COMINGS, GOINGS -Kurt Auger, new as pastor at First Baptist, Farmerville, from Paron Baptist, Sterlington. -Adam and Lisa Farris, new as youth directors at Emmanuel Baptist, Ruston. -Brandon Ramsey, new as full-time counselor at First Baptist, Ruston. -Greg Oden, new as bivocational music minister at Mt. Vernon Baptist, West Monroe. -Kevin Miles, new as student minister at New Chapel Hill Baptist, West Monroe. -Julie Cappo, new as children’s minister at New Chapel Hill Baptist, West Monroe. -Ronnie Parks, resigned as pastor at St. Clair Baptist, Boyce. -Donald Turner, new as music minister at Live Oak Baptist, Watson. -Scott Munson, new as interim minister of music at Florida Boulevard Baptist, Baton Rouge, from Riverside Baptist, Watson. -David Chelette, new as associate pastor of music and education at Riverside Baptist, Watson. -Travis Turner, new as bivocational pastor at North Eunice Baptist, Eunice. NEEDED -Webster-Claiborne Association needs pastors at the following churches: First Castor, Old Saline, Castor, Calvary, Springhill, First Cotton Valley, Fellowship Dubberly, North Acres Minden. Youth ministers are needed at First Arcadia, First Doyline, First Ringgold. -Concord-Union … [Read more...]
Jordan’s book uncovers myths about casual sec
Marian Jordan’s life was much like the four characters on HBO’s hit show “Sex and the City,” characterized by casual sex and expensive fashion. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – Marian Jordan’s life was much like the four characters on HBO’s hit show “Sex and the City,” characterized by casual sex and expensive fashion. “Sex and the City became the show that defined life for modern single girls,” Jordan writes in a new book, “Sex and the City Uncovered,” released by B&H Publishing Group. “These new [role] models taught us that sex wasn’t sacred; it was simply a biological function. It was ‘just sex.’ “I’m just a girl who believed the lie that the deep longings of my soul could be fulfilled in the lifestyle portrayed on Sex and the City,” Jordan admits. “Rescued from the emptiness, I’m here to tell other women the rest of the story.” Jordan was a single career woman living a life focused on fashion, sex, alcohol and approval. When a friend invited her to Second Baptist Church in Houston, Jordan met the love of her life – Jesus. She began to see the misconceptions portrayed by Sex and the City and set out to share her new understanding with viewers of the show, which remains in syndication. “The girls of Sex and the … [Read more...]
Motherhood Interrupted provides revealing look at abortion
Motherhood Interrupted, a book to be released early this month, consists of stories of healing and hope after abortion. Sixteen women come together to offer their personal experiences on how abortion affected their lives. Motherhood Interrupted, a book to be released early this month, consists of stories of healing and hope after abortion. Sixteen women come together to offer their personal experiences on how abortion affected their lives. “These revealing stories underscore the impact of abortion on the individual, relationships and families,” said Jane Brennan, author of Motherhood Interrupted. “These courageous women overcome their shame and guilt to witness to the devastating aftermath of their choice. “Through their stories readers will understand that abortion is not the answer for women or society,” Brennan continued. “Motherhood Interrupted is a journey through acceptance, forgiveness, and healing arriving at mercy and hope.” A Google search on “abortion regret” shows this is a book sorely needed. A 30-minute film on the subject – I Was Wrong – was released in July. “Empowered and unified voices of experience speak dismissed truth into the darkest moments of child loss through choice,” said Joyce Zounis, … [Read more...]
Wagner to be SBC presidental nominee
William L. (Bill) Wagner, a former Southern Baptist missionary and seminary professor and current president of Olivet University International in San Francisco, says he will allow his name to be placed in nomination for Southern Baptist Convention president when messengers meet in Indianapolis in June. SAN FRANCISCO (BP) – William L. (Bill) Wagner, a former Southern Baptist missionary and seminary professor and current president of Olivet University International in San Francisco, says he will allow his name to be placed in nomination for Southern Baptist Convention president when messengers meet in Indianapolis in June. Wagner formerly was a professor of missions at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary and before that an International Mission Board missionary for 31 years in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. He served as SBC first vice president from 2003-04. He also is the pastor of a small San Francisco-area church, Snyder Lane Baptist, and the author of the 2004 book, “How Islam Plans to Change the World,” published by Kregel. “It is hard to believe that the Southern Baptist Convention, historically and currently bound together in their desire to introduce others to the Gospel all over the world, have … [Read more...]
Mohler to be nominated for SBC President
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. provides “the kind of visionary leader Southern Baptists need to communicate a missional conservatism and biblical clarity to the world,” stated Robert Jeffress, pastor of the historic First Baptist Church of Dallas in announcing his intention to nominate the 47-year-old Mohler for Southern Baptist Convention president in June. DALLAS (BP) – Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. provides “the kind of visionary leader Southern Baptists need to communicate a missional conservatism and biblical clarity to the world,” stated Robert Jeffress, pastor of the historic First Baptist Church of Dallas in announcing his intention to nominate the 47-year-old Mohler for Southern Baptist Convention president in June. In a news release provided to the Southern Baptist TEXAN Jan. 2, Jeffress said his decision is the result of prayer and concern for the future of Southern Baptists’ global witness. He said he believes Mohler would “motivate Southern Baptists to unite around cooperation for global missions and evangelism.” If elected on June 10 when messengers meet in Indianapolis, Mohler would become the seventh seminary president to … [Read more...]
Defying Expectations: One arm man encourages others
The youth minister asked everyone in the circle to stand up and join hands to pray, but Roger Rice didn’t have any arms, much less hands. It was his first time at church after a long absence, and he was skeptical about how he’d be treated. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – The youth minister asked everyone in the circle to stand up and join hands to pray, but Roger Rice didn’t have any arms, much less hands. It was his first time at church after a long absence, and he was skeptical about how he’d be treated. “I wondered how he was going to react to me being right next to him,” Rice said of the youth minister at Westwood Baptist Church in Nashville, Tenn. “But without any hesitation at all, he reached and touched me on the shoulder. It was at that moment that God touched my heart and I realized how stupid I had been and that I needed Christ in my life.” Rice, who stands three foot, four inches, was born in the late 1950s with severe physical handicaps caused by an inadequately tested drug that was intended to prevent miscarriages and control morning sickness. Medical professionals advised Rice’s parents to place him in a nursing home because of the burden he would be to them and because his quality of life looked dim. But a … [Read more...]
2007 ‘Reform’ A common theme in sports, politics and religion
People of faith have firm positions on key issues that drive how they evaluate candidates and parties. Evangelicals may reveal differences in preferences as they seek the man or woman who best represents their values. However, there is no evidence those values as priorities have changed, and that will be a part of the story in the 2008 elections. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – In January, “reform” was the rally cry of the Democrat-controlled Congress that took office in 2007, but reform also was the prescription offered in sports with the late December release of the Mitchell Report detailing the wide extent of steroid and human growth hormone use in Major League Baseball. Meanwhile, the lack of reform about liberal homosexual policies within the Episcopal Church caused the first entire diocese to break with the denomination. In Southern Baptist life, reform involved debate about the extent and impact of Calvinism in the convention. However, both political and religious news of 2007 most likely will be remembered for what it meant to events yet to come in 2008, and for the apparent strengthening ties between religion and politics at a time when public attacks against faith in the public square are on the rise. Southern … [Read more...]
Evangelism Conference excitement building
Ten people made professions of faith in Jesus because Jeff Mizell attended the annual LBC Evangelism Conference last year. PINEVILLE – Ten people made professions of faith in Jesus because Jeff Mizell attended the annual LBC Evangelism Conference last year. Mizell, pastor for three years of Isabel Baptist in Bogalusa, participated at the 2007 Evangelism Conference in several small group seminars, and at one, heard about help being offered from the North American Mission Board for smaller church revivals. “It actually worked out good!” Mizell said. “It” is the Baptism Assistance Project – BAP, a partnership between NAMB and COSBE, the Council of Southern Baptist Evangelists to benefit smaller churches. Churches of limited size that commit to a detailed planning and preparation process, and agree to take a sacrificial love offering to go to BAP, receive – at no further cost, not even for travel expense – the revival preaching services of a COSBE-certified evangelist. Gary Bowlin, a preaching evangelist from Mississippi, and Bob Smith, a music evangelist from Alabama, teamed up to bring a weekend revival at Isabel Bogalusa in September that led to 10 professions of faith and several rededications. “I wouldn’t have … [Read more...]
Pre-born await Dr. King’s dream
On Aug. 28, 1963, an estimated 250,000 people gathered at our nation’s capital for the express purpose of making a unified statement that all citizens of America – regardless of their skin color – should be treated with equality. On Aug. 28, 1963, an estimated 250,000 people gathered at our nation’s capital for the express purpose of making a unified statement that all citizens of America – regardless of their skin color – should be treated with equality. It was to this mighty throng that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his most memorable oratory. With an economy of words, Dr. King eloquently articulated a vision that still moves people committed to life, liberty and justice for all. Throughout his “I Have A Dream” speech, Dr. King echoed his vision of a colorblind America where people would “not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” “In a sense,” he told the crowd, “we have come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the … [Read more...]
Return to spiritual disciplines
Cancer is an ugly visitor.It enters your home without asking. It rearranges your life. It takes over with or without your consent. ALEXANDRIA (BP) – Cancer is an ugly visitor. It enters your home without asking. It rearranges your life. It takes over with or without your consent. I remember a conversation about cancer with my friend Ricky several years ago. He told me his story of his father battling cancer, and I was quick to say I didn’t ever want to go through that with a family member. But Ricky said he viewed the issue differently. Ricky told me how his father’s cancer was the greatest blessing of his life. For the first time, he and his father had man-to-man conversations, instead of father-to-son talks. The two spent hours during the chemotherapy, telling each other the things they had always wanted to tell. Their love for each other grew deeper. Instead of sadness, there was great joy. I thought about Ricky’s story these past 20 months as I watched my mother-in-law, Claudia, and my wife, Wendy, walk side-by-side as Claudia became a breast cancer survivor. The two who were already close became even closer. I gave both Claudia and Wendy a double-banded ring to wear to remind them to pray for one … [Read more...]
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