In the months before he died, British author and Christian apologist C.S. Lewis predicted his literature largely would be forgotten by the beginning of the 21st century. WAKE FOREST, N.C. (BP) – In the months before he died, British author and Christian apologist C.S. Lewis predicted his literature largely would be forgotten by the beginning of the 21st century. Forty-four years after his death, the presence of approximately 270 people at a conference honoring “C.S. Lewis: The Man and His Work, a 21st Century Legacy” spoke of his continuing impact upon scholars and avid readers. The Oct. 26-27 conference at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C., combined four plenary sessions with featured speakers as well as the presentation of about 40 papers on different topics relating to Lewis’ works. The conference was the first major event sponsored by Southeastern’s L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture, named for the well-known Southern Baptist apologist and longtime dean at Southeastern. The first and third plenary session addresses were given by Walter Hooper, a trustee and literary adviser to the C.S. Lewis estate for the last 44 years, during which time he has edited approximately 30 books of … [Read more...]
World Aids Day
AIDS in the U. S.: 'Whoever loves them first, wins' LAKE FOREST, Calif. (BP) – More than a million individuals lie with HIV/AIDS in the U.S.; yet, despite responding with Christ’s compassion to care for the sick and to meet the needs of “the least of these” in so many other instances, evangelicals in America largely have struggled with how to respond in ministry to those stricken with this disease. Hesitancy stems in part from the nature of how HIV/AIDS has spread across the states. Unlike the rest of the world (e.g. in Africa, heterosexual sex with multiple partners is the main transmission factor, and in Russia HIV/AIDS is spreading through rampant intravenous drug abuse and sharing of infected needles), the HIV/AIDS virus has spread among Americans mostly from homosexual sex and secondly through dirty needles shared by illicit drug users. Because homosexuals and Christians have been engaged in a culture war for more than two decades, believers are at odds with themselves about how to show their compassion by proclaiming the Gospel to and by caring for AIDS patients, but without giving the appearance of condoning sin or surrendering the fight for the soul of the country. In an exclusive interview with Baptist Press … [Read more...]
‘Double digit’ giving highlights LBC reports
Reports of God’s work in the state were a significant part of the Nov. 12-13 annual meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention. ALEXANDRIA – Reports of God’s work in the state were a significant part of the Nov. 12-13 annual meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention. Louisianians so far this year have given nearly $1 million more to global missions through the Cooperative Program than at this same time last year, LBC Executive Director David Hankins said in his state missions report. Giving to all missions causes was by “double digits” more than the giving to local church causes, Hankins reported. “This reverses a two-decade trend,” the LBC executive director said. Hankins employed an audio-visual presentation of "Empowering Kingdom Growth – Louisiana" to encourage churches to participate in the three-pronged effort – a Kingdom Heart, a Kingdom Strategy, and a Kingdom Commitment – that can equip Christians with the skills and motivation to be a builder of God’s kingdom. Mark Robinson, director of LBC’s Baptist Collegiate Ministries Team, reported that at least 250 college students made professions of faith in Jesus Christ during the 2006-07 school year, and that another 300 … [Read more...]
Speakers’ messages lift, encourage attendees at ’07 Pastor’s Conference
Dr. Merritt at Kingsville Baptist Church spoke of life's Goliaths. Dr. Spencer talked about intimacy with God. And Dr. Britt – the sufficiency of God. PINEVILLE – Dr. Merritt at Kingsville BaptistChurch spoke of life's Goliaths. Dr. Spencer talked about intimacy with God. And Dr. Britt – the sufficiency of God. These messages touched Tony Robinson's heart. Jonathan Young's, too, both men said. Young once worked with the music ministry at Trinity BaptistChurch in Oakdale, where Robinson is pastor. This was an unplanned reunion for them, a bonus of the Louisiana Baptist Convention's annual Pastor's Conference. At the Nov. 12 conference, which preceded the 2007 annual meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention, Robinson and Young were among perhaps 350 people to hear messages delivered by Chad Grayson, pastor of Airline Baptist Church of Bossier City; Evangelist Bill Britt, president of Compel Outreach International of Gallatin, Texas; Evangelist Jerry Spencer, pastor of Sharon Baptist Church of Savannah, Tenn.; James Merritt, pastor of Cross Pointe Baptist Church of Duluth, Ga. and former president of the Southern Baptist Convention; and Paige Patterson, president of … [Read more...]
Journal examines implications of Katrina
For Chuck Register, pastor of First Baptist Church in Gulfport, Miss., Hurricane Katrina’s story isn’t one of destruction and loss, though his church and community were shattered by the storm. NEW ORLEANS (BP) – For Chuck Register, pastor of First Baptist Church in Gulfport, Miss., Hurricane Katrina’s story isn’t one of destruction and loss, though his church and community were shattered by the storm. “Ultimately, the story of Katrina is the story of people responding to love,” Register wrote in the latest edition of a journal published by New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. “It is the story of volunteers, thousands of volunteers, responding to the love of Jesus – a love so powerful it has transformed their lives to the point of sacrifice.” The Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry is the first issue published by the Baptist Center for Theology and Ministry at New Orleans Seminary since the devastating hurricane struck. Edited by Steve Lemke, the seminary’s provost, the journal focuses on God’s goodness in the face of tragedy and on the Baptist response to the crisis. A chapel message delivered by Chuck Kelley, president of New Orleans Seminary, is included in the journal. It’s called “Lessons Learned from … [Read more...]
Words of Encouragement
Former Louisiana women’s leader Cindy Townsend has been tapped as guest speaker for the inaugural meeting of a statewide group for women in vocational ministry. Others are invited to join her next October on a cruise. ALEXANDRIA – Former Louisiana women’s leader Cindy Townsend has been tapped as guest speaker for the inaugural meeting of a statewide group for women in vocational ministry. Others are invited to join her next October on a cruise. The vocational women’s event is set for 1 p.m. Monday, Nov. 12, at Emmanuel Baptist in Alexandria, which is providing the space at no cost. “We are so excited to have a woman with Cindy’s 25 years in ministry come to kick off this group,” said Andrea McKenzie, lead organizer with five others of the as-yet-unnamed organization being designed to provide mentoring, fellowship and accountability for women in Louisiana serving or wanting to serve in vocational ministry – music ministers, children’s ministers, youth ministers, elder care ministers, hospital/hospice/prison/corporate chaplains and the like. “Cindy is well-known, respected and admired across the state,” McKenzie said. “Most of us have heard her speak already, and been blessed by her. She was just the perfect person to … [Read more...]
CrossOver promises to be extraordinary
On Nov. 9, CrossOver Alexandria ends 16 months of planning and hard work, but begins what organizers hope to be a spiritual awakening throughout the area and state. ALEXANDRIA – On Nov. 9, CrossOver Alexandria ends 16 months of planning and hard work, but begins what organizers hope to be a spiritual awakening throughout the area and state. This major outreach effort, the second to be held in Louisiana, precedes the 160th annual meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention on Nov. 12-13 and is set to start at 5:30 p.m. Monday at the Alexandria Riverfront Convention Center. It promises to be an extraordinary event. “We don’t want to limit God, but we are hoping we get in excess of 10,000 people over the three days,” said Kevin Roberts, event organizer and associate pastor at Philadelphia Baptist Church in Deville, La. “And we would love to have 500-plus professions of faith, but that’s just an estimate. I don’t want to limit God or His work, because He could very well blow our socks off if He wants to do so.” Crossover, sponsored by the North American Mission Board in cooperation with local churches and associations, is an evangelistic thrust to reach the unchurched in the host area. The weekend is patterned after … [Read more...]
Study finds ‘Hope’ among Baptist students
When graduate student, Benita Cyphers, completed her Master’s thesis research in June 2007, she surprisingly discovered that students who identified themselves as Baptist scored higher than students who identified themselves with other faith groups, particularly in the area of “hope.” NATCHITOCHES – When graduate student, Benita Cyphers, completed her Master’s thesis research in June 2007, she surprisingly discovered that students who identified themselves as Baptist scored higher than students who identified themselves with other faith groups, particularly in the area of “hope.” Cyphers’ thesis, Religiousness, Spirituality and College Adjustment, examined the effects of religiousness and spirituality on college students’ adjustment to college life. “I wanted to look at the positive effects of religiousness on an individual’s life,” Cyphers said. Cyphers points out that she was excited to discover that when respondents were asked, “Do you believe in God or do you not believe in God?” 97.9 percent of the student participants said, “Yes.” Cyphers, whose study was conducted at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, examined the three variables listed in the study’s title, “religiousness, spirituality and … [Read more...]
Louisiana Baptist Convention Calendar
November 2007 4 – Daylight Saving Time ends 5 – Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer: 9 – CrossOver: Real Encounter (Harvest Night), Rapides Parish Coliseum parking lot, Baptist Evangelism/Church Growth Team, at 318.445.5772 9-10 – Louisiana Kaleo, NOBTS 10 – CrossOver: Block Parties (Kees Park, Pineville; behind Checkers, Alexandria; Bolton Ave. Community Center, Alexandria; Peabody, Alexandria) & Bull Riding (LSUA Ag Center), Baptist Evangelism/Church Growth Team, at 318.445.5772 11 – CrossOver: Freedom Fest featuring the MASS Choir, Vietnam veteran and silver and bronze star recipient Clebe McClary, fireworks, Downtown Alexandria Amphitheatre, Baptist Evangelism/Church Growth Team, at 318.445.5772 12 – Pastor’s Conference, Kingsville Baptist Church, Carolyn Sterne at 318.448.3402 (ext 251) 12 – Executive Board Meeting (pre-convention), Baptist Building 12 – Singing Ministers and Singing Women Concert at Louisiana Baptist Convention, or 12 – Louisiana Baptist Women’s Ministers inaugural event, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Alexandria, Andrea McKenzie at 12-13 – Louisiana Baptist Convention, … [Read more...]
Louisiana Landscape
JENA – A First Baptist Ladies Retreat is set for Friday and Saturday, Nov. 9 – 10 at Dry Creek Baptist Camp. Cost is $60. Dominick C. DiCarlo Jr. is pastor. CHASE – Chase Baptist has set its fall Harvest Day celebration at 10:15 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 11, in its newly-renovated worship center. New stained-glass windows given by present and former church members in memory of loved ones are to be dedicated with donors and visitors invited to speak. A. C. Trapp, Jr. special music; Alan Miller, speaker. Paul Jones, interim pastor. PINEVILLE – Unity Baptist has started a singles Bible study at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday. Singles of all ages are welcome. A list of services, prayer requests and driving directions may be accessed at the church’s website at MONROE – Ray of Hope Ministry is seeking participants for a mission trip Nov. 9-10 to Jennings, Louisiana to do a neighborhood canvas and block party. A Nov. 29 – Dec. 3 trip to Nuevo Loredo, Mexico to conduct worship services, visit orphanages and distribute Christmas gifts is also in need of volunteers. MONROE – The Northeast Baptist Association’s WMU annual Day of Prayer is set for 10 a.m. – 12 noon Monday, Nov. 5, at the Louisiana Baptist … [Read more...]
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