COMINGS, GOINGS Byron Beaubouef, new as associate pastor of Unity Baptist, Pineville. B. K. Miller, new as interim pastor of First Baptist, Choudrant. Rick Wedrall, new as Sunday School director at Highland Park, Monroe. Robert Comeaux, new as worship leader at First Baptist, New Orleans. NEEDED Northeast Baptist Association needs pastors at the following churches: Calvary, Fairbanks, Peniel, Sandel Drive, Swartz First. Ministers of Music are needed at Calhoun First, ChristWay, Clark Springs, Edgewood, Emmanuel West Monroe, Lighthouse, Loch Arbor, Monroe First, Mt.Vernon. Youth Ministers are needed at Bethel, Clark Springs, Highland, Highland Park, Lighthouse, New Light, Emmanuel West Monroe, New Chapel Hill. Children’s Ministers are needed at Fairbanks and Mt. Vernon. Jerry Price, director of missions. Full-time church secretary needed at Mt. Vernon Baptist, West Monroe. Call 318.323.0055. Highland Baptist Christian School in New Iberia needs a lower elementary teacher’s aide. Call 364.2273 or email Day Care workers and enrollment positions are available at Sale Street Baptist. Call 337. 477.3464 REVIVALS AND RELATED EVENTS JENA – First Baptist revival services are set for 10 a.m. and … [Read more...]
Renewing the passion
Lacking any baptisms in at least a year, Roger Easter was eager to renew his church’s passion for Jesus Christ. LOUISBURG, Mo. (BP) – Lacking any baptisms in at least a year, Roger Easter was eager to renew his church’s passion for Jesus Christ. It was around February when Easter, pastor of First Baptist Church in Louisburg, Mo., invited two state convention staff members – ministerial services specialist George Roach and worship specialist John Francis – to pray with him about the need for revival in his church and community. Roach had spoken at the Dallas County Baptist Association’s annual meeting last fall and said, “The Missouri Baptist Convention wants to partner in any way we can with any church that has not had a baptism in the past year or several years.” Easter jumped at the chance to take Roach at his word and asked if he was serious. “Of course,” Roach responded. “How can I help you?” and they began to dialogue about the best approach for the church to increase baptisms. “We invited people from the church who could come to pray with us,” Easter recounted. “We had eight men and four ladies join in the prayer time for our church and community.” No one could have imagined what an impact those prayers … [Read more...]
Facing the Giants
Like “the little engine that could,” it was last fall’s little movie that could, chugging over the mountain of Hollywood releases with an all-volunteer cast and only one camera. ALBANY, Ga. (BP) – Like “the little engine that could,” it was last fall’s little movie that could, chugging over the mountain of Hollywood releases with an all-volunteer cast and only one camera. “Facing the Giants” eventually ran for 17 weeks in more than 1,000 theaters. It took in $10 million in its first three months, a paltry sum by Hollywood standards. But “Facing the Giants” wasn’t about Hollywood’s standards. Instead, the film championed family values and Christian virtues – all on a $100,000 budget. The movie chronicles a Christian high school football coach’s struggle to overcome obstacles by trusting and honoring God in all circumstances. While he and his wife face infertility and his football team faces yet another losing season, they learn to believe God for victory. The coach is played by Alex Kendrick, associate pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Ga. “Most people hear the movie made $10 million at the box office and think we’re rolling in the dough,” said Michael Catt, senior pastor of Sherwood Baptist, whose media … [Read more...]
Teen Suicide
The number of youth who take their own lives increased by 8 percent in a period of one year, the largest single-year rise in 15 years, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – The number of youth who take their own lives increased by 8 percent in a period of one year, the largest single-year rise in 15 years, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Scott Stevens, director of student ministry at LifeWay Church Resources, told Baptist Press it’s not uncommon for youth ministers to hear teenagers voice thoughts of suicide. “Teens face challenges of many kinds, not to mention the pressures of a performance-based existence where often the only time they feel accepted is when they excel in their performance – in athletics, academics, etc.,” Stevens said. “Unfortunately, teen suicide continues to be a permanent ‘solution’ to what are often painful, but temporary problems.” The study, released in September, found that after a 28.5 percent decrease in suicides among people ages 10-24 from 1990 to 2003, rates jumped 8 percent in 2004. Observers say they’re not sure whether it’s a one-year spike or the start of a trend, according to a … [Read more...]
Vocational group forms for women
In 21 years of ministry, Andrea McKenzie has had only one mentor who is both a woman and in ministry. ALEXANDRIA – In 21 years of ministry, Andrea McKenzie has had only one mentor who is both a woman and in ministry. McKenzie wants to change that for women called to vocational Christian service. She is spearheading the formation of an organization where women serving as professionals in Southern Baptist churches and denominational entities in Louisiana can gather for fellowship, encouragement and accountability. “It’s sticky” to be mentored by a man or to be accountable on a personal and spiritual basis to a man who is not your husband, McKenzie said. “There are certain things I would never tell a man,” she explained. There are very real boundaries men and women working together in ministry cannot cross and still maintain an appropriate length of personal and professional distance, she said. And yet, there is as much need for women in ministry as for men in ministry to be in relationship with someone “who has been in that same position, perhaps for a longer period of time, and get the benefit of the kind of wisdom that comes from years of serving the Lord, working in His church and serving His people,” McKenzie … [Read more...]
EC allows GuideStone to set up 5 subsidiaries
The Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee approved legal documents at its semi-annual meeting Sept. 18 to allow GuideStone Financial Resources to set up five new subsidiaries providing, among other things, investment financial advice, its own property and casualty insurance and its own life insurance. NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee approved legal documents at its semi-annual meeting Sept. 18 to allow GuideStone Financial Resources to set up five new subsidiaries providing, among other things, investment financial advice, its own property and casualty insurance and its own life insurance. GuideStone is the name of what once was called the Annuity Board. The Executive Committee passed the recommendation following one hour of discussion, most of which focused on whether the committee should study the issue until its next meeting in February. In the end, the recommendation passed on a show of hands. Some Executive Committee members said they wanted more time to study the proposal’s documents, which they said were extensive. Others responded by saying the entire Executive Committee needed to trust the work of GuideStone’s trustees. Jody Hudgins, a banker from … [Read more...]
Thousands expected to visit replica of old Baptist church
The first Baptist church established in Louisiana no longer has any members. Its doors open only four days a year, but tens of thousands visit on those four days. FRANKLINTON – The first Baptist church established in Louisiana no longer has any members. Its doors open only four days a year, but tens of thousands visit on those four days. The Half Moon Bluff Baptist Church was constituted on October 12, 1812. It was located on the banks of the Bogue Chitto River at Half Moon Bluff, about 4.5 miles north of Franklinton, near Bogalusa.. Today a replica of the original log building with its clay floor resides in the Miles Branch Settlement on the Washington Parish Free Fair grounds. It is here that the visitors to the church come, during what is billed as the largest free fair in the USA. Each October during fair week, the Washington Baptist Association churches band together to continue the witness of the oldest Baptist church in the state. The Fair Association is dedicated to providing an interdenominational experience at the site, so the churches provide only hymn singing inside the structure. Each associational church sends a team to Half Moon Bluff Church for two hours during the fair. They sing old gospel hymns … [Read more...]
Ruling a tipping point on marriage
A county judge in Des Moines, Iowa, of all places, recently ruled in August that the state law allowing marriage only between a man and a woman violates the constitutional rights of due process and equal protection. A county judge in Des Moines, Iowa, of all places, recently ruled in August that the state law allowing marriage only between a man and a woman violates the constitutional rights of due process and equal protection. This isn’t New York or Massachusetts or California, mind you – this is our nation’s heartland. Iowa voters, with their own defense of marriage act in place for over a decade, thought they had settled the issue of “same-sex marriage.” While the judge’s decision has now been stayed, this action reminds us that the institution of marriage is still under constant threat from the whims of just one obscure judge. Anyone paying attention to the developing race for the White House knows that Iowa – with its first-in-the-nation presidential caucus – is crawling with aspirants for the Oval Office. Perhaps this decision by an Iowa judge will help place this issue front-and-center in the minds of voters across the nation and, thus, the presidential candidates. While some opponents of “same-sex marriage” … [Read more...]
Understanding ‘values’ & ‘higher values’
Given the current cultural climate, Christians often face a conflict between values and higher values. I ran into one of those conflicts when an Iowa judge issued a decision legalizing “gay marriage.” In his opinion, which is being appealed, he stated that “marriage has evolved over time” and that “homosexuality is a normal expression of human sexuality.” Given the current cultural climate, Christians often face a conflict between values and higher values. I ran into one of those conflicts when an Iowa judge issued a decision legalizing “gay marriage.” In his opinion, which is being appealed, he stated that “marriage has evolved over time” and that “homosexuality is a normal expression of human sexuality.” In responding to Baptist Press, I indicated that we are not informed by our own opinions regarding such matters. We are informed and led by Scripture. Scripture defines marriage as a faithful, lifelong covenant between a man and a woman. That is a value that believers are not free to dismiss. Baptist Press understands that value. Others, with delightful exceptions, seemed to want a stronger statement from me. They were not satisfied with my expressed view that what we believe has nothing to do with any lack of … [Read more...]
Executive Board energized by preaching
The executive board meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention dealt with business when they met in regular session Tuesday, Sept. 25. They also took time to worship God, and speakers took care to encourage the 92 board members, plus LBC staff and other guests. WOODWORTH – The executive board meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention dealt with business when they met in regular session Tuesday, Sept. 25. They also took time to worship God, and speakers took care to encourage the 92 board members, plus LBC staff and other guests. “I do like the fact that it’s not all business. There’s some worship; I really think that sets the stage for doing the Lord’s work,” said Frank Ducharme, pastor of First Baptist Scott, in his first session this term as a board member. “I liked the fact that they were trying to streamline things,” he added. “It looks like Dr. Hankins is trying to make things better.” In Executive Director David E. Hankin’s report to the executive board members, he suggested the possibility of combining some board committees and reworking the schedule so the board would only need one day to complete its business. It wasn’t a matter to be voted on, he said. He just wanted the board to think about it and see if the … [Read more...]
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