Clueless! That’s how many churches feel as they contemplate how to express gratitude to their cherished leaders for Minister Appreciation Day each October. Clueless! That’s how many churches feel as they contemplate how to express gratitude to their cherished leaders for Minister Appreciation Day each October. To the rescue! Diana Davis, author of Fresh Ideas: 1,000 Ways to Grow a Thriving and Energetic Church, offers her top ten suggestions. Fresh Ideas 10 - Lots of letters On Sunday before Pastor Appreciation Day, distribute stamped envelopes addressed to the pastor. An instruction note invites each church member to write and mail a personal note of encouragement and appreciation to the pastor this week. 9 - Award T-Shirt Special order a “Best Pastor in _______” t-shirt, cap, or plaque, and present it with flourish. 8 - Original Art Laminate bookmarks created by the children in your church, featuring their art and signatures. Allow kids to present the bookmarks to the pastor personally. 7 - Very merry commentary Purchase a full set of Bible commentaries. Allow various groups, such as Bible classes, committees or church organizations, to present one book of the set, individually wrapped with their personal … [Read more...]
New missionaries tell stories of sacrifice
RICHMOND, Va. – In 2003, one Southern Baptist couple was burdened by Satan’s grip on the world. The wife had longed for stability and comfort for her family but surrendered those longings to God two years ago. Now, the family is headed to Central Asia. These new missionaries – along with 46 others – were appointed by the International Mission Board on Sept. 12 at Biltmore Baptist Church in Arden, N.C., near Asheville. The appointment service was part of a reunion week for about 1,000 emeritus missionaries held at the LifeWay Ridgecrest (N.C.) Conference Center. Surrender and sacrifice was a theme repeated throughout the missionary appointment service. Another missionary couple – Jeff and Liesa Holeman – told of their sacrifices. Liesa was home with their sick children while Jeff, a student minister, was at a worship service. There, he felt that God was telling him that he and his family would go to the mission field. Liesa wasn’t so sure; God had given her a similar call as a teenager, but as a mom and successful tax investigator, she was hoping they could put missionary life on hold. “The reasons to wait were good – a wonderful job as a student minister and a comfortable life,” Jeff said. “But good is not good when … [Read more...]
Connect 3-on-3
A basketball tournament, rock climbing wall, inflatable slides, music, a food court, a variety of carnival-like games and a FunZone packaged all together isn’t what one might consider a part of a typical outreach ministry for a Southern Baptist church. A basketball tournament, rock climbing wall, inflatable slides, music, a food court, a variety of carnival-like games and a FunZone packaged all together isn’t what one might consider a part of a typical outreach ministry for a Southern Baptist church. Then again, times they are changing. A Connect 3-on-3 basketball tournament and the Family FunZone, the brainchild of Ken Thomas and Gabe Norris, is meant to help churches get outside their walls and in front of new people. “It is a wonderful way to introduce your church to the community,” Thomas said. “It allows a church to get outside its walls, and to approach people in the community in a non-threatening way. It allows them to approach people in the community in a different way.” The pair’s first Connect 3-on-3 Tournament was such a huge success; they decided to take a leap of faith when they quit their jobs at LifeWay Christian Resources in September to start Connect Ministries. Operating out of a Croc shoe … [Read more...]
Pastors Conference scheduled for Nov. 12
The annual gathering of pastors in Louisiana – known as the Pastors Conference, is set to start at 8:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 12, at Kingsville Baptist, where Bart Walker is pastor. PINEVILLE – The annual gathering of pastors in Louisiana – known as the Pastors Conference, is set to start at 8:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 12, at Kingsville Baptist, where Bart Walker is pastor. “Our purpose this year is to strengthen the soldiers of the Lord,” said Gevan Spinney, president of the Pastors Conference and pastor of First Baptist Haughton. “We don’t have any axes to grind. We just want those guys to leave encouraged.” He and the other officers of the Pastors Conference selected “Strengthening His Soldiers” as this year’s theme, Spinney said. Ken Fryer, pastor of First Greenwood, is vice president; Roy Davis, pastor of North Shreve, Shreveport, is secretary/treasurer. Spinney and the other officers of the Pastors Conference have arranged for several powerhouse preachers to speak during the event, which is expected to last until at least 3:30 p.m. They include Chad Grayson, pastor of Airline Bossier City; Bill Britt, evangelist from Louisiana who headquarters out of Gallatin, Tenn.; Paige Patterson, president of Southwestern Baptist … [Read more...]
Outdoor ministry helps Lismore connect
Using the outdoors as a connecting point for Jesus Christ is a great idea, especially in Louisiana. JONESVILLE – Using the outdoors as a connecting point for Jesus Christ is a great idea, especially in Louisiana. Known as Sportman’s Paradise, the state has its share (1.75 million) of men, and women, who love the outdoors. Therefore, an event like this can be a tremendous means of reaching out into the community. Stan Wyant, pastor of Lismore Baptist Church in Jonesville, decided to tap into those numbers using a fledgling outdoor ministry, which has already netted the church results after just one springtime event. “In the spring, we decided to do a crappie tournament as part of our outdoor ministry, but it was put together rather hastily and did not draw the numbers I would have liked,” Wyant said. “Still, we had two families that became involved in our church and three more families are prospects.” Buoyed by the success of the fishing tournament, Wyant thought – with a little more time and better planning – another event just might attract an even larger crowd. He and his church hit upon the idea to host a two-day hunter education and safety course, followed by a skeet shoot and archery tournament, the weekend … [Read more...]
Criswell’s Guidebook for Pastors has been updated and released
W. A. Criswell’s popular Guidebook for Pastors, released in 1980, has been updated by Mac Brunson of First Baptist Church of Dallas and pastoral theology professor James W. Bryant. W. A. Criswell’s popular Guidebook for Pastors, released in 1980, has been updated by Mac Brunson of First Baptist Church of Dallas and pastoral theology professor James W. Bryant. Several years ago, when Brunson was pastoring First Baptist Church of Dallas, he and Bryant discussed the need for an update of Criswell’s book. With Brunson having served the same church Criswell had pastored and Bryant having served as Criswell’s minister of evangelism and church organization, both benefited from the long-tenured pastor’s legacy. So much had changed since Criswell’s book was released in 1980 that the need for a completely new resource became very obvious. In The New Guidebook for Pastors released this year by B&H Publishing, frequent references are made to the “life messages, examples and writings” of the two world-famous pastors of the Dallas church, Criswell and George W. Truett “that still encourage pastors today,” the authors acknowledge. To read a complete review of this book, go online to … [Read more...]
Does God use me? Yes, every single day
Evangelism is a process. Unfortunately, many people forget how important they are to the process. ALEXANDRIA (BP) – Evangelism is a process. Unfortunately, many people forget how important they are to the process. We often believe that if we weren’t the one who actually invited the person to surrender his or her life to the Lord, we had no part in that person’s salvation. But nothing could be further from the truth. Did Grandmother Rose, who before she died sat in her rocking chair reading her Bible, have any part in the salvation of her grandson? When she told the story of Goliath to a wide-eyed 3-year-old, was God using her maternal role to plant the seeds of the Gospel? There’s the tired, overworked church secretary who is in the middle of folding dozens of letters – numbers 48, 49, 50. Most of them are thrown away without being read. Then there’s letter 51. It’s to Carol, a 38-year-old single mother, who is alone and overwhelmed. She wants adult company and people who will help her with her children. Her young boy needs a role model because there is no dad in his life. The letter invites her to be a part of the adult choir – a “fun-loving group” that “prays together, laughs together and worships together.” Classes … [Read more...]
NOBTS holding preview weekend for prospective students Oct. 25-27
NEW ORLEANS – The New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary student enlistment office will sponsor a Preview Weekend for prospective seminary students on Oct. 25 – 27. Cost is $25. NEW ORLEANS – The New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary student enlistment office will sponsor a Preview Weekend for prospective seminary students on Oct. 25 – 27. Cost is $25. Student preview weekends are held two times through the year and provide interested students the opportunity to experience seminary life firsthand. As guests, prospective students will tour the campus, meet faculty and staff, and learn more about admission requirements, degree programs, cost of attendance, financial aid, scholarships, housing, student organizations, and other important information about life at NOBTS. The registration deadline is one week before the event. The cost for the weekend is $25 per person. Anyone interested can call 1-800-NOBTS-01, ext. 3303. … [Read more...]
Recommendations approved by the Executive Board
RECOMMENDATIONS APPROVED BY THE EXECUTIVE BOARD SEPT. 25, 2007 1. Associational Representation on the Executive Board That Article X, Section 2 of the LBC Articles of Incorporation be amended as follows: Article X, Section 2. The Executive Board shall consist of one (1) member from each association having a minimum of seven churches with an aggregate church membership of at least one thousand, plus one (1) additional board member from each association having as many as ten thousand (10,000) church members, and an additional board member for each additional five thousand (5,000) church members of such associations; provided, however, that not more than seven (7) members from any one association shall serve simultaneously as members of the Executive Board. 2. Salaried Employees and Board Service That Article IV, Section 10 of the LBC Bylaws be amended as follows: Article IV, Section 10. No salaried employee of this Convention and its boards and committees shall be eligible for service election as a voting member of boards or committees of this Convention except as provided in the constitution of the Convention or these bylaws. 3. Committee Duties That Article III, Sections 4 and 7 of the LBC Bylaws be … [Read more...]
The Bible Speaks on Hunger
Few topics are addressed more often in Scripture than the poor and the way God’s people are to minister to them. Ministry to the poor and needy is clearly part of a godly lifestyle. Few topics are addressed more often in Scripture than the poor and the way God’s people are to minister to them. Ministry to the poor and needy is clearly part of a godly lifestyle. God Cares Greatly About the Poor and Hungry As Shown in Both the Old and New Testaments. Isaiah 58:6-7 – “Isn’t the fast I choose: To break the chains of wickedness, to untie the ropes of the yoke, to set the oppressed free, and to tear off every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, to bring the poor and homeless into your house, to clothe the naked when you see him, and to not ignore your own flesh [and blood]?” Luke 6:20-21 – “Then looking up at His disciples, He said: Blessed are you who are poor, because the kingdom of God is yours. Blessed are you who are hungry now, because you will be filled…” Luke 4:18 – “The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed…” James 2:5 - “Listen, my … [Read more...]
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