … [Read more...]
Volunteers needed for Korea mission trip
A great need remains for volunteers to join the Oct. 24-Nov. 6 evangelistic mission trip to Korea. A 200-person group from Texas dwindled to 16. If you have a passport, you can join this trip even at this late date. The photo above is of a store in southern Korea; a Baptist church meets on the second floor. He had talked a year ago about going, then got involved with volunteers to help with Katrina recovery as well as evangelistic witnessing in St. Bernard Parish. When he heard of the great need to cover for the Texas shortfall, “God being God, Rudy booked his ticket last night at 10 o’clock,” emailed his wife Rose French. If God is in it, you too can be part of this international evangelistic event. The photo above is of a store in southern Korea; a Baptist church meets on the second floor. … [Read more...]
COMINGS, GOINGS Lee (wife Tammie) Myers, new as youth minister of Airline Baptist, Shreveport. Gary (wife Loni) Hodel, new as associate pastor of children and youth of Providence Road Baptist, Shreveport. Shane (wife Shannon) Nugent, new as minister of students at Cross Point Baptist, Shreveport, from Oberlin Baptist. Eric Green resigned as youth pastor of Summer Grove Baptist, Shreveport. Denise Shelton resigned as children’s minister of First Baptist, Shreveport. Alton Toms, new as pastor of Pilgrim’s Rest Baptist, Doyline. Lionel Noel, new as minister of music of Central Baptist, Springhill. James Larry Sellers, new as pastor of Rocky Springs Baptist, Lisbon. Michael Richardson, new as pastor of New Sarepta Baptist, Sarepta. Richard “Skip” Palmer, new as pastor of Midway Baptist, Sarepta. Zach Taylor, new as minister of music of Emmanuel Baptist, Arcadia. Jimmy Pitson, new as interim pastor of Mt. Ararat Baptist, Downsville. Rodney Jackson, new as pastor at Aimoch Baptist Church, Olla. NEEDED Live Oak Baptist needs part-time minister of music. Resumes may be sent to 35603 Coxe Ave., Denham Springs LA 70706. Howard Turner, pastor. Northwest Baptist Association needs pastors at the … [Read more...]
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