Dear Lord: Thank You for bearing with us for another year. Your mercy never ceases to amaze. RICHMOND, Va. (BP)—Dear Lord: Thank You for bearing with us for another year. Your mercy never ceases to amaze. For those who continue to believe that human nature must be improved by effort and good intentions – rather than redeemed by Your grace – this past year has been another case study in failure. Given the choice between peace and violence, traditional enemies continue to fight. “New” hostilities that burst upon international awareness, such as the blood feud between Shiite and Sunni Muslims, are actually centuries old. Other hatreds persist with depressing reliability. With few exceptions, nations still seek their own interests first and last, which is what nations have done throughout history. If others benefit, it’s often a happy accident, not a policy. Allies typically help each other because it is expedient, not because they love each other – or You. Nations act like people: Our individual lives follow the same pattern of self-interest and indifference toward others. We tend to look out for ourselves and our families – and the devil take the rest (he is only too happy to oblige). All have gone their own way. None … [Read more...]
Take time to be profoundly grateful
The vast majority of us were taught from an early age that we should express gratitude upon receiving something from someone. The vast majority of us were taught from an early age that we should express gratitude upon receiving something from someone. Whether it was a compliment or a gift, we were instructed to say “thank you” to the person that extended the kindness. As we mature, our sense of gratitude develops and finds expression in one of two forms and is determined by the quality of the gift or kindness we receive. One form is what I call “polite gratitude.” Polite gratitude is reserved for those “it’s the thought that counts” gifts. If you have ever received a Chia Pet for Christmas, you probably used the polite form of gratitude. A polite “thank you” is utilized when you are less than thrilled about the gift you have received. You muster a smile as you accept the combination toilet brush/can opener and mouth “thanks,” but inside you feel like you have just been notified that you are being audited by the IRS. The other form of gratitude that develops in our lives is “profound gratitude.” This expression of thanks occurs when you receive something significant, even life-altering. Words are woefully inadequate … [Read more...]
IMB trustees censure, suspend Burleson
Trustees of the Southern Baptist International Mission Board, meeting in executive session Nov. 6, voted to censure trustee Wade Burleson of Oklahoma. SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (BP) – Trustees of the Southern Baptist International Mission Board, meeting in executive session Nov. 6, voted to censure trustee Wade Burleson of Oklahoma and suspend him from their next four meetings for multiple violations of the trustees’ code of conduct. The censure motion stated that Burleson had “repeatedly failed” to abide by provisions in the code of conduct adopted in March 2006 governing trustee service, including requirements that trustees “refrain from public criticism of Board approved actions” and “scrupulously avoid either the fact or the appearance” of having disclosed information or private conversations from trustees meetings. The motion also cited requirements that trustees “speak in positive and supportive terms as they interpret and report on actions by the board, regardless of whether they personally support the action” and that trustees “are to refrain from speaking in disparaging terms about IMB personnel and fellow trustees.” Burleson, pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Enid, Okla., became the focus of controversy in 2005 … [Read more...]
Estes unleashes a powerful message
When Hardy Estes is not preaching and pastoring at Marlow Baptist Church in Leesville, he's working in the construction trades. ALEXANDRIA – When Hardy Estes is not preaching and pastoring at Marlow Baptist Church in Leesville, he’s working in the construction trades as a house painter and Sheetrocker. Estes is one of more than 900 men serving as pastors in Louisiana Baptist churches whose income does not come solely from the church – though he is quick to say it all comes from God. He was asked to bring the convention sermon as a way of recognizing the state’s bivocational – bivo – pastors. “Ever been a nervous wreck?” These were the first words spoken by Estes, closely followed by, “I can’t tell you how many times in the last couple of days I’ve heard, ‘Who is Hardy Estes?’ I don’t know how I got here either!” The audience chuckled its appreciation for his self-deprecating humor. “I know I love Jesus,” Estes continued in a quick segue to seriousness. “I know I am called by my Lord and I know He will equip me for the hour in which He has appointed me, and I will today proclaim Him as my Commander in Chief.” This article cannot do justice to the power unleashed in Estes’ words. Call 1.866.430.8273 to … [Read more...]
Davis’ last duty – establish LBC Pastors’ Conference Fund
“We had a great Pastors’Conference again this year,” said outgoing Secretary-Treasurer Roy W. Davis, pastor of North Shreve Baptist in Shreveport. “I want to thank everyone who gave an offering at this year’s conference. This is how the expenses are paid.” ALEXANDRIA – “We had a great Pastors’Conference again this year,” said outgoing Secretary-Treasurer Roy W. Davis, pastor of North Shreve Baptist in Shreveport. “I want to thank everyone who gave an offering at this year’s conference. This is how the expenses are paid.” As part of his duties, Davis set up an LBC Pastors’ Conference Fund through the Louisiana Baptist Foundation. “This should be a blessing to all future LBC Pastors’ Conference officers for several reasons,” Davis said. He listed three. 1. The officers of the Pastors’ Conference take on the responsibility of planning the program,inviting the guest speakers/preachers and musicians, making the hotel, travel, and meal arrangements for the program personalities, doing the publicity for the event, printing up the programs for the event, and finally, they are responsible for paying all of the expenses. 2. The money to pay the expenses comes out of the offerings that are taken up at the conference. 3. The … [Read more...]
Louisiana Landscape
SLIDELL – The youth of Grace Baptist are to participate in an ice skating event Friday, Nov. 30. GLENMORA – “2Talk42” Ministries is set for 6:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 3, at Glenmora Baptist. Falis Holloway is pastor. MINDEN – First Baptist’s Women on Mission group is to hear Vivian Holder, retired foreign missionary to Hong Kong, Liberia and Switzerland, at the 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 26, meeting. The church is collecting items for a January medical missions trip. Items requested are multi-vitamins, pain relievers and anti-fungal medications. A holiday luncheon for single senior adults is set for 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 29. Bill Crider is senior adult minister. Wayne DuBose is pastor. ALEXANDRIA – Emmanuel Baptist is sponsoring An Interfaith Dialogue at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 26. The topic is Sacred Texts: Their History and Meaning of three faith traditions. It is open to the community at no cost. For information call 318.442.7773. Chris Thacker is pastor. BATON ROUGE – The Speeders potluck supper is set for Sunday, Nov. 30, and a Car Clinic is to be held Dec. 1 at First Baptist. Burn Page is pastor. ALEXANDRIA – Calvary Baptist is to host a holiday grief group at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 28, and is to continue Wednesdays … [Read more...]
COMINGS, GOINGS Kris A. Chenier, new as pastor of Trinity Heights Shreveport from New Zion Covington. Champ (wife Amy) Cox, new as pastor of First Gueydan; recent Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary graduate. NEEDED First Baptist Pollock needs part-time worship leader or full-time worship leader/associate pastor. Call 318.765.3525. Philadelphia Baptist needs paid nursery workers. Call 318.442.0754. First Baptist Homer needs nursery coordinator. Call 318.927.3596. Grace Memorial Baptist Slidell needs a part-time financial secretary and part-time music secretary. Bob Heustess pastor. ORDINATIONS BOGALUSA – Mike Breland, Jack Lee, Jeremy Seal and David Stringfield are to be ordained to the deacon ministry at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 5 at First Baptist. Bob Adams is pastor. SLIDELL – Neal Chapman is to be ordained to the deacon ministry at 6 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 25 at Calvary Baptist . Charles Starnes is pastor. REVIVALS DELHI - Warsaw Baptist has set revival services for 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 25 and 6 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, Nov. 26 - 28; Marion Collier, evangelist; Dennis Fontenot, pastor. … [Read more...]
Fillmore block party exceeds expectations
Princeton, LA – “I’ve never won anything in my life,” said the teenager, grinning from ear to ear. Princeton, LA – “I’ve never won anything in my life,” said the teenager, grinning from ear to ear. He held the winning ticket in his hand and had just claimed sole possession of a brand-new portable CD player. His reaction said it all to the members of Fillmore Baptist Church – “The block party was a success.” They did not know what to expect while planning their first-ever community block party in early September. The idea of having a block party in the Grey Lake neighborhood as a community outreach tool had been brought to their attention by church member Paula Lucas, and at the following business meeting the church voted “yes” to fund it. But even though the entire congregation seemed to be in support of the event, they admittedly had no idea where to even begin. They started out by giving specific jobs to different members of the church. Lucas, her husband Ron, and a few other members handed out flyers door-to-door in the neighborhood. Other members provided games for the children, refreshments and so on. They also began to meet at a different home every week and hold cottage prayer meetings (For the block … [Read more...]
Dollar’s fall hits IMB missions hard
Suppose the dollars in your next paycheck lost almost half their value. Would you be able to pay the bills – much less buy anything extra? RICHMOND, Va. (BP) – Suppose the dollars in your next paycheck lost almost half their value. Would you be able to pay the bills – much less buy anything extra? That’s the discouraging reality some Southern Baptist missionaries face as the U.S. dollar continues its steep fall in value against overseas currencies. International Mission Board finance officials project Southern Baptists will need to meet their $165 million goal for the 2007 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions just to sustain ministry budgets funded by last year’s record $150 million offering. If you bought an imported car or other foreign-made products this year, you’ve probably felt the pinch of the shrinking dollar. Imagine having to buy everything from overseas – with money that keeps losing value. That is what American missionaries living abroad – but supported by U.S. dollars – have to do. When the dollar is strong against other currencies, missionaries have extra buying power. But the days of the reliably strong dollar are gone, at least for now. “Unlike most U.S. exporters who benefit from a … [Read more...]
NAMB completes sale of Family Net to InTouch
Charles Stanley, founder and president of In Touch Ministries, and Geoff Hammond, president of the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board, signed documents Oct. 25 finalizing the sale of NAMB’s FamilyNet television network to In Touch. ATLANTA (BP) – Charles Stanley, founder and president of In Touch Ministries, and Geoff Hammond, president of the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board, signed documents Oct. 25 finalizing the sale of NAMB’s FamilyNet television network to In Touch. “This is an historic day for us at the North American Mission Board and as Southern Baptists,” Hammond said at ceremonies held at In Touch’s Atlanta headquarters. “Dr. Stanley is America’s preacher. And we come to celebrate the launching of FamilyNet to new heights here at In Touch.” Hammond, who was joined by NAMB trustees Bill Curtis, Tim Patterson and Tim Dowdy, praised the trustees and said “these guys have done a lot of hard work in leading us on this. We wouldn’t be here today if not for our trustees and their support. “We bring to you, Dr. Stanley, FamilyNet,” Hammond. “We know it’s going to be in good hands – in the hands of people who are biblically sound and passionate about the Great Commission. “We look forward … [Read more...]
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