The words come slowly at first, and then in a rush as 88-year-old Willis Prather started to recall memories long ago forgotten and buried. BENTLEY – The words come slowly at first, and then in a rush as 88-year-old Willis Prather started to recall memories long ago forgotten and buried. Sitting at his kitchen table in front of a stack of old pictures, it is hard to tell by his voice, still strong and vibrant, what he is feeling as he relives his experiences in World War II. His hands, though, finally give him away. “You know, I saw some terrible things back then that I don’t want to ever see again. I have done my best to block them from my memories,” Prather said, as every so often he would wring his hands. “As hard as I try, though, I can’t forget them – the images, sounds and smells. I believe the good Lord just doesn’t want me to forget them.” As a member of the famed 82nd Airborne, Prather, along with millions of fellow U.S. servicemen, fought their way across Europe and the Pacific during the dark and bloody days of World War II. He was part of a generation that helped to shape the modern world and paved the way for freedom. His generation has been hailed as America’s greatest generation, a title many, … [Read more...]
Annual LBC Convention convenes on Nov. 12
An anticipated 2,000 messengers and guests will converge for celebration, reporting, preaching, official business, adoption of resolutions and selection of officers Nov. 12-13 for the 160th meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention. STATEWIDE – An anticipated 2,000 messengers and guests will converge for celebration, reporting, preaching, official business, adoption of resolutions and selection of officers Nov. 12-13 for the 160th meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention. The annual meeting of the largest evangelical faith group in Louisiana begins at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 12 in the Alexandria Riverfront Convention Center. The Louisiana Baptist Convention (LBC) is comprised of 1,576 local churches that cooperate for missions outreach and church growth/strengthening ministries. “This year (2007) marks the 160th annual meeting of Louisiana Southern Baptists. Since our humble beginnings at Mount Lebanon in 1848 with 88 churches, Louisiana Baptists have given hundreds of millions of dollars and invested thousands of our best people for the cause of mission work in the state, North America and around the world. This year’s event, which will be available on via real time video streaming, holds potential to set … [Read more...]
Q & A For Louisiana Baptist Convention Presidential Candidates
Charles Michial “Mike” Holloway Charles Michial “Mike” Holloway Pastor at Cook Baptist in Ruston FAMILY: Born in Monroe, he was saved when he was 8-years-old at Bethel Baptist in West Monroe. Married in May of 1981 to Dawn, the couple have two children – 24-year-old Candace Dawn Rodriguez and 21-year-old Charles Matthew. EDUCATION: Graduated from University of Louisiana at Monroe with a B.A., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary with a M.Div. and Mid-America Seminary with a D. Min. EXPERIENCE: In the past 23 years, Holloway has pastored four churches in Louisiana – Highland Park Monroe, First Marion, Unity Cotton Valley, Cook Ruston. He has been at Cook Baptist since October 2005. He also is serving as the evangelism director of the Concord-Union Association, but has served in every possible position in the association, including moderator. From 1992-98 he served on the Louisiana Baptist Convention Executive Board, and while there was a chairman of the budget committee (1996-98) and vice president (1997-98). He also has served on the NOBTS Board of Trustees from 1992-98. PRESENTATION STATEMENT: “I believe you will find that Dr. Holloway brings strong, proven leadership to Louisiana Baptists. I have personally … [Read more...]
Q & A For Louisiana Baptist Convention Presidential Candidates
Chuck Pourciau Pastor at Broadmoor Baptist in Shreveport Chuck Pourciau Pastor at Broadmoor Baptist in Shreveport FAMILY: Born Sept. 2, 1961 in Baton Rouge, he was saved at Comite Baptist Church in Baton Rouge at age 9. Pourciau married his wife Tracy on Jan. 3, 1981. The couple have two daughters – Leigh and Casey. Leigh is a senior in English Education at Mississippi University for Women. Casey, who was recently married in June, graduated in May with a B.S. in nursing and is currently working as a nurse in Fayette, Alabama. EDUCATION: He is a graduate of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary with a M.Div and Ph.D. EXPERIENCE: Pourciau was ordained a pastor in September 1984. Whille he spent a number of years pastoring in Mississippi, he has pastored at Lewiston Baptist Church in Kentwood before returning to Louisiana in April 1999 to become pastor of Broadmoor. In the past 81/2 years, he has served on the Louisiana Baptist Convention Executive Board and the Louisiana College Board of Trustees. PRESENTATION STATEMENT: “If elected president, Chuck Pourciau will emphasize missions – both in giving and participation. He will bring a passion for evangelism and growth to his presidency. And, he will seek to help … [Read more...]
Hughes’ book is about hope
Bible study teacher Rebecca Hughes happened to be at the Baptist Building in Alexandria the day Women’s Missions and Ministry Director Janie Wise received Hughes’ new book, so Hughes sat down at Georgia Barnette’s desk in the WMU office and inscribed Winds of Hope: Healing Devotions for Life’s Storms for Wise. NEW ORLEANS – Bible study teacher Rebecca Hughes happened to be at the Baptist Building in Alexandria the day Women’s Missions and Ministry Director Janie Wise received Hughes’ new book, so Hughes sat down at Georgia Barnette’s desk in the WMU office and inscribed Winds of Hope: Healing Devotions for Life’s Storms for Wise. The book is a 60-day devotional featuring stories of hope in times of natural disaster. It includes Katrina stories as well as stories of other kinds of disasters, such as earthquake, fire, windstorm and more. “My prayer is the book will be an encouragement to anyone who is experiencing a disaster, natural or otherwise, and a resource for anyone ministering to those in recovery,” Hughes said. A Book Release party was held on Nov. 1, at Riverside Baptist in River Ridge. A book-related overnight retreat is set for Nov. 16-17 at Camp Living Waters. The theme of the retreat is “Look At Us Now,” … [Read more...]
Chalmette FBC is halfway to its goal
First Chalmette is halfway to its goal of raising $50,000. A donor pledged this summer to give up to $50,000 in matching funds. CHALMETTE – First Chalmette is halfway to its goal of raising $50,000. A donor pledged this summer to give up to $50,000 in matching funds. The money so far has come in mostly from Builders for Christ partners. Builders for Christ is a volunteer construction ministry out of Alabama that rallied its members to help with the construction of the church that was crippled by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. “I feel I should share perhaps a clearer picture of what our project entails,” wrote Pastor John Jeffries in a recent email. “Most people focus only on the church but the project has four parts to it.” The first part is the reconstruction of the worship center/education/administration building, all under one roof. 2: The completion of a new building called The Annex, which is across the street from the primary facility. The Annex can be used to house volunteers, as a youth building, perhaps as a mission church, or other options; 3: The rebuilding of First Chalmette members’ homes, at least 25 of which are in various states of disrepair). “We also participate, as do most of our SBC churches, with … [Read more...]
McNeese BCM enjoying a great fall
The McNeese BCM is off to a great start for the fall semester according to Director Keith Cating. LAKE CHARLES – The McNeese BCM is off to a great start for the fall semester according to Director Keith Cating. Lunch attendance has gone from 140 last fall to 190 this year. Members of the BCM are tailgating before each home football game on the corner of McNeese and Kirkman three hours before kickoff. All students, alumni, parents and high school seniors are invited to join them there each week. “We have a great group of freshmen who are getting involved,” Kating said. “Our outreach to international students is continuing to grow. We had 20 students eating Nepali food at our building last Friday. “Students are primed to head to the mission field, and we are challenging as many as possible to get their passports so they will be ready if God calls them to go abroad to serve.” Cating said. “Some may need funding for these trips, so I would ask you to pray about possibly supporting one of these students as they will be raising money for these trips. “I would also ask you to continue to pray for our ministry. In light of the good things listed above, I am sure that the enemy is not pleased. Pray we will not be distracted … [Read more...]
Louisiana Landscapes
BATON ROUGE – Istrouma Baptist Women’s Ministry is to host its 2nd annual ChristmasFest and craft fair 6 – 10 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13. Kim Wier and Pam McCune, national Christian speakers from James Dobson’s “Focus on the Family” radio show are to be the featured speakers. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased online at or by calling 225.925.5406, ext. 124. Matt Surber is pastor. BATON ROUGE – RAs of Jefferson Baptist collected non-perishable food items for the Southeast Ministries Food Pantry which assists in feeding thousands of people a month in the area. The GAs of the church hosted a walk-a-thon and accepted pledges for the World Hunger Offering during October. A Girls Night Out and Boys Night Out is set for Friday and Saturday, Nov. 9-10. Guest speakers are to lead the devotional times in the host homes. T. C. French Jr. is pastor. HORNBECK – The 19th Annual Community Thanksgiving service is set for 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 18 at First Baptist. Neighboring churches in the community are to participate. Tracy Bryan, Jr. is pastor. RUSTON – Calvary Baptist is to host a community-wide Thanksgiving lunch at the Ruston Civic Center Thursday, Nov. 22. Celebrate Recovery meets at Calvary Baptist at 6:30 p.m. … [Read more...]
COMINGS, GOINGS Chad (wife Angela) Mills, new as pastor of First Baptist, Oil City, from Eastwood Baptist, Haughton. Bernabe Tasayco, new as pastor of Spanish Mission of First Baptist Lafayette. Charles (wife Connie) Kimball, new as pastor of Sale Street Baptist Lake Charles. Jerry Fletcher, new as pastor at Spencer Baptist. Tim Thomas, new as pastor of Pleasant Hill Baptist, Ruston. Richard Abel resigned as pastor of Litroe Baptist, Marion. Bill Standley resigned as pastor of University Baptist, Ruston. NEEDED Carey Baptist Association needs pastors at the following churches: Bethel, Boulevard, First Cameron, Central, First DeQuincy, Eastern Heights, First Elton, First Hayes, Sale Street, Temple, University, Woodlawn. Northwest Baptist Association needs pastors at the following churches: Cypress, Grawood, Linda Lay, Northwoods, Trinity Heights, Willow Point, Woodland Hills. Ministers of music are needed at: Benton, Beulah Land, Ellerbe Road, Emmanuel Vivian, Ida, Linwood, Mt. Gilead, Oil City, Pinecroft, Trinity Heights, Woodland Hills. Ministers of youth are needed at: Benton, Mooringsport, North Keithville, Northwoods, Oil City, Rodessa. Pianists are needed at Mt. Gilead, West … [Read more...]
Welch, in new role, sees CP at work abroad
Bobby Welch, during a recent overseas trip as SBC Executive Committee strategist for global evangelical relations, said his heart was moved to see how Southern Baptists are connected through the Cooperative Program to what God is doing around the world. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – Bobby Welch, during a recent overseas trip as SBC Executive Committee strategist for global evangelical relations, said his heart was moved to see how Southern Baptists are connected through the Cooperative Program to what God is doing around the world. One of the ways he saw the success of Southern Baptists’ unified giving plan was at a regional meeting of International Mission Board workers. “At that meeting, I sat there and watched them all crowd into one home, deeply imbedded right in the middle of a community in that country, and watched the joy they had and saw them with their little babies and some of them were expectant mothers and others had teenage kids,” Welch said. “I looked at them and I thought about the fact that all these people are here and they’re doing such a wonderful and powerful work and God is moving through them, and we have the joy as Southern Baptists to be putting our hand under their lives at this point and … [Read more...]
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